A Terminal Post-Calculus-I Mathematics Course for Biology Students - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Terminal Post-Calculus-I Mathematics Course for Biology Students


funded by NSF grant DUE 0536508 ... Biochemistry majors. Pre-medicine majors. Biology majors. From Business Calculus: ... 5 x 50-minute periods each week ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Terminal Post-Calculus-I Mathematics Course for Biology Students

A Terminal Post-Calculus-I Mathematics Course for
Biology Students

Glenn Ledder Department of Mathematics University
of Nebraska-Lincoln gledder_at_math.unl.edu funded
by NSF grant DUE 0536508
My Students
  • From Calculus I
  • Biochemistry majors
  • Pre-medicine majors
  • Biology majors
  • From Business Calculus
  • Natural Resources majors
  • Took Calculus I in a past life
  • Biology and Agronomy graduate students

My Course Format
  • 15 weeks
  • 5 x 50-minute periods each week
  • Computer lab access as needed
  • We use the lab an average of 2 x per week
  • I use R, which is popular among biologists

Formatting Note
  • The rest of the talk is lists of topics, with
    comments and examples as needed
  • Topics in blue are elaborated on 1 or more
    additional slides.
  • Topics in black arent. (I have little to add to
    what is readily available elsewhere.)

Outline of Topics
  • Mathematical Modeling (2-3 weeks)
  • Review of Calculus (1 week)
  • Probability (4-5 weeks)
  • Dynamical Systems (5 weeks)
  • Student Presentations (1 week)
  • Unexpected Difficulties (1 week)

1. Mathematical Modeling
  • Functions with Parameters
  • Concepts of Modeling
  • Fitting Models to Data
  • Empirical/Statistical Modeling
  • Mechanistic Modeling

1. Mathematical ModelingFunctions with Parameters
  • Parameter a quantity in a mathematical model
    that can vary over some range, but takes a
    specific value in any instance of the model
  • Perform algebraic manipulations on functions with
  • Identify the mathematical significance of a
  • Graph functions with parameters.

Functions with Parameters
y e-kt
y x3 - 2x2 bx
The half-life is ½ e-kT, or kT ln 2
Parameters can change the qualitative behavior.
Concepts of Modeling
  • The best models are valid or useful, not correct
    or true.
  • Mathematics can determine the properties of
    models, but not the validity. (data)
  • Models can be analyzed in general simulations
    illustrate instances of a model.
  • The same model can take different symbolic forms
    (ex dimensionless forms).

1. Mathematical ModelingFitting Models to Data
  • Fit the models
  • Y mX, y b mx, z Ae-kt
  • using linear least squares.
  • In what sense are the results best?

Fitting Models to Data
  • The least squares fit for m in Y mX is the
    vertex of the quadratic function
  • F(m) (?X2) m2 - 2 (?XY) m (?Y2) .
  • The least squares fit for b and m in y
    b mx comes from fitting Y mX to
  • X x x, Y y - y
  • (We assume the best line goes through the mean of
    the data.)

1. Mathematical ModelingEmpirical/Statistical
  • Explain where empirical models come from.
    (looking at graphs of data)
  • Use AICc (corrected Akaike Information Criterion)
    to compare statistical validity of models.

Empirical/Statistical Modeling
  • The odd-numbered points were used to fit a line
    and a quartic polynomial (with 0 error). But the
    even-numbered points dont fit the quartic at
  • Measured data comprise only 0 of the points on
    a curve. Complex models are unforgiving of small
    measuring errors.

1. Mathematical ModelingMechanistic Modeling
  • Discuss the relationship between real biology, a
    conceptual model, and a mathematical model.
    (Ledder, PRIMUS 2008)
  • Derive the Monod growth function (Holling II).
  • Use linear least squares to approximately fit
    models of form y m f ( x p) to data from

Mechanistic Modeling
  • Fitting y m f ( x p)
  • Let ti f (xi p) for any given p.
  • Then y mt with data for t and y.
  • Define G(p) by
  • Best p is the minimum of G.

2. Review of Calculus
  • The derivative as the slope of the graph.
  • The definite integral as accumulation in time,
    space, or structure.
  • Calculating derivatives.
  • Calculating elementary definite integrals by the
    fundamental theorem (and substitution).
  • Approximating definite integrals.
  • Finding local and global extrema.
  • Everything with parameters!

Demographics / Population Growth
  • Let l(x) be the probability of survival to age x.
  • Let m(x) be the rate of production of offspring
    for parents of age x.
  • Let r be the population growth rate.
  • Let B(t) be the total birth rate.
  • How do l and m determine B (and r)?
  • The birth rate should increase exponentially with
    rate r. (it has to grow like the population)
  • The birth rate can be computed by adding up the
    births to parents of different ages.

Demographics / Population Growth
  • Population of age x if no deaths
  • Actual population of age x
  • Birth rate for parents of age x
  • Total birth rate at time t
  • Total birth rate at time t
  • Euler equation

3. Probability
  • Characterizing Data
  • Basic Concepts
  • Discrete Distributions
  • Continuous Distributions
  • Distributions of Sample Means
  • Estimating Parameters
  • Conditional Probability

Distributions of Sample Means
Frequency histograms for sample means from a
geometric distribution (p0.25), with n 4, 16,
64, and 8
4. Dynamical Variables
  • Discrete Population Models
  • Example Genetics and Evolution
  • Continuous Population Models
  • Example Resource Management
  • Cobweb Plots
  • The Phase Line
  • Stability Analysis

Genetics and Evolution
  • Sickle cell anemia biology
  • Everyone has a pair of genes (each either A or a)
    at the sickle cell locus
  • AA vulnerable to malaria
  • Aa protected from malaria
  • aa sickle cell anemia
  • Babies get A from an AA parent and either A or a
    from an Aa parent.

  • Let p by the prevalence of A.
  • Let q1-p be the prevalence of a.
  • Let m be the malaria mortality.

Genotype AA Aa aa
Frequency p2 2pq q2
Fitness 1-m 1 0
Next Generation (1-m) p2 2pq 0
The next generation has 2 pq of a and
2(1-m) p2 2 pq of A
Resource Management
  • Let X be the biomass of resources.
  • Let K be the environmental capacity.
  • Let C be the number of consumers.
  • Let G(X) be the consumption per consumer.

  • Holling type 3 consumption
  • Saturation and alternative resource

Dimensionless Version
  • k represents the environmental capacity.
  • c represents the number of consumers.

4. Discrete Dynamical Systems
  • Discrete Linear Models
  • Example Structured Population Dynamics
  • Matrix Algebra Primer
  • Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • Theoretical Results

  • Presenting Bugbox-population, a real biology lab
    for a virtual world.
  • http//www.math.unl.edu/gledder1/BUGBOX/
  • Boxbugs are simpler than real insects
  • They dont move.
  • Development rate is chosen by the experimenter.
  • Each life stage has a distinctive appearance.

larva pupa adult
  • Boxbugs progress from larva to pupa to adult.
  • All boxbugs are female.
  • Larva are born adjacent to their mother.

Structured Population Dynamics
  • The final bugbox model
  • Let Lt be the number of larvae at time t.
  • Let Pt be the number of juveniles at time t.
  • Let At be the number of adults at time t.

Lt1 s Lt f At
Pt1 p Lt
At1 Pt a At
Computer Simulation Results
A plot of Xt/Xt-1 shows that all variables tend
to a constant growth rate ?
The ratios LtAt and PtAt tend to constant
4. Continuous Dynamical Systems
  • Continuous Models
  • Example Pharmacokinetics
  • Example Michaelis-Menten Kinetics
  • The Phase Plane
  • Stability for Linear Systems
  • Stability for Nonlinear Systems

k1 x
k2 y
r x
  • x' Q(t) (k1r) x k2 y
  • y' k1 x k2 y

  • PRIMUS 18(1), 2008
  • R.H. Lock and P.F. Lock, Introducing statistical
    inference to biology students through
    bootstrapping and randomization
  • Teaching statistics through discovery
  • T.D. Comar, The integration of biology into
    calculus courses
  • Demographics, genetics
  • L.J. Heyer, A mathematical optimization problem
    in bioinformatics
  • Excellent introductory problem in sequence
  • G. Ledder, An experimental approach to
    mathematical modeling in biology
  • Modeling, theory and pedagogy
  • Britton (Springer)
  • Cobweb plots
  • Brauer and Castillo-Chavez (Springer)
  • Resource management
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