Addressing Confounding Errors When Using NonExperimental, Observational Data to Make Causal Inferenc - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Addressing Confounding Errors When Using NonExperimental, Observational Data to Make Causal Inferenc


Addressing Confounding Errors When Using Non-Experimental, Observational Data to ... of the cases in which social epidemiologists are interested, it is not clear how ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Addressing Confounding Errors When Using NonExperimental, Observational Data to Make Causal Inferenc

Addressing Confounding Errors When Using
Non-Experimental, Observational Data to Make
Causal InferencesERROR06 Conference
  • Pamela Jo Johnson Andrew Ward
  • University of Minnesota

  • The focus of the presentation is on the problem
    of confounding bias in non-experimental,
    observational studies in social epidemiology
  • J. Michael Oakes and Jay S. Kaufman define Social
    Epidemiology as the study of how a societys
    innumerable social arrangements, past and
    present, yield differential exposures and thus
    differences in health outcomes among the persons
    who comprise the population.
  • We believe that warranted causal inferences using
    non-experimental, observational data requires
    careful and complete conceptual analysis for
    this reason, there is much that philosophical
    approaches can contribute.

Non-Experimental Studies
  • Many social phenomena are not amenable to
    experimental investigation ethical and
    complexity issues
  • Non-experimental studies may have random
    selection/sampling from a target population
    e.g., NHIS which is a four-panel, stratified,
    multistage, cross-sectional household interview
    survey in which sampling and surveys are
    continuous throughout the year.
  • Non-experimental studies lack random assignment
    the units being investigated (e.g., people) do
    not each have a known probability of being
    assigned to a (manipulable) treatment/exposure
    whose effect we want to investigate
  • In contrast, random assignment (assuming ideal
    experimental conditions following the random
    assignment) can yield unbiased estimates of the
    average treatment effect

A Central Problem for Non-Experimental,
Observational Studies
  • One of the central problems for non-
    experimental, observational studies is to
    control, or somehow take account of the possible
    bias that occurs because there is no random
    assignment of units (e.g., people) in a target
    population to treatments/exposures.
  • What can we do to come closer to the goal of all
    epidemiological studies an accurate estimation
    of the true effect of a treatment/ exposure in
    a target population?

An Approach to the Problem
  • Counterfactual Framework
  • Causal Contrasts
  • Propensity Score Matching
  • Instrumental Variables

Counterfactual Framework
  • Counterfactual framework
  • Framework for thinking about cause and effect
  • Potential outcomes model (Potential outcomes of
    differential exposures)
  • Compare the potential outcomes that would occur
    under different levels of exposure for the same
    unit (e.g. person)
  • Neyman-Rubin (Fisher, Holland, etc.) Model
  • Consider two variables Yt(u) and Yc(u)
  • Yt(u) the value of the response (Y) if the unit
    (u) were exposed to t Yc(u) the value of the
    response if the same unit were exposed to c
  • If we could simultaneously observe Yt(u) and
    Yc(u), then the Causal Contrast, Yt(u) - Yc(u),
    would tell us how much Y changed for unit u if
    treatment/exposure t was used instead of
    treatment/exposure c

Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference - 1
  • Given the Causal Contrast Yt(u) - Yc(u), Paul
  • Holland (1986) writes
  • Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference. It is
  • impossible to observe the value of Yt(u) and
  • on the same unit and, therefore, it is impossible
  • observe the effect of t on u.
  • Put a bit differently (following Pearl, 2003),
    whereas association has to do with static
    relationships (joint distribution of observed
    variable values) causation has to do with the
    effect of changing variable values more
    specifically, changing the variable values for
    the same units during the same time period
    (hence, the counterfactual character of causal

Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference - 2
  • When data are non-experimental, they are not the
    result of random assignment, and so the causal
    inference depends on a theory of the way that the
    data were generated, which goes beyond the data
    themselves. (Pearl, 2003)
  • It follows from this that causal inferences using
    only non-experimental data are not directly
    testable without additional assumptions, the
    most that we can directly test for are
    correlations/associations, and not causal
  • Thus, within a counterfactual framework, we need
    to find an observable substitute for the
    counterfactual which is identifiable with, and
    exchangeable for the counterfactual.

Causal Contrasts
Figure adapted from Maldonado Greenland.
(2002). Estimating causal effects. Int J
Epidemiol, 31(2), 422-429.
Confounding and Confounders
  • In the causal contrast scenario from the previous
    slide, we say that the TARGET population
    experiences exposure distribution 1 (i.e.,
    exposure to poverty) and that the SUBSTITUTE for
    the counterfactual target population experiences
    exposure distribution 0 (i.e., no exposure to
  • CONFOUNDING occurs just in case ELow Poverty/Flow
    Poverty is not identical to (?) ALow Poverty/BLow
    Poverty. When this happens, the substitute is an
    imperfect substitute for the counterfactual
    target population the exchangeability of the
    substitute for the counterfactual target
    population is imperfect because they are not
    identical. Thus, confounding is a property of
    the assignment mechanism. (Greenland, 1990)
  • COUNFOUNDER while confounding occurs because of
    imperfect substitution, a confounder is a
    variable that explains, partly or completely, why
    confounding occurs.

The Problem of Confounding
  • We cannot eliminate confounding in
    non-experimental studies by random assignment
    (caveat of natural experiments) In contrast,
    in experimental studies one can make the
    probability of severe confounding as small as
    preferred by increasing the sample size
    (Greenland, 1990)
  • At the same time, within the counterfactual
    framework we need an appropriate observable
    substitute for the counterfactual target
    population that cannot be directly observed
  • Thus, we need a different way to provide some
    assurance that the observable substitute we
    select for the counterfactual target population
    is as closely exchangeable with the
    counterfactual as possible
  • In other words, we need something that permits us
    to mimic random assignment in experimental
  • This is what leads to a consideration of
    propensity scores

What are Propensity Scores?
  • Paul Rosenbaum and Donald Rubin (1983) define a
    propensity score as the conditional probability
    of assignment to a particular treatment given a
    vector of observed covariates.
  • Propensity scores range from 0 to 1 in a
    randomized experiment, an equal probability
    assignment mechanism assigns people to one of two
    (or more) distributions of treatment, so each
    person will have a true propensity score of .5
    In a non-experimental, observational study,
    propensity scores must be estimated.
  • Two assumptions that are made are (1) Stable
    Unit-Treatment Value Assumption There is a
    unique value rti corresponding to unit i and
    treatment t. (2) Strongly Ignorable Treatment
    Assignment the responses, rti, are conditionally
    independent of the treatment assignment, t, given
    the observed covariates, and for each covariate
    the subjects have a positive probability of
    receiving the treatment.

Generating Propensity Scores
  • Propensity scores can be estimated using several
    methods, but the most commonly used method is
    logistic regression.
  • The regression uses observable covariates, and
    following Rubin and Thomas (1996) unless a
    variable can be excluded because there is a
    consensus that it is related to outcome or is not
    a proper covariate, it is advisable to include it
    in the propensity score model even if it is not
    statistically significant. Thus, Propensity
    Scores are Covariate -Promiscuous.
  • When logistic regression is used, the observed
    covariates are the predictors and the treatment
    assignment (dummy coded 0No Treatment/exposure,
    1treatment/exposure) is used as the dependent
  • The predicted value (probability) is the
    propensity score and each person in the target
    population will end up with a propensity score,
    unless they have missing values on covariates.

Propensity Score Overlap - 1
Propensity Score Overlap - 2
Propensity Scores An Example of NO Overlap
General Steps of the Propensity Score Methodology
  • Estimate propensity scores for each causal
    contrast using logistic regression
  • Assess overlap in propensity scores across
    exposure groups
  • Match exposed to unexposed (counterfactual)
    subjects on propensity scores within calipers
    (i.e., a predetermined range of the exposed
    subjects estimated propensity score)
  • Assess covariate balance across exposure groups
    (e.g., using standardized differences in the
    distribution of covariates across the exposure
    groups, where what is wanted is standardized
    differences lt10)
  • Estimate average causal effects from matched
    samples (Average Effect of the Treatment/Exposure
    on the Treated/Exposed)
  • Bootstrap standard errors and confidence intervals

Propensity Score Matching
  • Propensity score estimation
  • Use of propensity scores reduces a collection of
    covariates to a single summary measure, which is
    conducive to matching
  • ? Propensity score overlap (if there is no
    overlap the groups are not comparable, and so the
    subjects not exchangeable)
  • If covariates are missing (missing data on the
    propensity score predictors), a propensity score
    cannot be calculated.
  • Matching on propensity scores
  • For example, match two infants with the same
    probability of exposure when in fact one was
    exposed and the other was not (we can match with
    replacement to handle cases of exposed/treated ?
  • Matching on propensity scores will, in
    expectation, create balance on all covariates
    used to estimate it
  • ? The result is covariate balance across groups
    after matching (the observed concomitants that
    might affect the response are as similar as
    possible in the two groups)

Limitations of Propensity Scores - 1
  • Data Source Limitations (limitations of the
  • Linked Birth/Infant Death data
  • Not collected for research purposes
  • No data on individual/family poverty status
  • No data on whether infant ever left the hospital
  • Thus, good data collection techniques are
  • Propensity Score Methodology Limitations
  • Common support may induce selection bias (i.e.,
    excluding those with propensity scores on the
    tails for whom there is no overlap)
  • Excluding subjects not having all the observed
    covariates used in forming the propensity scores
    can induce selection bias (Case-wise deletion due
    to missing covariates is NOT unique to Propensity
    Score Estimation)
  • Matching with replacement can result in a single
    unexposed subject matched multiple times

Limitations of Propensity Scores - 2
  • In addition to the Methodological Limitations
    already noted, recall two important assumptions
    of propensity score analyses
  • (1) Stable Unit-Treatment Value Assumption
  • (2) Strong Strongly Ignorable Treatment
  • The first assumption amounts to ignoring cases in
    which there are dynamic interaction effects
    between the covariates. Although SUTVA is
    implausible for most of the cases in which social
    epidemiologists are interested, it is not clear
    how to address violations of SUTVA (which seems
    to lead to computational intractability (Little
    and Rubin, 2000)) and little research about this
    has been done (though see (Blume and Durlauf,
    2006) for suggestive ideas)
  • The second assumption means that using propensity
    score matching does not account for bias due to
    UNOBSERVED covariates. However, structural
    equation modeling can be used to supplement
    propensity score matching.

Structural Equation Models - 1
  • Once the propensity score matching is done, a
    logistic model is created in which the dependent
    variable, Y, is the outcome of interest (e.g.,
    mortality good health)
  • Thus, what you really have (simplifying for the
    purposes of exposition), post-propensity score
    matching, is the equation
  • In this equation, stands for the vector of
    covariates used in determining the propensity
    scores (including the dummy treatment variable),
    Y is the outcome variable of interest (e.g.,
    mortality), and ? is the random error term.
  • The problem is that using propensity scores
    assumes that the observed covariates used to
    calculate propensity scores are sufficient to
    isolate (identify) the dependent variable in
    the equation. However, there may be unobserved
    confounding variables.

Structural Equation Models - 2
  • Although there are several forms the influence of
    unobserved variables could take, suppose we focus
    on the case where there is a single omitted
    common cause of X and Y in the previous
    equation, where the estimate of the effect, Y,
    captures both the effect of X and the effect of
    the unobserved variable Graphically this can be
    represented as

Structural Equation Models - 3
  • Failure to take account of the unobserved
    variable will result in a confounding bias (the
    unobserved variable is a confounder).
    Statisticians refer to this type of bias as
    spurious correlation.
  • More specifically, the bias occurs because there
    is an unobserved variable that affects
    treatment/exposure assignment. This will in turn
    affect the creation of the treatment/exposure
    group and the substitute of the counterfactual
    group. This is precisely the kind of bias that
    the use of matched propensity scores was intended
    to eliminate amongst the observed covariates.
    Now, however, it recurs because of the (possible)
    presence of an unobserved covariate.
  • Structural equations (specifically, Instrumental
    Variables Estimation) provides a way of dealing
    with this.

Structural Equation Models - 4
  • What we want is an instrument (an instrumental
    variable an IV) that satisfies the following
  • (a) The instrumental variable is independent of
    the confounding variable (the unobserved
  • (b) The instrumental variable affects the
    assignment into the treatment/exposure group
    versus the non-treatment/non-exposure group in
    other words, the instrumental variable is
    associated with the assignment variable, (we will
    refer to that variable as V).
  • (c) The instrumental variable satisfies (a) and
    (b) without affecting either Yt(u) or Yc(u) that
    is to say, the instrumental variable is
    independent of Y given V and the confounding

Structural Equation Models - 5
  • We can represent, graphically, the idea of an
    instrumental variable (where V stands for the
    treatment variable, X the set of covariates used
    in the propensity score determination, Y stands
    for the outcome variable, and Z stands for the
    instrumental variable) as

Structural Equation Models - 6
  • Suppose (for the sake of simplicity) that there
    is a single instrumental variable, Z, a single
    treatment variable, V, that SUTVA and
    Monotonicity (same direction of effect) hold, and
    that there is a nonzero causal effect of Z on V.
  • Typically, Instrumental Variable Estimation
    (IVE) is used in the case of linear models.
    However, because we used logistic regression to
    regress X (containing V) on Y, and because linear
    IVE produces consistent estimates only if the
    endogenous regression is linear, we need to use
    Non-linear IVE.
  • This requires that the endogenous treatment
    regressor (by assumption, there is only one) is
    replaced in the estimator-defining equation by
    the appropriate non-linear instrument (that is,
    the instrument is the dependent variable).

Structural Equation Models - 7
  • Because, by assumption, there is only one
    instrument per treatment variable, V, then the
    model is just (as opposed to over-) identified,
    and the value of (the non-linear, Generalized
    Method of Moments estimate of ) calculated.
    Finally, this permits us to use the estimated
    value to calculate the estimated average effect
    of the treatment/exposure on the treated/exposed.
    (In effect, a non-linear extension of 2SLS
    though matters are more complicated when there
    are multiple instruments)
  • What do instrumental variables show?
  • If well chosen, the instrumental variable
    provides a way of accounting for confounding due
    to unobserved variables. Moreover, using GMM
    estimates in association with IVE permits their
    use with Propensity Score methods that also use
    logistic regression.

Structural Equation Models - 8
  • Problems with instrumental variable approach
  • One of the most difficult issues for using
    instrumental variables is the selection of the
    instrument(s) . Following (Moffitt, 2003), we can
    identify four types that have been used in a
    number of different applications
    environmental/ecological, demographic, twin and
    sibling, natural experiments
  • In connection with the first point, if the
    instrumental variable is associated with other
    error terms or with other unmeasured confounders,
    use of the selected instrumental variable could
    increase confounding.
  • IV corrections are large-sample corrections, and
    so standard errors can be large without large
    samples (standard errors can also be large if the
    instrument is weak).
  • The IV approach is more common when the model of
    interest is linear. When the model is non-linear
    (e.g., logistic), estimation can be more

Final Conclusions and Remarks
  • Propensity score matching only balances observed
    covariates. It does not directly address the
    case of non-observed covariates that are causally
    relevant. It is for this reason that propensity
    score balancing is combined with instrumental
    variables estimation.
  • Causal inferences using non-experimental,
    observational data depends on a number of
    assumptions this goes back to Pearls
    observation that causal inference depends on a
    theory of the way that the data were generated,
    which goes beyond the data themselves. (Pearl,
  • To reiterate a our starting claim, warranted
    causal inferences using non-experimental,
    observational data requires careful and complete
    conceptual analysis for this reason, there is
    much that philosophical approaches can contribute.
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