Title: RAW 264.7 two-ligand screen
1Macrophage Ligand Screen Phosphoproteins Nichola
s Wong, Robert Hsueh, Robert Sinkovits, and
Heping Han The Alliance for Cellular Signaling
The Antibody Laboratory (University of Texas
Medical Center at Dallas), the Cell Preparation
and Analysis Laboratory (University of Texas
Medical Center at Dallas), and the
Bioinformatics and Data Coordination Laboratory
(University of California at San Diego)
RAW 264.7 two-ligand screen
- Strategy to Monitor Protein Phosphorylation for
the Macrophage Ligand Screen - Cell Preparation and Analysis Lab Expose RAW
264.7 cells to single and paired combinations of
ligands - Goal 23 ligands and their 253 paired
combinations conduct each 3 times on different
days - Experimental design
- Expose cells to 4 single ligands and their 6
possible combinations - 4 time points 1, 3, 10, 30
- Extract cells with SDS-PAGE sample buffer
(supplemented with inhibitors of proteases and
phosphatases) including 3 cultures of untreated
cells 43 samples per experiment - Antibody Lab Assay 21 phosphoproteins by
multiplex Western blotting - Centrifuge cell lysates to remove viscous DNA
- Produce blots with quadruplicate pairs of Bio-Rad
Criterion gel (26-well, 4-20 gradient) - Process each pair of blots with one of 4 mixtures
of site-specific, phosphosensitive antibodies - Create images of blots with Storm 860 imager
- Quantify signal from 21 phosphoproteins with aid
of ImageMaster 1D Elite software - Transmit data to Bioinformatics Lab
- Bioinformatics Lab Process data
- Create time course graphs from phosphoprotein
data - Display graphs on web www.signaling-gateway.org
Summary of Phosphoprotein Responses to Single
2Ligands italic cAMP underline calcium
response bold phosphoprotein
only Phosphorylation up reproducible
increase up? possible increase down
reproducible decrease