Title: Small MS4 General Permit Renewal (OHQ000002)
- Small MS4 General Permit Renewal (OHQ000002)
- Jason Fyffe
- Ohio EPA Central Office
Public Noticed GP Renewal
GP Renewal Issued
Public Hearing
December 24, 2007 December 26, 2007 February 14, 2008 February 21, 2008 January 30, 2009
Public Comment Period Ended
1st Generation GP Expired
3MS4 Locations
4472 MS4s
5Renewing Coverage
6Renewing Coverage
- Co-Permittee Form
- No Additional Fee
76 Minimum Control Measures
Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for
Municipal Operations
Public Education Outreach
Post-Construction Runoff Control
Construction Site Runoff Control
Public Involvement/ Participation
Illicit Discharge Detection/Elimination
8Table of Organization
9Public Education Outreach
Public Involvement/ Participation
- gt 1 mechanism target 5 storm water themes or
messages - 1 theme targeted to development community
- 50 of population
- 5 public involvement activities
Timeframe - Over Permit Term
- Expanded Mapping Reqts
- Catch basins
- Pipes ditches
- Flood control facilities
- Private WQ BMPs
- Timeframe
- Permit term, or
- Provide alternative schedule with 2009 annual
- HSTSs Discharging to MS4
- Work with local waste water authorities, planning
agencies, BOHs, etc. planning, future sewers - Implement proactive OM program to determine if
operating as designed intended - Identify HSTSs that can legally, feasibly and
economically be connected to sewers
What is an illicit discharge? any discharge to
an MS4 that is not composed entirely of storm
water, except for fire-fighting activities and
NPDES permitted discharges.
- Dry-weather screening
- Schedules to eliminate illicit discharges
- Annually update MS4 map if needed
- Ordinance
- Equivalent with NPDES CGP
- Construction Projects 1 acre
- Review SWP3
- Inspections
- Initial monthly thereafter unless priorities
developed - Post-Const WQ BMPs
- Ensure long-term OM plans developed agreements
in place - Timeframe 2 years
14Pollution Prevention/ Good Housekeeping
- Industrial SWP3s
- Within 2 years
- Annual Employee Training
Annual Reports
- 2008 Report
- 2009 2013 Reports