Title: Mountain West Addiction Technology Transfer Center
1Mountain WestAddiction Technology TransferCenter
- Nancy A. Roget, MS
- Wendy L. Woods, MA
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3Overview of Presentation
- What are ATTCs
- History
- Technology Transfer
- National ATTC Network
- Mountain West ATTC
- MWATTC Activities
4ATTC History
- 1993 11 centers
- 1998 13 Regional Centers National Office
- 2002 Network
- 14 Regional Centers National Office
5ATTCs Funded To
- 1993 provide states/regions with
adequately trained substance abuse counselors
6- 1998 Enhance The Knowledge And Skills Of All
Health Professionals
7- 2002
- develop substance abuse treatment and recovery
curricula - provide education and professional development
opportunities to the workforce
8- Addiction Training Centers
- to
- Addiction Technology Transfer Centers
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10Technology Transfer
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12Diffusion of Innovation
13Diffusion is User-Oriented
14Technology Transfer is Producer-Oriented
15 Critical Mass
16- Speed the adoption of Evidence-based practices
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18- Poor Motor Memory Performance
- 33 year old male- 80 days post detox
- Low Severity- Parkinson Disease
- transporter losses may not recover
- Volkow, et al. 2001
- Researchers Practitioners
ATTCs -Boundary spanners 1.00 for research
1.00 for dissemination
20ATTC Mission
- To increase knowledge and skills of addiction
treatment practitioners
21ATTC Mission
- To heighten the awareness, knowledge and skills
of ALL professionals regarding addiction treatment
22ATTC Mission
- To foster regional and national alliances among
practitioners, researchers, policy makers,
funders, and consumers
23ATTC Vision
ATTCs Vision
Unifying science, education, and services to
transform lives.
24ATTC Network 2001-2006
Prairielands ATTC
ATTC ofNew England
Great LakesATTC
ATTC National Office
Central East ATTC
Central EastATTC
Mid-Atlantic ATTC
Southeast ATTC
Gulf Coast ATTC
Southern CoastATTC
Caribbean Basin Hispanic ATTC
25Characteristics of All ATTCs
- Serve constituency groups related to addiction
- Provide training and educational services
- Develop curriculum
- Translate research for use by counselors and
other providers - Disseminate SAMHSA/CSAT products
26Unique Aspects of Regional Centers
- Location
- Target Audience/Discipline
- Educational Focus
- Systems Focus
- Staff Expertise
27Caribbean Basin Hispanic ATTCUniversidad
Central del Caribe Bayamon, Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico
- U.S. Virgin Islands
28Central East ATTCDanya Institute Silver
Spring, Maryland
- Washington DC
- Delaware
- Kentucky
- Tennessee
- Maryland
29Great Lakes ATTCUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
- Illinois
- Ohio
- Wisconsin
- Indiana
- Michigan
30Gulf Coast ATTCUniversity of Texas - Austin
- Texas
- Louisiana
- Mississippi
31Mid-America ATTCUniversity of Missouri - Kansas
- Kansas
- Missouri
- Oklahoma
- Arkansas
32Mid-Atlantic ATTCVirginia Commonwealth
University Richmond, Virginia
- Virginia
- Maryland
- North Carolina
- West Virginia
33Mountain West ATTCUniversity of Nevada - Reno
- Nevada
- Montana
- Wyoming
- Utah
- Colorado
34ATTC of New EnglandBrown University -
Providence, Rhode Island
- Vermont
- New Hampshire
- Maine
- Rhode Island
- Massachusetts
- Connecticut
35Northeast ATTCIRETA - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- New York
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
36Northwest Frontier ATTCOregon Health Sciences
University - Salem, Oregon
- Alaska
- Idaho
- Oregon
- Washington
- Hawaii
- Pacific Trust Territories
37Pacific Southwest ATTCUniversity of California -
Los Angeles
- California
- New Mexico
- Arizona
38Prairielands ATTCUniversity of Iowa Iowa City
- Iowa
- Nebraska
- North Dakota
- South Dakota
- Minnesota
39Southeast ATTCCork Institute, Morehouse School
of Medicine Atlanta, Georgia
40Southern Coast ATTCFlorida Certification Board
Tallahassee, Florida
41ATTC National OfficeUniversity of Missouri -
Kansas City
- Serving 14 Regional Centers and the nation
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43National Network Products
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48The Change Book
- Nearly 25,000 copies disseminated since June 2000
- The Change Book in Spanish
- An international reference for distance education
50Network Products
51ATOD KDA Grant Awards
- A National ListingAlcohol, Tobacco, Other
DrugsKnowledge Development Application Grant
52NIDA/ATTC Partnership
- Buprenorphine Awareness
- ASI/DENS Treatment Planning
53Mountain West ATTC
- Located at University of Nevada, Reno
- One of the original eleven ATTCs
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55Mountain West ATTC Staff
- Nancy Roget
- Wendy Woods
- Meri Shadley
- Marlene OConnell
- Michael Loos
- Pete Singleton
- Jennifer Helgren
- Renee Warren
- Eric Albers
- Nora Luna
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57Mountain West Activities
- Academic Programs
- Consortia
- Conferences/Institutes
- Training
- Online Courses
- Sub-Agreements
- Workforce Development
58Academic Programs
59Undergraduate Minor at University of Nevada, Reno
- Problems of Substance Abuse and Addiction
- Biopsychosocial Factors in Addiction
- Developmental Theories Prevention Education
Strategies - Addiction Treatment I
- Individual Group Addiction Treatment
- Addiction Treatment II
60- Online Academic
- 18 credit minor on online- Fall 2004
- Frontier Treatment Providers
- Native American Initiative
- Licensing/Certification Board
- Treatment Provider Associations
- Faith-Based
- Teen Challenge
- Vanguard University
69Conferences Institutes
- 2004 NAADAC Fall Conference
- Yellowstone
- October 6-9th
- Utah Fall Conference
70Online CEU Courses
71 Sub-Agreements
- Montana
- Wyoming
- White Bison
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73Workforce DevelopmentActivities
- Workforce Studies
- Leadership Institutes
- Recruitment and Retention Efforts
ATTCs will sponsor Leadership Institutes in
75Developing Career Ladders
76Career Paths
77Career Path
78Career in Substance Abuse Field
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