Title: Fluid and DeformableStructure Interactions in BioMechanical Systems
1Fluid and Deformable-Structure Interactions in
Bio-Mechanical Systems
- Lucy Zhang
- Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear
EngineeringRensselaer Polytechnic Institute - Troy, NY
2Numerical methods for fluid-structure interactions
- Commercial softwares (ABAQUS, ANSYS, FLUENT)
- Explicit coupling technique - generate numerical
instabilities (oscillations), diverged solutions - Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE)
- limited to small mesh deformations
- requires frequent re-meshing or mesh update
3- Immersed Boundary Method (Peskin) - flexible
solid immersed in fluid - structures are modeled with elastic fibers
- finite difference fluid solver with uniform grid
- Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE)
- limited to small mesh deformations
- requires frequent re-meshing or mesh update
- Goals
- accurate (interpolations at the fluid-structure
interface) - efficient (less/no mesh updating required)
- flexible (deformable and rigid structures,
boundary conditions) - extensibility (multi-phase flows, various
4Finite element based approach for
Fluid-deformable structure interactions
- Assumptions
- No-slip boundary condition at the fluid-solid
interface - Solid is completely immersed in the fluid
- Fluid is everywhere in the domain
5IFEM nomenclature
Solid is completely Immersed in the fluid
6Equations of motion
7(No Transcript)
8Interpolations at the interface
Force distribution
Velocity interpolation
Update solids positions dsolidVsoliddt
11A soft disk falling in a viscous fluid
Particle (elastic) Density 3,000 kg/m3 Young
modulus E 1,000 N/m2 Poisson ratio
0.3 Gravity 9.81 m/s2 Particle mesh 447 Nodes
and 414 Elements Fluid Tube diameter, D 4d
2 cm Tube height, H 10 cm Particle diameter,
d 0.5 cm Density 1,000 kg/m3 Fluid viscosity
0.1 N/s.m2 Fluid initially at rest Fluid mesh
2121 Nodes and 2000 Elements
12Fluid recirculation around the soft disk
13Pressure distribution
14Stress distribution on the soft disk
t 0.0 s t 1.1 s t 2.2 s t 3.3 s t
4.35 s
15Terminal velocity of the soft disk
Comparison between the soft sphere and the
analytical solution of a same-sized rigid sphere
163 rigid spheres dropping in a tube
173 rigid spheres dropping in a tube
18- Why is it unique?
- fluid- deformable structure interactions
- two-way coupling, higher order interpolation
function - Limitations?
- time step constraint
- rigid solid case
- Possible expansions?
- compressible system
- multiphase flow
- Usefulness?
- numerous applications!
X. Wang - " An iterative matrix-free method in
implicit immersed boundary/continuum methods, "
Computers Structures, 85, pp. 739-748, 2007.
19- Use numerical methods to understand and study
cardiovascular diseases. - Find non-invasive means to predict physical
behaviors and seek remedies for diseases - Simulate the responses of blood flow (pressure
and velocities) under different physiologic
conditions. - Compare our results (qualitatively) with
published clinical data and analyze the results.
20Biomechanical applications
Heart modeling - left atrium
Red Blood Cell aggregation
Deployment of angioplasty stent
Venous valves
Large deformation (flexible)
21Why heart?
- Cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading
causes of death in the western world.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) accounted for 38.0
percent of all deaths or 1 of every 2.6 deaths in
the United States in 2002. It accounts for nearly
25 of the deaths in the word.
In 2005 the estimated direct and indirect cost of
CVD is 393.5 billion.
22Cardiovascular system
A The oxygen-rich blood (red) from the pulmonary
vein fills the left atrium. B The oxygen-rich
blood in the left atrium fills the left ventricle
via the mitra valve. C The left ventricle
contracts and sends the oxygen-rich blood via
aortic valve and aorta to the systemic
D The oxygen-poor blood (blue) from the superior
vena cava and inferior vena cava fills the right
atrium. E The oxygen-poor blood in the right
atrium fills the right ventricle via tricuspid
valve. F The right ventricle contracts and sends
the oxygen-poor blood via pulmonary valve and
pulmonary artery to the pulmonary circulation.
23Atrial fibrillation and blood flow
During Atrial Fibrillation (a particular form of
an irregular or abnormal heartbeat) The left
atrium does not contract effectively and is not
able to empty efficiently. Sluggish blood flow
may come inside the atrium. Blood clots may
form inside the atrium. Blood clots may break
up Result in embolism. Result in stroke.
24Left atrium geometry
Courtesy of Dr. A. CRISTOFORETTI, ale_at_science.unit
n.it University of Trento, Italia G. Nollo, A.
Cristoforetti, L. Faes, A. Centonze, M. Del
Greco, R. Antolini, F. Ravelli 'Registration and
Fusion of Segmented Left Atrium CT Images with
CARTO Electrical Maps for the Ablative Treatment
of Atrial Fibrillation', Computers in Cardiology
2004, volume 31, 345-348
25Left atrium geometry
From Schwartzman D., Lacomis J., and Wigginton
W.G., Characterization of left atrium and distal
pulmonary vein morphology using multidimensional
computed tomography. Journal of the American
College of Cardiology, 2003. 41(8) p. 1349-1357
Ernst G., et al., Morphology of the left atrial
appendage. The Anatomical Record, 1995. 242 p.
Left atrium
Left atrial appendage
Pulmonary veins
26Left atrium with pulmonary veins
During diastole (relaxes, 0.06s lt t lt 0.43s) , no
flow through the mitral valve (v0) During
systole (contracts, 0.43s lt t lt 1.06s), blood
flow is allowed through the mitral valve (free
Blood is assumed to be Newtonian fluid,
homogenous and incompressible. Maximum inlet
velocity 45 cm/s Blood density 1055 kg/m3 Blood
viscosity 3.5X10-3 N/s.m2 Fluid mesh
28,212Nodes, 163,662 Elements Solid mesh 12,292
Nodes, 36,427 Elements
Klein AL and Tajik AJ. Doppler assessment of
pulmonary venous flow in healthy subjects and in
patients with heart disease. Journal of the
American Society of Echocardiography, 1991,
Vol.4, pp.379-392.
27Wall muscle constitutive equation
Passive strain during diastole
Strain energy
Active strain during systole
Green-Lagrange strain
Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress
First Piola-Kirchhoff stress
From W. Xie and R. Perucchio, Computational
procedures for the mechanical modeling of
trabeculated embryonic myocardium,
Bioengineering Conference, ASME 2001, BED-Vol.
50, pp. 133-134
28Left atrium with appendage
Pressure distribution at the center of the atrium
during a diastole and systole cycle
29Rigid wall
30Left atrium (comparison with clinical data)
Kuecherer H.F., Muhiudeen I.A., Kusumoto F.M.,
Lee E., Moulinier L.E., Cahalan M.K. and Schiller
N.B., Estimation of mean left atrial pressure
from transesophageal pulsed Doppler
echocardiography of pulmonary venous
flow Circulation, 1990, Vol 82, 1127-1139
Pressure distribution at the center of the atrium
during one cardiac cycle
Transmitral velocity during one cardiac cycle
31Influence of the appendage
Transmitral velocity during one cardiac cycle
(with and without the appendage)
Velocity inside the appendage during one cardiac
32Influence of the appendage
Transmitral velocity during one cardiac cycle
(with and without the appendage)
Velocity inside the appendage during one cardiac
33Then what?
- Use realistic atrial geometry
- How?
- Medical School (Computed Tomography CT scan), but
the device is ruined due to Katrina - Help from Dr. A. Cristoforetti, University of
Trento, Italy
34atrial volume
1 Atrial contraction 2 Isovolumetric
contraction 3 Rapid ejection 4 Reduced ejection 5
Isovolumetric relaxation 6 Rapid ventricular
filling 7 Reduced ventricular filling
35Left atrium and fluid mesh (II)
Fluid, left atrium and inlet fluid velocity
inside the pulmonary veins
Left atrium and inlet fluid velocity inside the
pulmonary veins
36Red blood cells and blood
FEM RBC model
empirical function
From Dennis Kunkel at http//www.denniskunkel.com/
- Property of membrane
- Thickness of RBC membrane 7.5 to 10 nm
- Density of blood in 45 of hematocrit 1.07 g/ml
- Dilation modulus 500 dyn/cm
- Shear modulus for RBC membrane 4.210-3dyn/cm
- Bending modulus 1.810-12 dyn/cm.
- Property of inner cytoplasm
- Incompressible Newtonian fluid
37Red blood cells and blood
The shear rate dependence of normal human blood
viscoelasticity at 2 Hz and 22 C (reproduced
from http//www.vilastic.com/tech10.html)
38Shear of a RBCs Aggregate
The shear of 4 RBCs at low shear rate The RBCs
rotates as a bulk
The shear of 4 RBCs at high shear rate The RBCs
are totally separated and arranged at parallel
The shear of 4 RBCs at medium shear rate The
RBCs are partially separated
How to link all these together?
red blood cell
40Micro-air vehicles
- three types of MAVs
- airplane-like fixed wing model,
- helicopter-like rotating wing model,
- bird-or insect-like flapping wing model.
10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10
102 103 104 105 106
Gross Weight (Lbs)
potential military and surveillance use
Loitering wings high span and a large surface
area Fast wings a low wing span and a small
area Flying efficiently at high speed small,
perhaps, swept wings Flying at slow speed for
long periods long narrow wings
- Features
- improved efficiency,
- more lift,
- high maneuverability,
- reduced noise.
42(No Transcript)
43Bio-inspired flapping wings
44Future work
- Link IFEM to multiscale numerical approach
- Enhance numerical methods for interfacial
problems (multiphase) - Identify and solve good engineering problems
- Graduate students
- Mickael Gay, Yili Gu
- Collaborators
- Dr. Holger Salazar (Cardiology Department,
Tulane University) - Dr. A. Cristoforetti (University of Trento,
Italy) - Funding agencies NSF, NIH, Louisiana BOR
- Computing resources
- Center for Computational Sciences (CCS) - Tulane
46(No Transcript)
47Where do we go from here?
- Advance current numerical approaches
- Collaborate with experimentalists/physicians to
investigate various applications - Future plans
- thrombosis hemostasis (protein dynamics, cell
mechanics, bio-material, microfluidics) - surface interaction - droplet on nanopatterned
surfaces (molecular dynamics, contact angle)
48What can you do?
Eat Healthy!
49IFEM Governing Equations
Governing equation of structure
Force distribution
Navier-Stokes equation for incompressible fluid
Velocity interpolation
50IFEM Fluid solving algorithm
- Petrov-Galerkin Weak Form and discretization
With tm and tc as stabilization parameters
depending on the grid size
- Newton Iteration solve for the 4 unknowns per
node u, v, w, p (three velocity components
pressure) - Matrix-free formulation is solved by the
Generalized Minimum Residual Method (GMRES) - Note that the force exerted from the structure is
not updated during the Newton Iteration,
therefore the coupling is explicit.
51IFEM Solid Force Calculation
52IFEM Governing Equations
Insert this inhomogeneous fluid force field into
the N-S eqn.
Distribution of interaction force
The interaction force fFSI,s is distributed to
the fluid domain via RKPM delta function.
Solve for velocity using the Navier-Stokes
equation Eq. (III)
The interaction force is calculated with
Eq. (I)
P and v unknowns are solved by minimizing
residual vectors (derived from their weak forms)
Update solid displacement with solid velocity
The fluid velocity is interpolated onto the solid
domain via RKPM delta function
53Structure Analysis-hyperelastic material
Mooney-Rivlin material
Elastic energy potential
Cauchy deformation tensor, C
Deformation gradient, F
2nd Piola Kirchhoff stress S
Green-Lagrangian strain ?
Cauchy stress ?
Internal force fk
54Red blood cell model
From Dennis Kunkel at http//www.denniskunkel.com/
55Rigid leaflet driven by a uniform fluid flow
Fluid H 1.0 cm L 4.0 cm U1cm/s Density
1.0 g/cm3 Viscosity 10.0 dynes/s.cm2 Re10 2500
Nodes and 2626 Elements Leaflet (linear
elastic) ? 0.8 cm t 0.0212 cm Density 6.0
g/cm3 Young modulus E 107 dynes/cm2 Poisson
ratio 0.5 456 Nodes and 575 Elements
56Fluid flow around a rigid leaflet
Re 10
57Pressure field around a rigid leaflet
Re 10
58Leaflet driven by a sinusoidal fluid flow
Leaflet (linear elastic) Fluid l 0.8 cm
H 1.0 cm t 0.0212 cm L 4.0
cm Density 6.0 g/cm3 Density 1.0 g/cm3 Young
modulus E 107 dynes/cm2 Viscosity 1.0
dynes/s.cm2 Poisson ratio 0.5 Fluid initially
at rest 456 Nodes and 575 Elements 2500
Nodes and 2626 Elements
59Leaflet motion and fluid flow
Re 1.0 and St 0.5
60Tip velocity and displacement (I)
Re 1.0 and St 0.5
61Tip displacement (II)
62Venous Valve
Courtesy of H.F. Janssen, Texas Tech University.
- Site of deep venous thrombosis formation
- Prevents retrograde venous flow (reflux)
- Site of sluggish blood flow
- Decreased fibrinolytic activity
- Muscle contraction prevents venous stasis
- Increases venous flow velocity
- Compresses veins
- Immobilization promotes venous stasis
63Venous Valve Simulation
64Venous Valve
Comparison between experiment and simulation at 4
different time steps
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66Multi-resolution analysis
- Window function with a dilation parameter
a dilation parameter
- Projection operator for the scale a
- Complementary projection operator
low scale high scale