2Drug addiction is among the most costly diseases
of modern society
3As medical students we feel responsible to make
efforts to change the situation.
4.1 of the global population age 15 and above
use illicit drugs. The number of drug addicts
registered in Bulgaria is about 80 000, which
makes 1.14 of the population of this country.
4- The Project
- Training of Medical Students and Young People as
Promoters of Drug Abuse Prevention
The project is developed by the University of
Medicine Pleven under the Leonardo da Vinci
programme. The main aim of the project is to
improve the skills of medical students and young
people as promoters of drug abuse prevention.
Would you like to be part of it? Would you
like to be one of us? The training is accessible
for everybody.
- Vilnius University
- Lithuania
University of Medicine Pleven Bulgaria
Universite Libre de Bruxelles Belgique
6First steps
- Collection of information about drugs and drug
abuse from - Internet
- Books
- Brochures
7The young people and the drugs
Making investigationsWe have developed a
questionnaire for getting the opinion of the
young people about drugs.We have made the
investigation among students of UM - Pleven and
pupils from the schools we have visited.
8The aim of this questionnaire is to investigate
the basic knowledge of young people about drugs
and their effects on
- personality
- health
- families
- social life
9Results of the questionnaire
- Teenagers know about the following
substances94 Marijuana 78 Cocaine 66
Heroin 50 Ecstasy 18 Amphetamines 16 LSD
14 Morphine 11 Inhalants 3 Magic mushrooms
64 are not aware of the damage drugs could cause
to their health!
11Making investigations We have developed a new
questionnaire for getting the opinion of the
young people about marijuana.We have made the
investigation among students of UM - Pleven and
pupils from the schools we have visited.
The young people and Marijuana
12Useful links
- http//www.mh.government.bg
- http//www.ncn-bg.org
- http//narkomania.start.bgÂ
- http//www.initiativeforhealth.org
- http//www.phoenixcommunity.hit.bg
- http//www.fdbfoundation.org
- http//www.fybg.org
- http//www.csd.bg
- http//www.antidrug.hit.bg
- http//www.3med.netÂ
- http//www.emcdda.eu.int
- http//www.nida.nih.gov
- http//www.addictionsearch.com/addictionsearch/
- http//www.addictionresourceguide.com/
- http//www-user.uni-bremen.de/sozdrog/
- http//www.fh-fulda.de/projekte/drugs/anfang4.htm
- http//www.de-drugs.nl/drugs.htm
- http//www.health.org/
- http//www.sosig.ac.uk/
13For more information
- Zlatina Georgieva zet_at_medinews.com
- Milena Spasova medea_17_at_abv.bg
- Borislava Buzeva buzeva_at_yahoo.com
- Filis Mehmedova filis84_at_mail.bg
- Tatyana Genadieva tdgenadieva_at_yahoo.com
- Dr. Elena Noeva prevencia2000_at_abv.bg
- Prof. Regina Komsa-Penkova
- Head of International Relations Office
- University of Medicine Pleven
- 1 Kliment Ohridski str.
- 5800 Pleven, Bulgaria
- Tel. 359 64 884257
- Fax. 359 64 819081
- E-mail intern_office_at_vmi-pl.bg
- rkomsa_at_el-soft.bg