Title: Critical%20Habitat%20Designation
1Critical Habitat Designation
- for Pacific Salmon and Steelhead
2Scope of the 2005 Designation
- 19 Species or ESUs of
- Pacific Salmon and Steelhead
- 13 in WA, OR, ID
- 7 in CA
3Relevance of Critical Habitat
- Section 7(a)(2) all federal agencies shall
ensure actions they fund, permit or carry out are
not likely to - jeopardize species continued existence
- destroy or adversely modify critical habitat
4What is critical habitat?
- Occupied areas with physical or biological
features - essential to conservation
- may require special management
- Unoccupied areas essential for conservation ESA
5Step 1 Identify Critical Habitat
- Map actual fish distribution
- Verify features and special management
- Group by watershed into specific areas
- Identify unoccupied areas essential for
6How does it get designated?
- Best scientific data
- Consider economic, national security, other
relevant impacts - May exclude if benefits of exclusion outweigh
benefits of designation - (Unless exclusion results in extinction)
- ESA 4(b)(2)
Benefits of Designation
Benefits of Exclusion
Avoid Impacts
7Step 2 Consider Impacts, Balance Benefits
- Benefit of designation is the protection of
section 7 (no adverse modification by federal
agencies) - Designation also gives notice of areas important
to species - Benefits of exclusion (i.e., avoiding impacts)
may be economic, national security, or other
8Balancing Benefits (Economic)
- Consider for exclusion areas with a relatively
high economic impact and a relatively low
conservation value - Made sense with salmon because
- Large number of habitat areas
- Not all areas are equally important for
conservation - Conservation threshold dont exclude if it
significantly impedes conservation
9Relative Conservation Value of Habitat Areas
10Example Exclusion Scenario
11Balancing Benefits (Other)
- National Security (military readiness during
global war on terror) - Conservation partnerships on private land (HCPs)
net conservation benefit - Tribal sovereignty and self-determination
(conservation partnership also relevant)
12August 2005 - Final Critical Habitat for 12 ESUs
of Salmon and Steelhead
Net Occupied Habitat Areas 23,447 miles -
Dept. of Defense Sites - Indian Lands - 4 HCP
Holders - Economic Impacts Net Designated
Habitat Areas 20,630 miles
- Can habitat that is not literally occupiable meet
the definition of critical habitat - How to determine whether an area is occupied
(documented vs. BPJ) - What are special management considerations or
protection - Does the definition demand a finding of enough
habitat for conservation
14More Issues
- What is the real benefit of designation (beyond
jeopardy) - What about economic and other benefits of
designation (such as ecological services) - How do you balance benefits of exclusion against
conservation benefits
15Geographical Area Occupied by Species
- Pacific coast from SF Bay to Queen Charlotte
Islands - Inland waters of Washington
- Georgia Basin in Canada
16Geographical Area Occupied by Species Data and
- Extensive record of sightings compiled by Whale
Museum - No sightings in Hood Canal within past 20 years
- Shallow water and tides
- In ocean, only 28 sightings over 30 yrs
17Specific Areas
- Area 1- core summer area (feeding, resting,
socializing) - Area 2- Puget Sound area (fall feeding)
- Area 3- Strait of Juan de Fuca area (mainly
18Particular Areas
- Same as specific areas
- Plus military areas