Title: What is Assistive Technology
1What isAssistive Technology?
Debra Lorenz
AT Coordinator HBM Tech Coordinator
2Belief Statements
- That all students have the right to a Free,
Appropriate Public Education. - That all students should have the tools and
skills to control and direct their own lives. - That there should be educational technology
access for all students - That education is the responsibility of the
school, the community and the family
3Legal Mandates
- Individuals with Disabilities Education
Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEIA) - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
of 1990 (IDEA) - Indianas Article 7, Rule 6, Section 5 (D)
- 1997 Reauthorization of IDEA
- American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504
4What is Assistive Technology?
- Definition of a Device
- ...Item, piece of equipment or product system,
whether acquired commercially off-the shelf,
modified, or customized, that is used to
increase, maintain, or improve the functional
capabilities of children with disabilities.
5What is Assistive Technology?
- Definition of Assistive
Technology Service - ...Any service that directly assists a child
with a disability in the selection,
acquisition, or use of an assistive technology.
6Why Consider Access Issues When Purchasing
Educational Technology?
- Legal Basis
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act - Technology Related Assistance for Individuals
with Disabilities Act - Reauthorization of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act - Fiscal Responsibility
7Assuring Educational Technology Access for All
8Four AT Areas
- Computer Access
- Organization
- Written Expression
- Communication
9Computer Access
10Alternative Keyboards
- Adjustable or Fixed Split Keyboards
- Chord Keyboard
- Mini Keyboards
- Large Keys
- Eye Gaze
- Create Your Own
11Onscreen Keyboards
- XP Professional
- REACH Interface
- My-T-Soft
- DiscoverScreen
- WiViK 2.0
- Screen Doors II
12Alternative Mouse
- Eyegaze System
- Foot Control Mouse
- Trackballs
- Head Tracking
- Touch Pad
- Joystick
- Touch Screen
- Mouse Keys
13Touch Screens
- Edmark Touch Window
- Magic Touch
- One Touch
- Infrared
- Built In
14Switch Access
- Intellikeys
- Intelli Switch
- DJ Switch Interface
- Crick Switch Interface
- Switch Adapted Mice
- Lever
- Mercury
- Magnetic
- Leaf
- Proximity
- Mind
- Sound
- Plate
- Grasp/Grip
- Joystick
- Button
- Rocker
- Soft Pad or Pillow
- Pneumatic - Sip/Puff
- Infrared/Sound/Touch (IST)
- TouchFree camera
- P-Switch - sensitivity
- SCATIR Self-Calibrating Auditory Tone InfraRed
Mounts for Wheelchairs or Tables
17Math Productivity Tools
- MathPad Plus
- Talking Calculator
- MathTalk
- Scientific Notebook
- MathType
- Coins, Time, Graphing
18Mind Mapping
- KidPix
- Draft Builder
- Inspiration
- Kidspiration
- InspireData
19Writing Productivity Tools
15- 20 min. a day 6-8 weeks 5 minute intervals
- Diana King Keyboarding
- Read, Write Type
- Type to Learn
- Mavis Beacon
- Diana King Book
- Keyboarding Software
- Web/Magazine/Newspaper
ten finger touch typing is learned 12-16 years old
21Word Processors
- The Writer
- CalcuScribe
- PC6
22Talking Word Processors
- Ultimate Reader
- Talking Word Processor
- Scan and Read Pro
- Kurzweil
- SOLO - Write Outloud
- IntelliTalk
- Read Write Gold
23Word Prediction
- Word Predictor Pro
- SOLO - CoWriter
- HandiWord
- WiViK Rep
- Soothsayer
- Word Q
I see in your future...
24Voice RecognitionSoftware
- Windows XP Speech Tools
- Dragon Naturally Speaking
- IBM Via Voice
- MacSpeech - iListen
25Alternative Augmentative Communication
26Picture/Symbol Systems
- The Picture Exchange System
- Communication Boards Wallets
- Schedules
27Voice Output Systems
- Single Button/Word/Phrase
- Step by Step Sequencing
- Single Level/Multi-Button
- Cause Effect
- Repetitive Phrases
- Social Scripting
- Choice Making
28Direct Select / Switch Access
- Leveled Systems
- Dynamic Display
- Unity Vocabulary
29Selection Method
- Direct Select
- Finger/Hand
- Foot
- Head
- Direct Scanning Methods
- Automatic Scanning
- Step Scanning
- Inverse Scanning
- Scanning Format
- Row/column
- Quadrant/Group Item
- Sequential/Rotary
30Text Based Systems
PolyAna Enkidu
LightWriter DynaWrite Link
31Areas ofAssistive Technology Service
AT Eval
- Providing for the
- Acquisition of
- Assistive Technology Devices
Case Conference
- Selecting, Designing, Fitting, Customizing,
Adapting, Applying, Maintaining, - Repairing or Replacing of AT Devices
- Coordinating Therapies, Interventions,
- or Services
AT ServicesCase Conference
- Training and Technical Assistance for Individual
/ Family
AT Services
- Training and Technical Assistance for
Professionals - Paraprofessionals
AT Services
38What Are the Schools Responsibilities to Provide
Access for Students with Disabilities?
39Schools Responsibility guided by CC
- Defined Procedures and Guidelines
- Trained Staff and Available Resources
- Identified Multidisciplinary Assessment Teams
- Inservice/Training for Student, Family and Staff
- Access to/or Budget for Assistive Technology
Devices and Services - Process for Follow-up/Monitoring/Data Collection
- of AT
40Hamilton-Boone-Madison Special Services Coop