Title: No more pain' No more pills'
1- No more pain. No more pills.
- Get back to living!
2Symptoms of GERD
- Heartburn
- Acid regurgitation
- Sour or bitter taste in throat or mouth
- Esp. after large, late meals
- Water brash
- Hot sensation in stomach
- Excess salivation
- Dysphagia and Odynophagia
- Difficulty swallowing or painful swallowing
3Other Symptoms of GERD
- Hoarseness
- Laryngitis
- Sore throat
- Chronic cough
- Frequent swallowing
- Burning in the throat or mouth
- Pulmonary
- Asthma
- Aspiration pneumonia
- Chronic bronchitis
- Other
- Regurgitation
- Chest pain
- Dental erosion
Atypical symptoms
4Causes of GERD
Contributing factors
- Overweight and Obesity
- Modern nutritional habits coffee, chocolate,
carbonized drinks, fatty foods, etc.
Unfolding of Sphincter
DeMeester Gastric pathology as an indicator and
potentiator of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Dis Esophagus, 1997 10(1)1-8
5 Root Cause of Moderate/Severe GERD
- Anatomical change and loss of natural antireflux
Normal AnatomyFully Functional Valve Prevents
Abnormal Dysfunctional ValveGERD
6USA GERD Incidence
- 10 - 15 of adult population suffers from daily
GERD ( 15 MM) - Incidence of GERD rises rapidly after 40 years of
age - Esophageal cancer is 8X more likely to occur in
patients with weekly heartburn or regurgitation
7PPIs are not the solution for severe or chronic
Severe and Chronic GERD
- Does not stop
- Reflux
- Non Erosive Reflux Disease (NERD)
- Regurgitation
8Continued Reflux Symptoms on Medications
Gallup Poll Reflux 72 on Medication
79 Nighttime symptoms 50 Nighttime
reflux worse than daytime reflux 63 Ability
to sleep affected 40 Daytime function
affected 70 Nighttime discomfort moderate to
severe 75 Can not fall asleep or wakes them
up 45 Medication does not relieve all
20-40 of patients dissatisfied with PPI
Gallup Poll 2000 for AGA N 1000 American
Journal of Gastroenterology 2003 vol. 98 Shaker
et al
9Patients Needing a New Approach
Long-term Implications
- Young patients at risk for long-term
complications with chronic drug therapy - At risk for osteoporosis
- Barretts and esophageal cancer risk increase
- Drug-drug interaction issues
- Adverse events from PPIs
- Patients who do not want to take drugs for life
- Non Erosive Reflux Disease (NERD)
10GERD Treatment Options
- Limitations of Pharmaceuticals
- Treat only the symptoms not the cause
- Do not stop reflux
- Do not treat non-heartburn symptoms (asthma,
hoarseness, coughing)
- Benefits of EsophyX
- GEJ reconstructed
- PPIs reduced or eliminated
- Hiatal Hernia fixed lt 2cm
- Significant pH Normalization
- Improved Quality of Life
- Reduce/Eliminate reflux
- Adjustment possible
11EsophyX TIF
TIF (Transoral Incisionless Fundoplication)
- No incisions
- No scarring
- No incisional herniation
- Less potential for infection - nosocomial
infection minimized - Patient friendly
- Rapid return to work and normal activities
Unique Surgical Approach
12EsophyX Animation
Unique Surgical Approach
13EsophyX Experience
- Reconstructs the natural primary barrier to
reflux by creating a robust valve
- 45 - 60 minute procedure
- 8 - 14 fasteners SerosaFuse fasteners (3.0
non-absorbable propylene sutures) - Overnight stay (general anesthesia)
- Post-op discomfort minimal
- Rapid recovery Most patients are back to work
and most activities in a couple of days
Unique Surgical Approach
14Multi Center Trial (1 year) N79
85 of Patients OFF daily PPIs
- Minimal risk of adverse events
- Excellent QOL improvement 73
- Elimination of PPI use 85
- Esophagitis resolution 59
- Hiatal hernia reduction 71
- pH normalization 49 (Hill grade one)
Clinically Safe Effective
15Phase 2 Dietary Changes
Patients can enjoy foods that caused reflux off
P lt 0.01
16Phase 2 Dietary Changes
Patients can enjoy more foods than they could on
PPIs without reflux
17Multi Center Trial (2 years) N79
- Minimal risk of adverse events
- Patients satisfied with treatment 86
- Patients can consume reflux causing 60-80
foods without symptoms
Clinically Safe Effective
18Effectiveness - Conclusions
- EsophyX-TIF was shown to be effective in treating
chronic GERD as indicated by the significantly
improved quality of life and reduced dependency
on daily PPIs. - The results at 12 and 24 mo supported a long-term
maintenance of the anatomical integrity of TIF