Title: 10th Anniversary Milestones
110th Anniversary Celebration 1994-2004 Milestones
2 Association of Accrediting Agencies of
- November December 1994
- AAAC Established after May 1994 Trilateral
conference in Cancun on Harmonization of
Standards and Mobility as forum for networking
and exchange - Founding Organizations
- ACMC Medicine
- CAUSN Nursing
- CAOT Occupational Therapy
- CPT Physiotherapy
- CCPE Engineering
- CACB Architecture
3Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
Founding/Early Members Engineering CCPE
Architecture CACB
Don LaPlante
Guillaume Savard Wendy Ryan
Nursing CASN
Occupational Therapy CAOT Wendy
McBride Liz Taylo
Donna Klaiman
PhysioTherapy CPA
Medicine ACMC Brenda Myers
Dr. Harvey Barkun Diane Parker Taillon
Canadian Information Centre on International
Credentials Nicole DAvignon
4Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1995
- Round table discussions/presentations on
accreditation process of each member - Trilateral reports and presentations on
activities/relationships between each Canadian
accrediting agency and USA and Mexico - February - draft mission and objectives
5Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1996
- Approved mission and objectives of AAAC
- Membership fee 500 approved
- Created home page for AAAC on another
organizations website - AAAC members presented at conferences
- - Partners for Prosperity (Trilateral,
Guadalajara) - -Trade Agreements, Higher Education and
Emergence of Global Professions The Quality
Dimension (Centre for Quality Assurance in Higher
Education, Washington) - - Internationalization Moving from Rhetoric
to Reality (AUCC, Ottawa)
6Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1996 cont.
- Membership survey on Key elements of Canadian
Accreditation Processes - Links to foreign accrediting bodies
- - Attendance at American Specialized and
Professional Accreditors meeting (ASPA, Chicago
and Florida) - Development of links with ASPA and exchange of
7Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1997
- Annual budget and business plan developed
- ACCC Hosted an international Conference on
quality assurance for Centre for Quality
Assurance in Higher Education. Conference Title
Trade Agreements, Higher Education and the
Globalization of the Professions A multi
national Discourse on Quality Assurance and
Competency (May, Montreal) - ASPA Chair, Carol Bobby Presented at AAAC
8Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1997 Cont.
- Links to UNESCO via Centre on International
Credentials (CICIC) - Guest speakers (on international quality and
higher education) - - D. Hollweck on FITT Skills Program
- AAAC home page expanded to three languages
(English, French and Spanish) - Guest speakers
- - L. Arany, Industry Canada, on National
Sector Teams - - K. McBride, AUCC on Internationalization
Conference and invitation to AAAC to hold
9Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1997 cont.
- AAAC brochure developed in English, French and
Spanish - Draft of AAAC guidelines for Accrediting Agencies
based on ASPA Member Code of Good Practice - AAAC registered on Standards Council of Canada
Web site
10 Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
Welcome The Association of Accrediting Agencies
of Canada in a newly formed national
organization. We invite you to find out more
about us by reading this brochure and contacting
us at the address on the back page. Mission To
ensure the highest quality education of
professionals, the Association of Accrediting
Agencies of Canada pursues excellence in
standards and processes of accreditation.
- Benefits
- Access to a unique forum for the discussion of
accreditation and related areas - Annual Conference featuring national and
international guest speakers at special member
prices - Access to a unique database of information on
accreditation and evaluation - Identification on the AAAC Web site
- Representation at the federal level
- Access to national and international reports and
documents dealing with new developments in the
area of accreditation - Access to related organizations and events
through AAACs international contacts
11Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- Bienvenue
- LAssociation des agences dagrément du Canada
est une nouvelle organization - nationale. Nous vous invitons à lire la présente
brochure pour faire notre - Connaissance et à vous mettre en rapport avec
nous à ladresse indiquée en - dernière page.
Mission Pour garantir une formation
professionnelle de la plus haute qualité,
lAssociation des agences dagrément du Canada
recherche lexcellence au niveau des normes et
des procédures dagrément.
- Avantages
- Accès à une tribure unique pour discuter des
questions dagréments et des dossiers qui sy
rattachent - Congrès annuel auxquels sont invités des
conférenciers canadiens et étrangers et auxquels
les membres peuvent assister à prix réduit - Accès à une banque de données unique sur
lagrément et lévaluaton - Identification sur le site Web de LAAAC
- Représentation au niveau fédéral
- Accès à des rapports et documents nationaux et
internationaux traitant des nouveaux dévelopment
dans le domaine de lagrément - Accès à des organisations apparentées et à des
rencontres intéressantes grâce au réseau
international de contacts de lAAAC
12Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1998
- Guest speakers
- - C. Brimley, CCTT, on overview of Canada
Technology Accredited Board - - J. Cassie, RCPSC, on Criteria for an
Acceptable Accreditation System
13Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1998
- AAAC members attended and presented at
conferences - - 6th Annual International Conference of CQAIE
(Washington) - - Minister for International Trade Round table
on Education Marketing (Toronto) - - J. Robert, Government of Quebec and L.
Longbell, ICES and K. Morrow, IQAS on
International Assessment Services Organizations - Draft of AAAC by laws
14Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1999
- Incorporation of AAAC constitution and bylaws
- Guest speakers
- - E. Heideman, CCHSA, on accreditation of health
services and facilities and international
activities - - D. Smith, J-F Bergeron, DFAIT, on Education
marketing strategy and International Perspective
15Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 1999 cont.
- Independent website for AAAC
- - J. Coleman, AUCC, on Internationalization of
Education - - G. Savard, CACB, on Reciprocity and the Role of
Accreditation - AAAC represented on DFAIT Trilateral Working
Group and attended meetings in EL Paso and San
16Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 2000
- Liability insurance acquired for AAAC directors
and officers - First formal elections under the constitution
(November 27) - Guest Speakers
- - J-F. Begeron, DFAIT, Trilateral Initiatives
- - C. Mario Comeau, CCHSA, International
Organizations and Quality Assurance - - P. Brennan, ACCC, Perspective and Policies on
Quality Assurance in Internationalization
17Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 2001
- AAAC members presented at conferences
- - Prior learning Assessment and Recognition
Conference (Halifax) - - Globalization and the 21st Century Conference
(San Diego) - - Council for Higher Education Assurance (CHEA,
New Orleans) - - Net work of Regulatory Agencies (NORA, Ottawa)
- - Coalition of Regulatory Related Agencies (CORA,
18Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 2001
- Letter to D. Cunningham, Minister of Ontario
Training Colleges and Universities on role of
Accreditation vis-à-vis quality assessment of
private college programs - Continued involvement on Trilateral Work Group
- Representation on External Review Committee for
Canada European Community Program for
Cooperation in Higher Education and Triage at the
Program for North American Mobility - Workshop on Terminology (for CICIC guide to
19Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 2002
- Protocol agreement between ASPA and AAAC
- Protocol agreement between AAAC and CONAHEC
(Consortium of North American Higher Education
Collaboration) - Discussions initiated between AAAC and the
Learning Library for an on line generic training
module for surveyors/reviewers - Invited Speaker
- - D. Baker, Ontario Post Secondary Education
Quality Assessment Board
20Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 2002 cont.
- Two page profiles developed on each AAAC member
organization - First internal audit of financial statements
- Update of Web site (English and French only)
- Workshop on Accreditation and Outcomes Based
Assessment (CPT) - Policy on membership executive committee to
review and make recommendations to members on
application for new membership and new members
will make presentation to members at a meeting
21Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
- 2003 - 2004
- Development of on-line training modules for site
visitors - Round Table discussions
- List serve member surveys
- Membership increased to 22
- 10th Anniversary Celebration
22Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
History of Executives of AAAC
23Association of Accrediting Agencies of Canada
History of Executives of AAAC