Title: Radiotherapy of the breast: Targeting physics and biology
1Radiotherapy of the breastTargeting physics and
- J. Bernier MD, PDChairman, Department of
Radio-OncologyOncology Institute of Southern
SwitzerlandCH-6504 Bellinzona Switzerland
2Adjuvant local treatment will be influenced by -
shifts in management algorithms - further
developments in irradiation technology
3Early Breast Cancer
Partial vs Whole Breast Irradiation
Efficacy Quality of life Socio-economi
c aspects PBI Intra-operative
radiotherapy Peri-operative, high-dose rate
brachytherapy High-conformality external
radiotherapy WBI Intensity-modulated
radiotherapy (IMRT) Hadrontherapy
4The Post-Mastectomy Dillemma
- In patients at intermediate-risk
- (1-3 pathologically positive nodes)
- Priority to prospective studies allowing a
determination of the real impact of
local-regional irradiation on survival.
5Targeted Therapies
- Molecular signatures
- identification of patients with poor-prognosis
tumors - requiring more aggressive local treatments
(high- dose/high-precision RT) - Pathologic and bio-molecular features
- Addition of biological modifiers of tumor cell
response to RT