Title: MapJunction
- William J. Warner
- FutureBoston, Inc.
1. An Outsiders Perspective 2. The Problem 3.
Our Approach 4. MapJunction Demo 5. Next Steps
3High tech entrepreneur seeks to get involved in
rebuilding of Boston after the Big Dig. Seeks
tools that help bring all the available
information together in one place.including
historical information!
4High tech entrepreneur seeks to get involved in
rebuilding of Boston after the Big Dig. Seeks
tools that help bring all the available
information together in one place.including
historical information!
5High tech entrepreneur seeks to get involved in
rebuilding of Boston after the Big Dig. Seeks
tools that help bring all the available
information together in one place.including
historical information!
6Problem Need a good, fast, simple way to view
web-based maps.
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10Problem Theres great information out there,
but how do you find it?
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19Problem I want one-stop-shopping for
information from all sources
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22Problem I want historical information in the
same system that provides me with current
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34Problem I want data from multiple towns in a
single view
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