Data Models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Data Models


Basic data ... Basic building block for autonomous structures. Attributes ... database follows the same basic process. Degrees of Data Abstraction ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Data Models

Data Models
  • By
  • Bob Larson

  • Why data models are important
  • Basic data-modeling building blocks
  • What are business rules and how do they influence
    database design
  • How the major data models evolved
  • How data models can be classified by level of

Importance of Data Models
  • Data models
  • Representations, usually graphical, of complex
    real-world data structures
  • Facilitate interaction among the designer, the
    applications programmer and the end user
  • End-users have different views and needs for data
  • Data model organizes data for various users

Data Model Basic Building Blocks
  • Entity
  • Anything about which data will be
  • Attribute
  • Characteristic of an entity
  • Relationship
  • Describes an association among entities
  • One-to-one (11) relationship
  • One-to-many (1M) relationship
  • Many-to-many (MN or MM) relationship
  • Constraint
  • A restriction placed on the data

Business Rules
  • Brief, precise and unambiguous descriptions of
    policies, procedures or principles within the
  • Apply to any organization that stores and uses
    data to generate information
  • Description of operations that help to create and
    enforce actions within that organizations

Business Rules (continued)
  • Must be put in writing
  • Must be kept up to date
  • Sometimes external to the organization
  • Must be easy to understand and widely
  • Describe characteristics of the data as viewed by
    the company

Discovering Business Rules
  • Company managers
  • Policy makers
  • Department managers
  • Written documentation
  • Procedures
  • Standards
  • Operations manuals
  • Direct interviews with end users

Translating Business Rules to Data Model
  • Standardize companys view of data
  • Communication tool between users and designers
  • Allow designer to understand the nature, role and
    scope of data
  • Allow designer to understand business processes
  • Allow designer to develop appropriate
    relationship participation rules and constraints
  • Promote creation of an accurate data model
  • Nouns translate into entities
  • Verbs translate into relationships among entities
  • Relationships are bi-directional

The Evolution of Data Models
We will look briefly at each Model Type
The Hierarchical Model
  • Developed in 1960s to manage large amounts of
    data for complex manufacturing projects
  • Logical structure represented as an upside-down
  • Hierarchical structure contains levels or
  • Depicts a set of one-to-many (1M) relationships
  • Between a parent and its children segments
  • Each parent can have many children
  • each child has only one parent

Hierarchical Model
  • Advantages
  • Many features form the foundation for current
    data models
  • Generated a large installed base of programmers
  • Who developed solid business applications
  • Disadvantages
  • Complex to implement
  • Difficult to manage
  • Lacks structural independence
  • Implementation limitations
  • Lack of standards (Company vs Industry or Open)

The Network Model
  • Resembles hierarchical model
  • Difference child can have multiple parents
  • Collection of records in 1M relationships
  • Set Relationship of at least two record types
  • Owner Equivalent to the hierarchical models
  • Member Equivalent to the hierarchical models

Network Model Terms
  • Schema
  • Conceptual organization of entire database
  • As viewed by the database administrator
  • Subschema
  • Defines database as seen by the application
  • Schema Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Enables database administrator to define schema
  • Subschema Data Definition Language (DDL)
  • Allows applications to define database components
    to be used
  • Data Management Language (DML)
  • Defines the environment in which data can be
  • Works with the data in the database

Network Model
  • Advantages
  • Represents complex data relationships better than
    Hierarchical Model
  • Improved database performance
  • Impose a database industry standard
  • Conference on Data Systems Languages (CODASYL)
  • Database Task Group (DBTG)
  • Disadvantages
  • Too cumbersome
  • Lack of ad hoc query capability
  • Put heavy pressure on programmers
  • Any structural change in the database could
    produce havoc in all application programs that
    drew data from the database

The Relational Model
  • Conceptually simple Linked Tables
  • Developed by Edgar F. Codd (IBM 1970 )
  • Considered ingenious but impractical in 1970
  • Computers lacked power to implement the
    relational model
  • Todays PCs run sophisticated relational databases

Relational Model Tables
  • Also called relations
  • Matrix of row and column intersections
  • Stores a collection of similar entities
  • Resembles a file or spreadsheet
  • Purely logical structure
  • How data are physically stored is of no concern
    to the user or the designer
  • The source of a real database revolution

Relational Model Relational Diagram
  • Representation of relational databases
  • Entities (Tables)
  • Attributes within those entities (Fields)
  • Relationships between those entities (Links)

Relational Model RDBMS
  • Relational Database Management System
  • All the system components
  • User interface
  • Tables
  • Method of querying the tables
  • Performs same basic functions as
  • Hierarchical and
  • Network DBMS models
  • Plus many other functions
  • Most important hides the complexities of the
    relational model from the user

The Relational Model SQL
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Allows ad hoc queries questions of the data
  • User can specify what must be done without
    specifying how it must be done
  • Dominance due in great part to its powerful and
    flexible query language
  • SQL-based relational database application
  • User interface
  • A set of tables stored in the database
  • SQL engine

Entity Relationship Model (ERM)
  • Introduced by Peter Chen in 1976
  • Widely accepted and adapted graphical tool for
    data modeling
  • Graphical representation of entities and their
    relationships in a database structure

Entity Relationship Model Terms
  • Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
  • Graphic representations to model database
  • Entity is mapped to a relational table
  • Entity instance (or occurrence) A row in table
  • Entity set (table) Collection of like entities
  • Connectivity labels
  • Diamond connected to related entities through a
    relationship line
  • Types of relationships

ERM Notation Symbols
  • Three symbols to represent element relationships
  • Ring represents "zero"
  • Dash represents "one"
  • Crow's foot represents "more" or "many"
  • Used in pairs to represent the four types of
  • Ring and dash ? zero or one
  • Dash and dash ? exactly one
  • Ring and crow's foot ? zero or more
  • Dash and crow's foot ? one or more

The Object Oriented (OO) Model
  • Models both data and their relationships in a
    single structure known as an object
  • Object described by its factual content
  • Like relational models entity
  • Includes info about relationships between facts
    within object and relationships with other
  • Unlike relational models entity

Object Oriented Model Terms
  • Object-oriented data model (OODM)
  • Semantic data model
  • Basis of object-oriented database management
    system (OODBMS)
  • Evolved to allow an object to also contain all
  • Object abstraction of a real-world entity
  • Basic building block for autonomous structures
  • Attributes properties of an object
  • Class - objects that share similar
  • Classes are organized in a class hierarchy
  • Inheritance an object within the class
    hierarchy inherits the attributes and methods of

Extended Relational Data Model (ERDM)
  • Semantic data model
  • Developed in response to increasing complexity of
  • Based heavily on relational model
  • Relational DB response to OODM
  • Primarily geared to business applications
  • Typically scientific or engineering apps
  • Object/relational database management system
  • DBMS based on the ERDM

Object Role Modeling (ORM)
  • Not to be confused with Object-relational mapping
  • Provides a conceptual approach to modeling
  • Models the application area or universe of
    discourse (UoD)
  • Relevant set of entities that are being dealt
    with by quantifiers
  • Requires a good understanding of the UoD
  • Means of specifying this understanding in a
    clear, unambiguous way
  • Simplifies design process with natural language
    and intuitive diagrams
  • Can be populated with examples
  • Evolved from the Natural language Information
    Analysis Method
  • Mid-1970s
  • G. M. Nijssen and Dr. Terry Halpin first joint
    papers in 1989
  • Capable of capturing many business rules
    typically unsupported in other popular data
    modeling notations
  • Software tool support include Microsoft Visio for
    Enterprise Architects, CaseTalk, Infagon and NORMA

Database Models and the Internet
  • Internet drastically changed role and scope of
    database market
  • Growing need to manage unstructured information
  • The data found in todays
  • Online documents
  • Web pages
  • Most modern DBMS incorporate Internet-age
    technologies such as Extended Markup Language
    (XML) support

Data Models Summary
  • Each new data model capitalized on the
    shortcomings of previous models
  • Common characteristics
  • Conceptual simplicity without compromising the
    semantic completeness of the database
  • Represent the real world as closely as possible
  • Representation of real-world transformations
    (behavior) must comply with consistency and
    integrity characteristics of any data model

Data Models Summary
Degrees of Data Abstraction
  • Way of classifying data models
  • Many processes begin at high level of abstraction
  • Proceed to an ever-increasing level of detail
  • Designing a usable database follows the same
    basic process

Degrees of Data Abstraction
  • American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
  • Standards Planning and Requirements Committee
  • Developed standards 1970
  • Framework for data modeling based on degrees of
    data abstraction
  • External
  • Conceptual
  • Internal
  • Physical

The External Model
  • Each end users view of the data environment
  • Modeler subdivides requirements and constraints
    into functional (Business units) modules
  • These can be examined within the framework of
    their external models

External Model Advantages
  • Easy to identify specific data required to
    support each business units operations
  • Facilitates designers job by providing feedback
    about the models adequacy
  • Creation of external models helps to identify and
    ensure security constraints in the database
  • Simplifies application program development

The Conceptual Model (1 of 2)
  • Global view of the entire database
  • Representation of data as viewed by the entire
  • Basis for identification and high-level
    description of main data objects, avoiding details

The Conceptual Model (2 of 2)
  • Software and hardware independent
  • Independent of DBMS software
  • Independent of hardware to be used
  • Changes in either hardware or DBMS software have
    no effect on the database design at the
    conceptual level
  • Most widely used conceptual model is the Entity
    Relationship (ER) model
  • Provides a relatively easily understood macro
    level view of data environment

The Internal Model
  • The database as seen by the DBMS
  • Maps the conceptual model to the DBMS
  • Depicts a specific representation of an internal
  • Logical independence
  • Can change the internal model without affecting
    the conceptual model

The Physical Model
  • Lowest level of abstraction
  • Describes the way data are saved on storage media
    such as disks or tapes
  • Software and hardware dependent
  • Requires database designers to have a detailed
    knowledge of the hardware and software used to
    implement database design
  • Physical independence
  • Can change the physical model without affecting
    the internal model

Degrees of Data Abstraction - Summary
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