Health Care Quality Indicators Project - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Health Care Quality Indicators Project


5-year survival rates, breast cancer (observed and relative) ... 69% of women 50-64 get breast ca. screening. 83% of women 25-64 get cervical ca. screening ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Health Care Quality Indicators Project

Health Care Quality Indicators Project
OECD World Forum on Key Indicators 10th November
2004 Draft 29/10/04
Peter Scherer, Counsellor, Employment and
Social Affairs Directorate, Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Development
Outline of Presentation
  1. Origins of OECD project
  2. Initial indicator collection
  3. New Priority Areas
  4. Example primary care and prevention panel
  5. Concerns about initial panel reports
  6. Current work
  7. Ministerial endorsement

1. Origins of OECD Quality Indicators Project
  • Inspiration came from work done in Commonwealth
    Fund sponsored project
  • In addition, a Nordic network had been formed to
    develop comparable indicators of quality of care.
  • OECD proposed that countries in these two
    networks should come together to develop common
    comparable indicators.
  • Thus far, 21 countries have participated.

Goals of the Indicators Project
  • To develop a set of internationally-comparable,
    scientifically-valid indicators of the technical
    quality of health care
  • This will include
  • Assessing the feasibility of collecting
    internationally comparable measures for the
    technical quality of care
  • Responding to the need of policy makers to
    measure and benchmark health care system
  • The long term goal is to include some key quality
    indicators in OECD Health Data

Criteria for good quality indicators
  • The overall importance of the aspects of quality
    being measured
  • Burden of disease
  • Effectiveness of the intervention
  • The scientific soundness of the measures
  • The feasibility of collecting data on the

2. Initial Collection of Indicators
  • At an initial meeting in January 2003, 13
    indicators for initial data collection were
    identified. Most of these were drawn from
    Commonwealth Fund list.
  • Preliminary results of this collection of these
    data were presented to second meeting of experts
    in September 2003.
  • Experts agreed to modify the list, adding five
    more indicators

Initial Indicators collected in 2003
  • 5-year survival rates, breast cancer (observed
    and relative)
  • 5-year survival rates, cervical cancer (observed
    and relative)
  • 5-year survival rates, colorectal cancer
    (observed and relative)
  • Cervical cancer screening rate, age 20-69, within
    past 3 years
  • Asthma mortality rate, ages 5-40
  • 30-day mortality rate following acute myocardial
  • 30-day mortality rate following stroke
  • Proportion of diabetics with HbA1c gt 9.5
  • Annual HbA1c test for patients with diabetes
  • In-hospital waiting time for femur fracture
  • Proportion of children completing basic
    vaccination program
  • Incidence rates for pertussis, measles, hepatitis

Initial Indicators collected in 2004
  • Mammography rates
  • Influenza vaccination rates gt65
  • Smoking rates
  • Rate of retinal exams in diabetics
  • Major amputation rates in diabetics
  • Data are available for Influenza vaccination
    rates gt65 and Smoking rates through OECD Health

(No Transcript)
21 Participating Countries
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • The Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Availability of Initial Indicators
  • Cancer
  • Screening
  • Mammography (11)
  • Cervical (14)
  • 5- Year Survival Rates
  • Breast (18)
  • Cervical (18)
  • Colon (18)
  • Health Promotion
  • Smoking Rate (20)
  • Asthma
  • Mortality age 5-39 (18)
  • Infectious Disease
  • Immunization
  • Basic Vaccination age 2 (15)
  • Influenza Vaccination over 65 (16)
  • Incidence
  • Pertussis, Measles and Hepatitis B (19)

Note Number of countries providing data in
Availability of Initial Indicators (cont.)
  • Diabetes
  • Patients tested for HbA1c in last year (4)
  • Patients with poor glucose control (HbA1Cgt9.5)
    in last year (8)
  • Retinal exams in diabetics (6)
  • Major amputations in diabetics (7)
  • Access/Timeliness
  • of Femur Fractures operated within 48 hours,
    age 65 or older (4)
  • Stroke Care
  • 30-day in-hospital case fatality rate for
    hemorrhagic stroke (11)
  • 30-day in-hospital case fatality rate for
    ischemic stroke (11)
  • Cardiac Care
  • 30-day in-hospital case fatality rate for AMI

Note Number of countries providing data in
Concerns about initial collection
  • At the September 2003 meeting concerns were
    raised about the validity of the collection in
    four respects
  • The partial and rather scattered nature of the
    indicators collected.
  • The reliability and validity of the data
  • The need these concerns implied for a conceptual
    framework to guide this work
  • The difficulty for all countries to adhere to
    prescribed definitions (e.g. reference periods--
    three years for cancer screening)
  • Some delegates argued that the OECD was in a
    different position to the Commonwealth Fund
  • data it releases carry an authority which makes
    it vital that their validity is verified
  • These issues will need to be addressed to achieve
    consensus to release the data.

3. New Priority Areas
  • The January 2003 meeting identified five priority
    areas for future development of additional
  • Cardiac Care
  • Diabetes Mellitus,
  • Primary Care/Health Prevention and Promotion,
  • Patient Safety and
  • Mental Health
  • Expert Panels were formed to make recommendations
    on suitable and reliable indicators in each of
    these areas
  • The reports of the expert panels were circulated
    in first draft at the time of the September 2003
    meeting, and have now been released as OECD
    Health Technical Papers.
  • They do not include a detailed investigation of
    availability -- or of the international
    comparability of the available data -- for the
    indicators proposed.

4. Example OECD Primary Care and Prevention Panel
  • Membership
  • Professor Sheila Leatherman (US)
  • Mr Charlie Hardy (Ireland)
  • Professor Niek Klazinga (Netherlands)
  • Dr Eckart Bergmann (Germany)
  • Dr Luis Pisco (Portugal)
  • Dr Jan Mainz (Denmark)
  • Professor Martin Marshall (UK)

Examples of Proposed Primary Care and Prevention
  • Health Promotion
  • Obesity prevalence
  • Physical activity
  • Smoking rate
  • Diagnosis and Treatment/Primary Care
  • Congestive heart failure readmission rate
  • First visit in first trimester
  • Smoking cessation counselling for asthmatics
  • Blood pressure measurement
  • Re-measurement of blood pressure for those with
    high blood pressure
  • Initial laboratory investigations for

Examples of Proposed Primary Care and Prevention
indicators (contd)
  • Preventive care
  • Blood typing and antibody screening for prenatal
  • Low birthweight rate
  • Adolescent immunisation
  • Anaemia screening for pregnant women
  • Cervical gonorrhoea and Hepatitis B screening for
    pregnant women
  • Hepatitis B, influenza and pneumococcal
    immunisation for high-risk groups

Examples of prevention indicators already in use
in OECD Countries
  • Australia
  • 57 of women 50-69 get breast cancer screening
    through national programme (likely understatement
    of total)
  • objective is 70
  • equity of access is also an objective
  • United Kingdom
  • 69 of women 50-64 get breast ca. screening
  • 83 of women 25-64 get cervical ca. screening
  • United States
  • 62 of smokers get smoking cessation advice at
    routine office visit

Percentage of hypertensives taking medication
for high blood pressure and health expenditure
per capita
Sources OECD Health Data 2003 and Wolf-Maier, K.
et al. (2003) JAMA 289 2363-2369.
5. Concerns about Initial Panel Reports
  • There remains a need for a clear conceptual
    framework to guide such an ambitious programme
  • Concerns about the validity of outcome measures
    against process measures for assessing the
    quality of care
  • This issue also arose in formulating the initial
    US AHRQ Report
  • A bias towards US or at least English-speaking
    countries sources and measures in some of the
    current panel reports insufficient attention to
    European Union initiatives
  • Adjustment of indicators for the risk profile of
    the population
  • some experts consider this to be essential.
  • others argue that in assessing outcomes one wants
    to know how well a country has adjusted its
    system to the risk profile of its population
    (e.g. heart disease in Finland).

6. Current Work
  • Complete inquiry about data for initial set of 17
  • Review comparability and availability of initial
  • Produce paper presenting collected data,
    scientific soundness, policy relevance and
    comparability of each indicator.
  • Solicit and integrate written comments of member
    countries into reports on Priority Areas
  • Draft initial paper on conceptual framework for
    developing and collecting such indicators.

7. Ministerial Endorsement
  • Health Ministers from OECD countries met for the
    first time at the OECD on 13 and 14 May 2004.
  • Meeting chaired by Mexican Secretary for Health,
    with US Secretary and Hungarian Minister as Vice
  • They specifically endorsed the programme of work
    on indicators of quality of care, saying

Ministerial Communiqué
  • ... many gaps remain in health data and in
    analysis at the international level.
  • We look forward to the OECD increasing the
    importance of its work on health to help fill
    these gaps, as it is centrally placed to provide
    international comparisons and economic analyses
    of health systems. 
  • Subject to sufficient resources being made
    available from the regular OECD budget and from
    specific funds, a future OECD work agenda on
    health should
  • .....

Ministerial Communiqué (contd)
  • iii. Develop, in collaboration with national
    experts, indicators of the quality of health care
    and indicators of other aspects of health care
    system performance.
  • Once consensus on a scientifically-based set of
    reliable indicators has been reached, we should
    endeavour to coordinate different actors and
    levels of government to supply the information in
    a consistent manner.
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