Title: Geriatric services in Israel
1Geriatric services in Israel
- E. Kagan, MD, Soroka Hospital, Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev - June 26, 2008
2Israel Demography
- Population 6,600,000
- 6510, 2003
- 6512, 2005
3 Israel Health Care System
- acute/rehab Canada
(ref Clarfield et al, JAGS 2000, 48980-4)
4Israel Health Care System (Acute/Rehab)
- publicly administered
- publicly financed (taxes)
- services provided by 4 not -for -profit Sick
Funds, HMO (health maintenance organization) - explicit basket of services defined in law
- free at point of service
5National Health Insurance Law 1995
- as above
- within 3 years, institutional LTC was to be
included in basket of services, but ..
6Israel Health Care System (LTC)
- home care
- institutional care
7Home Care
- acute-med (Sick funds/HMOs)
- long term homemaker (10-16 hours of homemaker
per week) (NII) - publicly funded(NII)
- means tested but nearly universal (NII)
- Extra services for Holocaust survivors
(ref Brodsky, JAMDA 20012264-8)
- HMO (health maintenance organization)
- NII national Insurance Institute
8Institutional (25,000 beds)
- to be transferred to HMOs, according to NHIL,
1995 - MoH - Ministry of health
- HMO (health maintenance organization)
- MoL ( Ministry of Labour/social affairs)
9Health problems of old patients
At home
Long term care units
Different consultations
Geriatric department
geriatric consultations
Nursing homes for skilled nursing patients
home care
10Geriatric problems
Geriatric consultations
In polyclinic
Geriatric assessment clinic
Home care unit
Memory clinic
Rehabilitation departments/centers
11LAHAV program
Nurse in polyclinic
Checks information in computer (about ED,
hospitalizations, polypharmacy ets.
3 groups
Dont need in geriatrician
Obligate need in geriatrician
Dont obligate need in geriatrician (according
to decision of GP)
A. Mark Clarfield, MD, FRCPC, Head of Geriatrics,
Soroka Hospital, Sidonie Hecht Professor of
Geriatrics, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Ben-Gurion University, Professor (adjunct),
McGill University, Montreal,Canada. Dr. Press
Yan, Director of Geriatric assessment unit, Beer
Sheva Dr Tzvi Dwolatzky ,Director Department of
Geriatrics and Memory Clinic, Mental Health Center
12The LAHAV comprehensive program for geriatric
Inpatient services
Community services
Primary care clinic
Screening program
Acute geriatric and rehabilitation unit
Home care unit
Geriatric assessment unit
Geriatric Consultation
Dr. Press Yan, Director of Geriatric assessment
unit Dr Tzvi Dwolatzky ,Director Department of
Geriatrics and Memory Clinic, Mental Health Center
13- Teaching programme ( in the south of the Israel)
In Soroka Medical Centre
Out of the hospital
Geriatric residents
Geriatric Consultations - Letter with
explanations - Explanations during consultations
Medical students
Lectures during/after residency
GPs (1 month during their residency)
14Thank you
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