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The total value of medical equipment in 91 Victorian public hospitals was $507 ... The Management of Medical Equipment in NHS Acute Trusts in England, 1999. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Biomedical Engineering  in Optimizing Patient
Outcomes and Controlling Clinical Risk By
Kyril Belle Biomedical Engineer

Department of Health and Human Services State
Health Conference 8-9 November 2007
Role of Biomedical Engineer
  • Apply engineering principles to solve medical
  • Provide clinical support
  • Develop bionics
  • Biomedical Engineering Departments in Australian
    hospitals support clinical services
  • Ensure safe, reliable, effective commissioning,
    calibration and maintenance medical equipment
  • Research and design of bionics
  • Improved user interfaces (computers!)
  • Training on equipment and systems
  • Purchasing and service contract supervision

Increasing Demands for Biomedical Equipment
  • Aging population
  • Increasing premature birth survival rate
  • Greater reliance on technology in diagnosis and
  • Move to non-pharmaceutical options
  • High expectation from the globally informed and
    aware communities and legal system

Preventable Incidents Due to Incorrect Use of
Medical Devices
  • NSW most recent
  • Patient death in CCU due to wrong device
  • Infant seriously injured due to wrong infusion
    pressure setting
  • Defibrillator failed resuscitation attempt to
    patient as correct device maintenance protocol
    not followed
  • During 1984-1992 US government documented 8000
    cases in which patient had been injured or killed
    due to human error in the use of therapeutic and
    medical devices
  • Decade later the number has not changed!
  • With much greater computer integration this is
    even more worthy of reflection.
  • SA-12 cases (8 requiring MET intervention, 1
    requiring admission to ICU) due to wrong delivery
    of gases
  • WA 140 different hip stems, 120 acetabular
    component, and 50 knee prostheses available in
    Australia. WA BME tracking and evaluation found
    that poor microstructure and/or sub optimum
    design factors are commonly featured in recurrent
  • Tasmania currently does not track implants!
  • Are our patients getting inappropriate joint
    replacements because biomedical currently does
    not provide this support?

College of Biomedical Engineers collaboration
with ACHS
  • Identifying responsible approach to risk
    management within clinical engineering practice
  • ACHS will include and publish updates to
    Equipment Standards
  • ACHS wants help writing update. NPCE (National
    Panel of Clinical Engineers) will draft this
    update due to be released in Feb 2008

Medical Devices Incidents Reported to TGA
Risk Management and Liability
  • Clinicians act to minimise risks to patient and
    hospital. Decisions assume all equipment
  • Is functioning reliably and accurately
  • Is safe and meets legal Australian Standard
  • Release Clinicians from Biomedical Eng tasks
  • Clinicians are currently writing and managing
    technical service contracts that could be done by
    a Biomedical Engineer, diverting time and
    attention from core role

How to Manage Risk Reduce Cost
  • Perform risk assessments on all equipment and
  • Consistent Biomedical delivery
  • Hard to achieve with duplicated services
  • Release Clinicians from Biomedical tasks
  • Biomedical input in purchasing
  • Best technology, ergonomics, function based
    specification, life expectancy of the equipment
  • Is safe and meets legal Australian Standard
  • Combined bulk purchases where possible
  • Specific action areas
  • Maintain separation of corporate and clinical
    computer systems

Equipment Capital Costs
  • The total value of medical equipment in 91
    Victorian public hospitals was 507 million
    representing 13 of non-current assets (Auditor
    General Health Report 30 June 2003)
  • ratios to 84 Million Equipment in Tasmanian
  • In Tasmanian hospitals and healthcare centres 80
    of the Biomedical devices used, costs over 1000

Contracts control costs!
  • A recent state-wide equipment contract had
    calibration equipment included by the Biomedical
    Engineer allowing a 30 reduction in support
    costs and an 50 reduction in down time
  • 10 cost reduction to the latest laser contract
    by simply running it past the Biomedical Engineer
  • Unnecessary supplier schemes and extras are
    picked up by the Biomedical Engineer, and more
    importantly omissions that will cost 1000s in
    contract variations are identified

Example Management Cycle For Medical Equipment
Hospital objectives (Corporate plans)
Asset Management Plans
Establish new equipment needs and priorities
Asset Register
Identify procurement options and allocate
Review utilisation and replacement needs
Keep equipment maintained
Source Based on UK National Audit Office Report
The Management of Medical Equipment in NHS
Acute Trusts in England, 1999.
Staffing Biomedical Support
  • First Australian Biomedical support staffing
    model developed by Royal Prince Alfred Biomedical
    Engineering Department
  • Presented in the ABEC 2007 in Freemantle, WA
  • This model is yet to be accepted by College of
    Biomedical Engineers
  • The model
  • Is based on number of beds
  • Shows staffing is not linear with size or
  • Includes adequate supervision ratios and leave

ABES Model Relationship between the number
beds and the FTE (Courtesy Royal Prince Alfred
Hospital NSW)
Computer Issues !
  • Computers are simply a powerful, yet highly
    unreliable tool
  • Computers used for human interface, device
    control and data manipulation/storage
  • Failure of the computer within a device usually
    takes out the device
  • Worse still it can produce misleading behaviour
  • 70 of computer viruses come via the corporate
  • Separation of corporate and medical networks
  • Corporate network response to security is to
    lock up the system, denying access to all,
    including those needing it
  • Increasing computer integration into medical
    equipment and facilities must be covered by
    computer up-skilling within the Biomedical
    Engineering support

  • Can provide short term cost savings at expense of
    control, response time, safety and workload
    transfer to others within the DHHS
  • Outsourcing maintenance is cost effective only
    where the amount of work involved cannot support
    an internal technician or the medical service
    company has automated test facilities
  • The Biomedical Engineers role cannot be
    effectively outsourced
  • Clinicians have to take on the role

Is Outsourcing the Best Option ?
  • In-house presents staffing and accommodation
  • Uncertainty over effectiveness of outsourcing
  • Where involved it will end up in the legal
  • Who takes responsibility of quality control if
    Biomedical Engineer is not on staff?
  • Difficult to write and administer outsourcing
    specification to deliver quality service meeting
    all required standards to which private
    enterprise can deliver at less cost than doing it
    in house
  • Biomedical engineer best placed to write and
    administer service contracts after evaluating
    cost effectiveness

The Tasmanian Situation
  • Biomedical Engineering in Tasmania is currently
    significantly behind all other Australian States
  • The North is currently better placed due to the
    Department of Biomedical Engineering
  • Where requested BME (North/NW) contributes at a
    state-wide level
  • The performance of health professionals
    increasingly dependant on Biomedical Engineering
    hardware and software
  • Can only operate within the limits of the
    available tools

The Way Forward ?
  • Develop improved Biomedical Engineering support
    strategy for the state
  • State-wide review of Biomedical Engineering
    support needs and outsourcing arrangements
  • Survey Clinicians satisfaction with BME support
  • Recommend completion before design of RHH is
  • Improved Risk Management
  • Need consistent testing priorities for management
    of clinical medical equipment
  • Match Biomedical RM to corporate and clinical RM
  • Computer up-skilling within the Biomedical

Sarah Hedges, LGH Anaesthetics registrar
Kyril Belle, LGH Biomedical engineer
  • Thank You
  • Questions?
  • E kyril.belle_at_dhhs.tas.gov.au
  • P 03-63487492
  • M 0437070870
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