Title: Charitable Contributions
1Charitable Contributions
- On-Line Application Overview
2Getting Started
- The link to the on-line Charitable Contribution
Screens can be found on the home page for the
Utah State Employees Charitable Fund.
(www.usecf.state.ut.us). - After going to Utah State Employees Charitable
Fund site, simply click on the link.
3Getting Started
- Once you have clicked the link, you will be taken
to the login screen. Please enter the same user
id and password that you use for your timesheet.
(Your LAN password).
4Getting Started
- Once you have logged in, you will see a screen
with a welcome box at the top, followed by the
box pictured above. If you wish to contribute
via payroll deduction, simply click on the
Payroll Deduction Contribution text. If you
would like to make a one-time donation and attach
a check or money, then click on the One Time
Contribution text.
5Payroll Deduction Contributions
- If you clicked on the Payroll Deduction
Contribution, you will see the following screen.
To begin, enter the agency code of the
organization that you would like to contribute to
in the box next to Charitable Agency Code. If
you do not know the code, simply press the search
6Search for Organization/Agency
- Simply enter any word that you wish to search by
and then press the Search button.
7Search for Organization/Agency
- All matching results for your keyword will
display in the box titled Select a Charitable
Agency Code. To select one of those agencies
for your donation, simply click on the Charitable
Agency Code. (Such as 2501 for Alliance for
8Payroll Deduction Contributions
- If you have selected a code from the search
screen, the application will return you to the
Payroll Deduction Contributions screen and will
fill in the code for you. If the code is
correct, simply enter the amount that you wish to
contribute into the Annual Amount field.
9Payroll Deduction Contributions
- After you have entered the annual amount, press
the Add Entry button.
10Payroll Deduction Contributions
- Since the amount that you entered is an Annual
Amount, the application will divide this amount
by the appropriate number of pay periods and will
round the result. The rounded amount will
display under Annual Donation Amount and the
Amount that will be deducted from each pay check
will display under the Deduction Per Paycheck. - If the amount is correct and you do not wish to
contribute to another charitable agency, you can
press the submit donation button. If you wish
to contribute to another charitable agency,
simply repeat the process and enter another
charitable agency code in the box. If the amount
is not correct and you need to change it, you may
edit the transaction by clicking on the EDIT text
right next to the Charitable Agency Code.
11Editing Payroll Deduction Contributions
- If you are editing a specific contribution, the
agency code and amount that you entered will
appear in the appropriate boxes. To make a
change to an amount, simply overwrite the amount
that appears in the box with the correct amount
and then press the Edit Entry button. - Note you may also press the cancel button to
exit the transaction without confirming your
12Editing Payroll Deduction Contributions
- The modified amount will display on the screen.
If this is correct, simply press the Submit
Donation button. - Note you may press the cancel button to exit
the transaction without confirming your donation.
13Submitting Payroll Deduction Contributions
- Once you have submitted your Payroll Deduction
Contribution, the system will provide you with
more instructions. Even though you have
submitted your contribution, it will not be saved
until you press the Confirm Donation button.
At this point, you can still Edit your
transaction or Cancel and come back to it later.
14Confirming Payroll Deduction Contributions
- After confirming your donation, a receipt will
appear on the screen. Please ensure that you
print the receipt at this time as it will not be
available to print again. When you are done
printing, press the Finished button and your
contribution will be complete.
15One Time Contributions
- If you selected the One Time Contributions
option, you will be taken to this screen. To
select an agency/organization that you would like
to contribute to, simply enter the agency code or
press the search button if you do not know the
agency code.
16Search for Organization/Agency
- To search for an Agency/Organization, simply
enter a keyword, (such as Heart pictured
above), and then press the search button.
17Search for Organization/Agency
- All matching results for your keyword will
display in the box titled Select a Charitable
Agency Code. To select one of those agencies
for your donation, simply click on the Charitable
Agency Code. (Such as 5503 for American Heart
18One Time Contributions
- If you have selected a code from the search
screen, the application will return you to the
One Time Contributions screen and will fill in
the code for you. If the code is correct, simply
enter the amount that you wish to contribute into
the Annual Amount field.
19One Time Contributions
- After you have entered the annual amount, press
the Add Entry button.
20One Time Contributions
- If the amount is correct and you do not wish to
contribute to another charitable agency, you can
press the submit donation button. If you wish
to contribute to another charitable agency,
simply repeat the process and enter another
charitable agency code in the box. If the amount
is not correct and you need to change it, you may
edit the transaction by clicking on the EDIT text
right next to the Charitable Agency Code.
21Editing One Time Contributions
- If you are editing a specific contribution, the
agency code and amount that you entered will
appear in the appropriate boxes. To make a
change to an amount, simply overwrite the amount
that appears in the box with the correct amount
and then press the Edit Entry button. - Note you may also press the cancel button to
exit the transaction without confirming your
22Editing One Time Contributions
- The modified amount will display on the screen.
If this is correct, simply press the Submit
Donation button. - Note you may press the cancel button to exit
the transaction without confirming your donation.
23Submitting One Time Contributions
- Once you have submitted your One Time
Contribution, the system will provide you with
more instructions. Even though you have
submitted your contribution, it will not be saved
until you press the Confirm Donation button.
At this point, you can still Edit your
transaction or Cancel and come back to it later.
24Confirming One Time Contributions
- After confirming your donation, a receipt will
appear on the screen. Please ensure that you
print the receipt at this time as it will not be
available to print again. When you are done
printing, press the Finished button and your
contribution will be complete.
25Deleting Contributions
- Note Whether you are in the Payroll Deduction
Contribution screen or the One Time Contribution
screen, you may delete a contribution, anytime
before pressing the Confirm button. - Simply press the DELETE at the far right of the
contribution line.
26Deleting Contributions
- The charitable agency code and amount from the
line you were working with will show in the
yellow boxes. - Simply press the Delete Entry button and the
contribution will be deleted.
27Deleting Contributions