1Best Practices in Job Development
- Prepared for the Homeless Veterans Reintegration
Project - by
- Gary Shaheen, Managing Director for Program
Development - Syracuse University Burton Blatt Institute
- geshahee_at_syr.edu
2Todays Topics
- Supply Side Tips and Tools
- Work fast- Using outreach tools to explore
employment - Customizing the job development process
- Support for job development
- Demand Side Tips and Tools
- Understanding employers needs
- Tips and Tools for employer marketing
- Checklist - Key steps in improving job development
3When should job development start?
- Old paradigm Wait until people are permanently
housed, clean and sober, symptom-free, etc, etc
before you provide help getting a job - New paradigm Include conversations about work at
outreach, early engagement in jobs to build
trust, hope and motivation to change, customize
to address job-seeker and employersneeds
4What we know
- Job development is more than just job placement
- The best work readiness services are those that
get people into jobs quickly - Jobs that they choose and want
- Jobs in real work settings for real pay
- Jobs with pre-and post employment supports
- Employment services should address both
- The supply side (our customers interests,
needs, barriers and opportunities) and - The demand side (what employers want or need)
5Ongoing Support to Employee Employer for
Retention, Advancement
6Customized Planning for Job-Seekers who are
Homeless Should Address
- Concrete barriers, i.e., access to laundry,
showers, clothing - Lack of fixed address for mail or telephone to
receive and return messages - Personal humiliation and lack of self-esteem
- Criminal histories
- Poor employment histories
- Lack of Transportation
- Focus on immediate needs vs. longer term goals
- Impact of lifestyle change
- Managing housing stability/recovery and work
- Unclear expectations/inadequate information
- Physical health
7Some principles of job development for homeless
- Job development starts at outreach
- Job retention planning starts early
- Operationalize choice
- Capitalize on strengths gained through survival
- Address unique needs and issues faced by Vets
- Job development means addressing fundamental
issues of poverty through employment and asset
accumulation - Job development is best done with employers as
partners - Rapid job search rather than extensive
pre-vocational requirements equals better
outcomes - Provide comprehensive, wrap-around and continuous
supports - Use evidence based and promising practices with
fidelity to ensure better outcomes
8Job development starts at outreach
- Make work part of the conversation about engaging
in services - Prompt and listen to peoples stories about jobs
they had and jobs they may want - Encourage stories that help the individual to see
unidentified yet transferable skills - Provide information
- Assess the value of an offer of work as a hook
to influence positive change - Understand the stages of change
- Tell-Show-Do
9Job retention planning starts early
- Create a retention plan
- Help to identify triggers
- Be clear with employees and employers about your
role - Participate in the Integrated Services Team to
troubleshoot retention - Meet with employees in comfortable,
non-stigmatizing places off the job - Encourage (or require) meetings on a consistent,
regular basis - Debrief after work
- Help to problem-solve through counseling, role
playing, reviewing assessments and employment
10Re-Entry Issues affecting job development and
- When to disclose a criminal record?
- How to advise on disclosing a criminal record?
- What about resources for expungment?
- Clean Slate Program, San Francisco Public
Defenders Office, 555 Seventh St., San Francisco
415-553-9337 - More resources on the Web
- www.reentrypolicy.org
- www.etcny.org Exodus Transitional Community
- www.dol.gov/cfbci/ready4work.html
11Operationalizing Choice
- Job Preferences
- Type of job
- Location business type
- Size of employer
- Self-employment?
- Proximity to specific services, public
transportation - Income expectations
- Effect on benefits?
- Support
- Self-represent or represented
- Accommodations
- Access to training
- Budgeting
- Preparatory skills
- Ongoing counseling and support
- Transportation
- Clothes
12Capitalize on strengths gained through survival
- What are the skills I gained and used to survive
on the streets and in shelters? - Do employers need these types of skills?
- Are they skills that are relevant to
self-employment? - Who helps me in my recovery and what do they
provide? - Do I need similar help as part of my employment
team? - From your knowledge of your community-where are
the jobs?
13Rapid job search rather than extensive
pre-vocational requirements equals better
outcomes (Excerpted from Supported Employment
Evidence Based Practices Kit)
- Beginning the job search early demonstrates that
you take their desire for work seriously - Looking for jobs early can help to confront fears
about work - Rapid job development takes advantage of
consumers current motivation - By exploring job options and learning more about
real work requirements and settings, consumers
learn more about their preferences
14Address unique needs and issues faced by Vets
- Service-related trauma
- Integrated treatment, job development and
supportive services - Service related skills
- Identify skills that are present, transferable,
applicable to the job goal and include in job
development plan - Service related benefits
- Integrate Vets benefits, SSI/DI advisement on an
ongoing basis in job development and retention
15Job development means addressing fundamental
issues of poverty through employment and asset
- Assets (owning a home or business, investments,
savings, property) provide greater financial
security and independence. - Assets improve community participation and
quality of life. - Saving money and developing assets will produce
choices about where one lives and impact - mental and physical health
- positive self-concept
- expectations and status with other community
stakeholders - Enduring poverty singularly diminishes freedom,
opportunity and self-determination - Provide info and assistance to access Federal tax
credits (like EITC), financial literacy,
individual development accounts
16Job development is best done with employers as
partners (adapted from PWI)
- Establish a Business Advisory Council (BAC),
comprised of representatives of private industry,
business concerns, One Stop, organized labor, and
job-seekers that will -
- Help identify job and career availability within
the community, consistent with the current and
projected local employment opportunities - Help identify opportunities for self-employment
- Identify the skills necessary to perform those
jobs and careers - Help develop training programs designed to
develop appropriate job, career and
self-employment skills - Help arrange or provide
- Training in realistic work settings to prepare
people for employment and career advancement in
the competitive labor market or in
self-employment and - Understand and implement job accommodations and
worksite modifications
17Provide comprehensive, wrap-around and continuous
- Professional, peer natural supports
- Understand triggers that can lead to job loss
- Develop a job loss prevention plan
- Develop a career growth plan
- Manage benefits all along the way
of Effective Programs and Practices (NREPP)
- Evidence-Based Programs
- Conceptually sound and internally consistent
- Program activities related to conceptualization
- Reasonably well implemented and evaluated
- Promising
- Some positive outcomes
- Effective
- Consistently positive outcomes
- Strongly implemented and evaluated
- Model
- Availability for dissemination
- Technical assistance available from program
19Why Use Evidence Based Approaches?
- Evidence based practices yield better outcomes
- Evidence based programs have fidelity measures
- SAMHSA acknowledges that the evidence base is
limited in some areas - SAMHSA supports promising practices where
evidence of effectiveness is based on - Formal consensus among recognized experts
- Evaluation studies not yet published
20What evidence-based Supported Employment is NOT
- Work crews
- Sheltered workshops
- Referral out
- Extensive pre-assessment and testing
- Work preparation/skills development
- Transitional employment positions
- One-time placement
- On-site job coaching
- Rehabilitative day treatment
- Generic psychosocial rehabilitation
- Clinical services alone
21Some Tips for Job Development and Placement
- Typical Challenges
- Force-fitting placements to meet program outcomes
- Passive job development
- Not following up on a regular basis with active
and potential employers - Focusing on the disability rather than the
ability - Starting with tax incentives
- Promising two for one
- Guaranteeing 100 productivity or attendance
- Offering to do all the training and supervision
- Failing to plan for the next step (advancement,
- Suggested Responses
- Define features and benefits
- Offer examples to employers of ways part time,
negotiated or carved jobs has helped an employer
in the past - Understand employer training needs, growth jobs
- Help the job seeker break down the job
development process into attainable steps - Use peer support and mentors
- Use testimonials and referrals