Title: The Holy Grail of the Paper Trail
1The Holy Grail of the Paper Trail
- Polly E. Parsons MD
- University of Vermont College of Medicine
- Fletcher Allen Health Care
2Things Could Always Be Worse!
3The Process
Request for input on existing program
Program requirements revised and distributed for
New program requirements approved
Courtesy of Dr. S. Murin
4The Process
Request for input on existing program
1. Remove requirement for onsite Trauma
Services Sleep and Rehab Micro lab 2. Get rid
of 2 key faculty /specialty rqmnt 3. Change
language re modes of ventilation 4. Remove
outdated rqmnts Pleural bx Transthoracic
needle bx Respiratory drive assessment Peritonea
l dialysis 5. Change from expertise to
competence Admin functions 6. Asked for less
continuity clinic
Program requirements revised and distributed for
Adapted from Dr. S. Murin
5The Process
Request for input on existing program
1. Nearly every one of our suggestions was
incorporated into new requirements, often
verbatim 2. A bunch of alarming and unexpected
additional changes were made 24 months of
block time 3 months non-MICU More clinic (2 more
yeas of continuity)
Program director at primary site Generous
support for program director
Program requirements revised and distributed for
New program requirements approved
Adapted from Dr. S. Murin
6Our Counter-Offer
- 18 months of block time
- 1-2 months of non-medical critical care (with
caveats) - Less clinic, not more, allow for blocks
7What Did We Get?
8Common Themes
- Documentation
- Communication
- Evaluation
- Education (not service)
- Competency
- Research
9Changes in General Program Requirements for
Fellowship education in the Subspecialties of
Internal Medicine
10Sponsoring Institution
11Not New But May be More Important
- The sponsoring institutions must demonstrate a
commitment to education and research sufficient
to support the fellowship program - The institution must assure significant research
in each subspecialty for which it sponsors a
training program
12- The sponsoring institution must assure that
adequate salary support is provided to the
program director for the administrative
activities of the subspecialty program. The
program director must not be required to generate
clinical or other income to provide this
administrative support. It is suggested that
this support be 25-50 of the program directors
salary depending on the size of the program.
13Proposed Change to Common Program Requirements
(for all ACGME Training Programs)
- The sponsoring institution must provide the
program director with sufficient financial
support and protected time for his/her
educational and administrative responsibilities
to the program. The program director must not be
required to generate clinical or other income to
provide this support. -
- Approved by RRC Council of Chairs February
2005 - (effective date July 1, 2006)
- High turnover rate of program directors
- Increased administrative burden due to ACGME
mandates - Institutional demands to generate income
15Participating Institution
16- Section expanded from previous program
requirements - The Primary Training Site is defined as the
health-care facility that provides the required
training resources, should be the location of the
program directors major activity, the location
where the fellow spends the majority of their
clinical training time and the primary location
of the core program in internal medicine
17Program Directors
- 1. Must possess the requisite subspecialty
expertise, as well as documented educational and
administrative abilities - 2. Must be based at the primary teaching site.
- 3. Must be responsible to the sponsoring
- 1. 20 hours per week averaged over the year
(not new) with sufficient time for administration
of the program and receive institutional support
for that administrative time - 2. The program director must participate in
academic societies and in educational programs
designed to enhance his or her educational and
administrative skills
20- 3. Must implement a program of CQI in medical
education for the faculty, especially as it
pertains to teaching and evaluation of the ACGME
- The responsibility for establishing and
maintaining an environment of inquiry and
scholarship rests with the faculty... - Each program must have an active research program.
- 1. Discovery
- - peer review funding/publications
- 2. Dissemination
- - review articles, textbook chapters
- 3. Application
- - presentation or publication of case reports,
clinical series, -
23- The majority of faculty must be involved in
scholarship - The majority of key clinical faculty must
demonstrate evidence of productivity in either
Discovery or Dissemination - At least one faculty member must be active in
the scholarship of discovery.
- Does the individual active in the scholarship of
discovery have to be a key clinical faculty
member? - Can that individual be a nonphysician faculty
- All deaths of patients who received care by
fellows must be reviewed and autopsies performed
whenever possible.
- Majority of fellows must demonstrate evidence of
recent research productivity through - publication of manuscripts or abstracts in
peer-reviewed journals - Abstracts presented at national specialty
meetings - NOTE does not apply to CCM fellowships
28The Six Competencies
- 1. Patient care
- 2. Medical knowledge
- 3. Practice-based learning and improvement
- 4. Interpersonal and communication skills
- 5. Professionalism
- 6. Systems-based practice
- 1. Total teaching time in combined
management/teaching rounds must exceed by a
minimum of 5 hours per week the time required to
supervise the care of the patients - 2. Conferences
- must have a weekly core curriculum conference -
must cover basic science as well as clinical
30Duty Hours SupervisionEvaluation
Independently review each of these sections
31- At least 80 of fellows eligible for ABIM
subspecialty certifying exams must have taken
ABIM exam. - Pass rates for first time takers of ABIM cert
exams will be examined at each program review
32Experimentation and Innovation
- Hidden here is the
- Performance improvement process
- - program must have one ongoing PI activity
related to the competencies - - must involve fellows and faculty
- - should result in measurable improvements in
patient care or fellow education
33Changes in Program Requirements for Fellowship
Education in Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care
34Educational Program
- 18 clinical months still allowed
- Programs with lt 24 months additional ambulatory
care clinic for 6 months (not during the clinical
months) - 3 months in care of critically ill non-medical
patients. At least one month must be direct
patient care activity
- 1. Must have continuity clinic for the length of
training program - 2. Extra 1/2 day per week for six months
- - cannot occur during the 18 clinical months
- - suggestions longitudinal experience in
36A Gift?
- Fellows may be excused from their continuity
care clinic experience while on critical care
- The program director and critical care teaching
staff must have primary responsibility for
admission, treatment and discharge of all
patients on critical care teaching service. - Must be ABIM subspecialty certified clinical
faculty members in nephrology, GI, cardiology,
ID, hematoogy, oncology, and geriatrics who
participate in educational program.
38Facilities and Resources PCCM
- Must be present at primary training site
- - thoracic surgery service
- - at least three accredited subspecialty
programs (cards, GI, ID, nephrology, pulmonary -
?) - - an active emergency service
- - MICU - program director should be responsible
for educational program
39Program Content PCCM and Pulmonary
- Review this section carefully!
- Subtle changes
- PE,post-op management of critically ill patients
- Not so subtle changes
- Minimum of 50 flexible fiber-optic bronchoscopy
procedures - No more pleural biopsies
40Common Citations
- Lack of written goals and directives
- All full-time faculty dont engage in active
research - Clinics are not continuity clinics
- Insufficient number of conferences
- Non-compliance with evaluation requirements
- Duty hours