Title: Epidemiology and Clinical Investigation of SARS in Taiwan
1Epidemiology and Clinical Investigation of SARS
in Taiwan
- Speaker Yi-Chun Wu
- Center for Disease Control, Taiwan
2Active Surveillance System
- SARS Reporting System
- Respiratory Syndrome Reporting System
- SARS reported cases were reviewed by SARS
Advisory Committee
3Case Definition
- Suspected Case of SARS
- After 1 February 2003 with history of - high
fever (gt38 C) AND - cough or breathing
difficulty with exposures during the 10 days
prior to onset of symptoms - close contact
with a person who is a suspect or probable case
of SARS - history of travel or residing , to
an affected area
4Case Definition
- Probable Case of SARS
- A suspected case with radiographic evidence of
infiltrates consistent with pneumonia or
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) on chest
X-ray (CXR). - A suspect case with autopsy findings consistent
with the pathology of RDS without an identifiable
5Cumulative Number of Reported Cases in Taiwan,
updated Apr. 18
6Tracking Travel History and Disease Onset of SARS
Probable Cases
8The Travel History of Taiwan SARS Cases in
Mainland China
9Demographic Characteristics of SARS Probable
Cases (Age)
10Demographic Characteristics of SARS Probable Cases
11Demographic Characteristics of SARS Probable Cases
12Number of Probable SARS Cases by Exposure
Category and Date of Fever Onset in Taiwan
Travel Household Contact HCW
13Incubation Period of SARS Cases in Taiwan (n5)
- Mean 7.4 days
- Median 7
- Range 4-10
14Symptoms of Probable SARS Cases in Taiwan
15Physical and Lab. Finding of Probable SARS in
16The Correlation of Virology Bacteriology
Studies and SARS Probable Cases in Taiwan
17The Correlation of Virology Bacteriology
Studies and SARS Probable Cases in Taiwan
- Majority of probable SARS cases in Taiwan were
imported cases (81.5,22/27 ). - Active Surveillance and Tracking Contact History
helps to know where are SARS cases in China - Early Identification and Isolation is the most
effective prevention and control measure.
- The Major Symptom of SARS Cough 100, fever
100, myalgia 66.7, diarrhea 57.1, sputum
52.9,dyspnea 50, Nausea/Vomiting and Headache
are both about 40. - Lab. Finding of SARS Low Lym. 82.4, WBC
Normal/Low 70.4, Low Platelet 48.1, High LDH
71.4, High CPK 11.1.
- SARS virus PCR () 9/27 (33.3) in Probable
cases. - SARS virus Co-infection with other etiological
agent 4/27 (14.8) in Probable cases. - Without SARS virus but with other infection 8/27
(29.7) in Probable cases.
- SARS Advisory Committee,Taiwan
- CDC SARS investigation team, Taiwan
- All the hospitals treating SARS cases,Taiwan
- Local Departments of Health, Taiwan
22Thank You for Your Attention!