Title: Orthopaedic Electives
1Orthopaedic Electives
- Clerkship Coordinator Amanda
2Preceptorship in OrthopaedicsORTHP 675Local and
away sites possible
- Clerkship coordinator Amanda Schwanzamands4_at_u.w
3Preceptorship in OrthopaedicsORTHP 675
- Objectives
- Obtain a history and perform a physical
examination focusing on the musculoskeletal
system - Perform a screening musculoskeletal examination
- Perform a basic peripheral nerve exam for the
upper and lower extremities - Summarize and present a patients chief complaint
in an ordered and succinct fashion - Discuss diagnosis and management of
musculoskeletal problems - Discuss basic principles of surgical management
of common musculoskeletal problems
4Musculoskeletal TraumaORTHP 677Harborview
Medical Center
- Clerkship Director - Lisa Taitsman, MD
5Musculoskeletal Emergencies
- Fractures
- Dislocations
- Infections
- Neurovascular injuries
- Compartment syndrome
- Students will be able to
- Diagnosis and manage musculoskeletal injuries.
- Perform a musculoskeletal evaluation including
neurologic function. - Interpret x-rays of the musculoskeletal system
including fractures and dislocations. - List those traumatic musculoskeletal emergencies
requiring immediate treatment - Describe the multi-organ involvement typical of
the polytrauma patient
7Musculoskeletal TraumaORTHP 677
- Multiple students per 4 week rotation
- Usually no more than two per team
- Call encouraged
- Frequent morning conferences
- Multiple choice examination
- Typical clerkship choice for those wanting to go
into orthopaedics - Warning this can resemble a one month audition
or interview
8Pediatric OrthopaedicsORTHP 676
- Clerkship Director
- Greg Schmale, MD
- Pager 469-6595
9Pediatric OrthopaedicsORTHP 676
- Objectives Students will be able to
- Make a reasonable and appropriate differential
diagnosis for the common pediatric
musculoskeletal conditions - Describe the pertinent diagnostic categories and
the likelihood of each. - Perform a basic but thorough evaluation,
including physical examination, imaging studies,
laboratories. - Provide the standard of care in the community.
- Determine what youre comfortable treating, and
what should be referred.
10Pediatric Orthopaedics
- One student per 4 week rotation
- No call required
- No pager required
- One or two days per week in OR, the rest in
clinic - Daily morning conferences
- Long answer final based on clinical exposure
- Optional presentation for honors
- Great for primary care practitioners to be
11ORTHP 680 P- General Orthopædic Clerkship
- VA Hospital
- Dr. Sangeorzan
- Foot ankle conditions
- Amputation service
- Dr. Sack
- Hand service
- Degenerative and traumatic conditions of the hand
- Dr. Chansky
- General orthopaedics
12ORTHP 680 P- General Orthopædic Clerkship
- Work-up for low back pain, appropriate used of
imaging, and non operative treatment - Primary and secondary osteoarthritis of the
should, knee and hip - Learn to perform a focused history and physical
examination for osteoarthritis, including
determination of risk factors - Utilize medical evidence to devise treatment
plans for osteoarthritis, including the use of
medications and assistive devices - Demonstrate basic skills in suturing, applying
dressings/casts, and patient positioning,
prepping and draping
13Musculoskeletal OncologyORTHP 678
- Clerkship DirectorJason Weisstein, MD
14Musculoskeletal OncologyObjectives
- Identify characteristics of primary sarcomas of
bone and soft tissue - Describe the incidence of metastatic disease
involving the skeleton in adults and children - Describe diagnostic characteristics of each
sarcoma subtype - Discuss principles of evaluation and staging of
musculoskeletal cancers - Describe typical treatments and their
15Musculoskeletal Oncology
- A broad exposure to the work-up, diagnosis and
treatment of bone and soft tissue tumors - Up to 2 students
- No required call
- The student is not expected to carry a pager
- 50/50 split between time devoted to inpatient and
outpatient care - Attend all morning rounds, clinics, tumor
conferences, and operative cases.
16Outpatient OrthopaedicsORTHP 682
- Carol Teitz, MD, Clerkship DirectorObjectives
- Perform a focused evaluation of orthopaedic
problems presented in the outpatient setting,
including physical examination, the selection of
imaging studies and laboratory tests. - Develop a diagnosis, based on a careful
consideration of all aspects of the case. - Provide the standard of care in the community.
- Determine what youre comfortable treating, and
what should be referred.
17Outpatient Orthopaedics ORTHP 682
- 1 student at a time
- Attend didactics on Monday mornings
- No call, no pager
- All outpatient duty hours 8-5
- Final exam written multiple choice
- Best for students interested in primary care.
18Sports Medicine - ORTHP 681 Objectives
- Perform and present a history and directed
physical exam of patients presenting with sports
related musculoskeletal complaints. - Develop a differential diagnosis for knee pain in
the active patient (with and without a history of
injury) - Develop a differential diagnosis for shoulder
pain in the active patient (with and without a
history of injury). - Describe the differential diagnosis for
post-traumatic hemarthrosis of the knee. - Discuss the common treatment recommendations for
a patient with patellofemoral pain. - Describe the expected history and physical
findings in a patient with tendonitis, stress
fracture, torn meniscus, ACL tear, rotator cuff
tear, shoulder dislocation, AC separation, ankle
19Sports Medicine - ORTHP 681
- Trey Green, MDClerkship Director
- 1-2 students at a time
- Attend didactics on Monday mornings
- Outpatient and inpatient
- Final exam - written multiple choice
20Adult Reconstructive Spine Surgery ORTHP 684
- Objectives
- Perform a thorough history and physical
examination of a patient presenting with a spine
abnormality - Determine appropriate diagnostic tests based on a
differential diagnosis - Discuss differences between surgical
nonsurgical disorders
21Adult Reconstructive Spine Surgery ORTHP 684
- Objectives cont-
- Identify disorders constituting a surgical
emergency - Determine problems that are appropriate for
primary care management and those spine problems
that require referral to a spine surgeon - Describe the complete spectrum of nonsurgical
management of spine disorders
22Adult Reconstructive Surgery ORTHP 685
- Objectives
- Perform a thorough history and physical
examination of the older adult patient presenting
with hip or knee pain. - Suggest appropriate diagnostic tests based on a
differential diagnosis - Describe the basic anatomical and
pathophysiological aspects of hip and knee
arthritis - Suggest an appropriate course of non-surgical
treatment for a patient presenting with hip or
knee arthritis
23Adult Reconstructive Surgery ORTHP 685
- Objectives cont-
- Discuss the selection of patients and the
expected outcomes of surgery for hip and knee
arthritis. - Identify patients for whom surgery would not be
24Shoulder and Elbow Orthopædics Clerkship - ORTHP
- Objectives
- Evaluate and develop management plans for
patients with shoulder and elbow problems by
conducting a thorough/efficient clinical history
and physical examination - Develop basic treatment options, including home
exercises, medications and surgery along with the
alternatives and risks of each. - Learn to diagnosis and plan treatment for a core
group of shoulder problems
25Orthopædics External Elective - ORTHP 697
- Orthopædics WWAMI Special Electives ORTHP 699
- New Electives
- Spokane
- Pediatric Orthopaedics at the Shriners Hospital
for Children - Physician Contact Paul Caskey, MD
- General Orthopaedics Orthopaedic Specialty
Clinic of Spokane - Physician Contact Kurt Anderson, MD
26Thank you for your attention!
27Questions? gschmale_at_u.washington.eduamands4_at_u.w
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