Title: Enhancing Diversity in Academic Medicine
1Enhancing Diversity in Academic Medicine
- Mary Lou Voytko, Ph.D.
- Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy
- Director, Womens Health Center of Excellence
- For Research, Leadership, Education
- Wake Forest University School of Medicine
2Representation of Medical Women inAcademic
Medicine, 1961-2007
M.D. Graduates
Reference AAMC Analysis in Brief, 2006
Benchmarking 2006-2007
3Hematology/Oncology Resident Demographics
4U.S. Medical School Faculty Distribution by
Gender and Rank, 2007
AAMC Benchmarking, 2007
5Enhancing Diversity at WFUSM
- Institutional diversity assessment conducted
- Annual review of Department Chair
- Diversity Standing Committee formed
- Evaluate recruitment practices AA compliance
- Make recommendations to the FEC and Dean
- To assure diverse panels of candidates for most
faculty positions - Maya Angelou Research Center on Minority Health
- Womens Health Center of Excellence for Research,
Leadership, Education
6Womens Health Center of Excellence for
Research, Leadership, Education (WHCOE)
Leadership and Mentoring Program
- Missions
- To facilitate recruitment, promotion, retention,
and professional career development of women
faculty - As part of the mission, it is essential to help
women faculty be successful in whatever path they
choose and to foster effective mentoring
7WHCOE Leadership ProgramProfessional Development
- Faculty Workshops
- Navigating the Political Terrain
- Getting Things Done
- Pathways to Promotion
- Managing Conflict
- Negotiating Skills
- Successfully Navigating
- Career Pathways
- Achieving Balance
- Resident Workshops
- Evaluating job opportunities
- Primary elements of negotiating your first
position - Pathways to professor
- Negotiating with Pharma
- Balance personally and professionally
8WHCOE Leadership Program Women Junior Faculty
Mentoring Program
- Rationale
- The number of women full professors per medical
school is extremely low - Low numbers attributed to a lack of strong,
supportive mentoring - No current programs directed explicitly at
furthering the professional career development of
women junior faculty
9- WHCOE Women Faculty Mentoring Program
- Established November, 1999-launched in Summer,
2000 - Mission
- Create a formalized mentoring program to assist
and promote the advancement of women junior
faculty in their professional career development. - Provide a mechanism for the recruitment and
retention of - women faculty
- Goals
- Link women junior faculty (instructor, asst.
prof) with women and men senior faculty (assoc.
and full professor) in one-on-one mentoring
relationships - Provide resources and activities to enhance and
support the - mentoring relationships.
- Increase the number of women faculty in senior
faculty ranks.
- Developing a Promotion/Tenure Package
- Teaching (Curriculum Development/Evaluation
student - teaching)
- Grantsmanship (e.g., experimental design,
budgets) -
- Professional Development
- Time management, negotiation, conflict management
- Presentations skills, communication skills
- Goal setting
- effort distribution teaching, research,
clinical - Research or clinical research interests or
11WHCOE Women Faculty Mentoring Program
- Initially
- 25 junior faculty and 33 senior faculty joined
the program - Current Statistics
- 104 total mentees (past current)
- 14 past mentees promoted to Associate Professor
- 24 past mentees left school 8/24 promoted
- 46 current mentees (23 MD, 16 PhD, 7 degree
combinations) - 90 total mentors (past current)
- 43 with current mentees 7 of these mentors have
2 or more mentees -
12WHCOE Women Faculty Mentoring Program
- Anesthesiology -5
- Biochemistry 1
- Biomedical Engineering - 2
- Cancer Biology
- Dentistry 1
- Family
- Community Med. -1
- OB/GYN 1
- Otolaryngology - 2
- Pathology 2
- Pediatrics 6
- Physiology/Pharm 1
- Public Health Sci -6
- Radiation Oncology 1
Gastroenterology 1 Geriatrics -3 Hem/Oncology
2 Infectious Disease -1 Int. Medicine
5 Neurology - 4
13WHCOE Women Faculty Mentoring Program
- Resources/Activities
- Mentoring Award
- Mentoring Guides
- Mentoring Library
- Brown Bag Luncheons
- Effective Communication
- Empowered Negotiation
- Promoting Yourself
- Panel Discussions
- Journal Club
- Invited Speakers
- Socials
- Workshops
- Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator Training
- CV/Teaching Dossier Workshop
14WHCOE Women Faculty Mentoring Program
- Training for the mentors
- Conflict management, sexual harassment,
scientific fraud gender/diversity differences
skills - Getting/giving feedback understanding
communication styles toxic mentoring - Facilitate peer mentoring groups for mentees
- Evaluations
- Quarterly interviews with new mentoring pairs
- Focus groups
- Event questionnaire provided to attendees at each
event - Yearly survey to all mentor/mentees for
evaluation of relationship and mentoring program
15(No Transcript)