Title: Cancer Control in the EMR
1Cancer Control in the EMR
- Dr. Haifa Madi
- Director, Health Protection and Promotion
2Noncommunicable Diseases
- About 47 of the regions disease burden
expressed as DALY is due to NCDs. - Chronic diseases accounted for 52 of deaths in
EMR. - This burden is likely
- to rise
- Shared preventable risk factors
- Tobacco use
- Unhealthy diet
- Physical inactivity
- Harmful use of alcohol
Chronic lung Diseases
Heart disease and stroke
Other NCDs
Unhealthy diets
Physical inactivity
3Deaths by cause in the world
Noncommunicable diseases
Infectious diseases
Tuberculosis 2.4
Heart disease 30.2
Malaria 1.5
Total 58Million
Other Infectious Diseases 20.9
Cancer 15.7
Injuries 9.3
Diabetes 1.9
Other chronic diseases 15.7
(WHO, 2005)
4Cancer in the EMR
- Cancer is the 4th cause of death and it kills
more than HIV, malaria and TB together. - The burden of cancer will increase with aging and
unhealthy lifestyle and the EM region will
witness the highest and fastest increase in the
coming years. (100 and 180). - 40 of cancers can be prevented
- 40 of cancers can be detected early and cured.
- 20 of cancer can be managed by palliative
Source Rastogi et al. 2004.
5Increase in Deaths From Cancer In the next 15
Rastogi et al 2004)
6Cancer Incidence and Mortality in the EM Region
By Gender
Breast Cervix
Bladder Lung
7Children Cancer
In the EM region, the most common children
cancers are blood cancers
Incidence Mortality of children cancer in the
EM region compared to that in western countries
8Screening Early Detection In the EM region,
the vast majority of cancer are diagnosed at an
advanced stage when cure is improbable even with
the best treatment.
9Morphine consumption
Morphine consumption in western countries is
around 50 mg/capita
10Cancer programmes in EM Countries
- Cancer programmes in EM countries is
characterized with lack of reliable comprehensive
data, insufficient human and financial resources
to cover the needs in many EM countries, and
multidisciplinary management of cases is not
instituted. - In almost all countries, cancers are detected at
an advanced stage which increases cost and
mortalities. - Access to treatment and palliative care is
limited in many countries of the Region
11Cancer Risk Factors
12Prevalence of Smoking among Adults
13Currently Smoke Cigarettes, youth 13-15
Source is the GTYTS data in EMR MS
14Currently use Other Tobacco forms (Shisha), youth
Source is the GTYTS data in EMR MS
15Never Smoker Likely to Initiate Smoking Within a
year (13-15 yr)
Source is the GTYTS data in EMR MS
16Countries Ratified the FCTC
- ALL EMR countries, Except
- Morocco
- Tunisia
- Afghanistan
- Somalia
- Palestine
- tobacco use - responsible for 1.8 million cancer
deaths per year (60 of these deaths occur in
low- and middle-income countries)
17Main Issues with Tobacco
- Tobacco consumption is an epidemic.
- There are other components to it than only
cigarettes. Shisha is a rising problem. - Yet there are opportunities
- FCTC implementation (countries that have moved
into stronger legislations are all FCTC parties). - Even countries that are not FCTC parties can
implement the internationally known evidence
based interventions for tobacco control.
18Evidence based cost effective interventions for
tobacco control (FCTC AND MPOWER)
- Taxation increase (GCC countries- potentially
Yemen, EGY, PAK and Iran). - Tobacco free public places (BAH-UAE- EGY-
IRA-JOR). - Pictorial Health Warnings (JOR-EGY-IRA-DJI-GCC).
- Banning of ALL types of tobacco promotion
WHO recommendation is to increase taxes to 70
of retail price. GCC adopted the PHW
specification but yet to choose the Image.
19Thank You