Title: American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
1American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM)
- How and when to use the Criteria
2Definition of Terms
- Clinically managed Directed by non physician
addiction specialist rather than medical
personnel. Appropriate for individuals whose
primary problems involve emotional, behavioral,
cognitive, readiness to change, relapse or
recovery environment concerns.
Intoxication/withdrawal/biomedical concerns are
all minimal if they exist at all. - Medically Monitored Services provided by an
interdisciplinary staff of nurses, counselors,
social workers, addiction specialist and other
health and technical personnel under the
direction of a licensed physician. Medical
monitoring is provided through appropriate mix of
direct patient contact, review of records, tram
meetings, 24 hour coverage by a physician and a
quality assurance program. - Medically Managed Services that involve daily
medical care, where diagnostic and treatment
services are directly provided an/or managed by
an appropriately trained and licensed physician.
3Dimensional Criteria Assessment
- Dimension 1 Acute Intoxication/Withdrawal
Potential - Dimension 2 Biomedical Conditions and
Complications - Dimension 3 Emotional/Behavioral/Cognitive
Conditions and Complications - Dimension 4 Readiness to Change
- Dimension 5 Relapse/Continued Use/Continued
Problem Potential - Dimension 6 Recovery Environment
- ASAM Criteria should be utilized to
- 1. Assign the appropriate level of service and
level of care - 2. Do effective treatment planning and
documentation - 3. Make decisions about continued service or
discharge by ongoing assessment and review
of progress notes -
4Relationship Between ASAM PPC-2R and ASI-MV
ASAM PPC-2R Dimensions ASI-MV Domains
ASAM Dimension 1 Acute Intoxication/Withdrawal Potential Drug/Alcohol Use
ASAM Dimension 2 Biomedical Conditions Complications Medical Status
ASAM Dimension 3 Emotional, Behavioral Cognitive Conditions Complications Psychiatric Status
5Relationship Between ASAM PPC-2R and ASI-MV
ASAM PPC-2R Dimensions ASI-MV Domains
ASAM Dimension 4 Readiness To Change Legal System?
ASAM Dimension 5 Relapse, Continued Use, Continued Problem Potential Drug/Alcohol Use Psychiatric Status
ASAM Dimension 6 Recovery Environment Employment/Support Legal System Family/Social Relationships
6ASAM PPC-2R(Dimension 1- Detoxification Services)
- Level I.D Ambulatory Detoxification without
Extended On-site Monitoring (e.g., physician
office practice/home health care) - Level II-D Ambulatory Detoxification with
Extended On-site Monitoring (e.g., detoxification
on partial hospitalization program) - Level III-D Residential/Inpatient Detoxification
- Level III.2D Clinically Managed Residential
Detoxification (e.g., social detox) - Level III.7D Medically Monitored Inpatient
Detoxification - Level IV-D Medically Managed Inpatient
7Residential/Inpatient Levels of Care
- Level III Residential/Inpatient Services
- Level III.1- Clinically Managed Low-Intensity
Residential Services (e.g., halfway house) - Level III.3- Clinically Managed Medium- Intensity
residential Services (e.g., Therapeutic
Rehabilitation Facility) - Level III.5- Clinically Managed High-Intensity
Residential Services (e.g., Therapeutic
Community, Residential Treatment Center) - Level III.7- Medically Monitored Intensive
Inpatient Treatment - Level IV Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient
8The Differences Between Inpatient, Residential
and Outpatient with Supportive Living
Inpatient Residential O.P. w/Supportive Living
Provides 24-hour structure support Provides 24-hour access to medical nursing services Patients in Imminent Danger Provides 24-hour structure support (except III.1lt24 hrs) Primary medical services not necessary Patients in Immienent Danger (except III.1) Provides structure Support Primary medical services not necessary Patients not in Imminent Danger
9Levels of Care (PPC-2R)Overall Structure of
Levels of Care Services
- Level 0.5- Early Intervention
- Level I- Outpatient
- Level II- Intensive Outpatient/Partial
Hospitalization - Level III- Residential/Inpatient Treatment
- Level IV- Medically Managed Intensive Inpatient
10Level 0.5 is NOT a level of care or treatment but
the combination of psycho-education and
assessment. If the assessment indicates the need
for treatment, the individual may receive
treatment at the conclusion of the 0.5 service or
11Outpatient Levels of Care Services
- Level 0.5- Early Intervention
- Level I- Outpatient
- Less that 9 contact Hours/Week
- Level II- Intensive Outpatient/Partial
Hospitalization - Level II.1- 9 or More Contact Hours/Week in a
Structured Program (6 hrs. for adolescents) - Level II.5- 20 or More Contact Hours/Week in a
Structured Program
12The CIWA-Ar(Clinical Institute Withdrawal
Assessment of Alcohol, Revised)
- It requires under two minutes to administer
- It requires no medial knowledge
- It provides you with a quantitative score that
predicts the severity of withdrawal from alcohol
13Types of Managed Care Reviews
For the MCO For the Provider
Pre-certification Intake Initial Assessment
Concurrent Review Treatment Plan Update
Retrospective Review Case Review
14Managed Care
- A clinical Quality Process
- Rather than Simply A Way to Reduce Treatment Costs
15Individualized Treatment
- The four Ps
- Patient/Participant Assessment
- Problems/Priorities
- Plan
- Progress
- Match Severity or Level of Functioning (Assets
and Obstacles to Improvement) With Intensity of
Service (Treatment Modalities, Strategies and
Site of Care)
16Level of Care Placement afterrelapseshould be
based on an assessment of history and here
now and NOTon the assumption that if a patient
relapsed after having been treated, then the
previous level of care was not intense enough!
17HOMELESSNESSalone is NOTsufficient reason for
Level III Placement!
18The more disadvantaged and complicated, the
more important isCASE MANAGEMENT
- Co-occurring medical and psychiatric disorders
- Adolescents
- Ex-Felons
- Older Adults
- Welfare/disability clients
- Financial problems needs
- Parenting needs
- Pregnant Women
19The Three Hs of Assessment
- History
- Here and Now
- How uncomfortable are you?
20A Discharge PlanIs ADeferred Treatment
PlanandShould Be As Specific and ConcreteAs A
Treatment Plan
21Discharge Planning is part of treatment
planning, NOT a discrete activity
22Assessing for Lapse vs. Relapse
Lapse Impulsive Short Duration Accompanied by Guilt Small Amount of Use Relatively Low Consequences Desire to Return to Abstinence Relapse Planned Long Period of Use High Defensiveness Large Amount of Use Relatively High Consequences Uncertainty About Desire to Return to Abstinence
23Imminent Danger
- A strong probability that certain behaviors will
occur (e.g., continued alcohol or drug use or
relapse or non-compliance with psychiatric
medications) - The likelihood that these behaviors will present
a significant risk of serious adverse
consequences to the individual and/or others (as
in a consistent pattern of driving while
intoxicated) - The likelihood that such adverse events will
occur in the very near future - In order to constitute imminent danger ALL
THREE ELEMENTS must be present
24Immediate Need Profile
- Dimension 1 Acute Intoxication/Withdrawal
- Potential
- (a) Have you ever has life-threatening
- withdrawal signs or symptoms? ___ No ___Yes
- (b) If yes, are you currently having similar
- withdrawal symptoms? ___No ___Yes
- Dimension 2 Biomedical Conditions and
Complications - Do you have any current, untreated severe
- physical problems? ___No ___Yes
- Dimension 3 Emotional/Behavioral Conditions
Complications - Do you feel that you are imminently in danger
and could harm yourself or someone else? ___No
25Immediate Need Profile (cont)
- Dimension 4 Treatment Acceptance/Resistance
- (a) Do you feel that you are in immediate need
of alcohol/drug treatment? __No __Yes - (b) Have you been referred or required to have
an assessment and/or enter treatment by the
criminal justice system, health or social
services, work/school, or family/significant
other? __No __Yes
26Immediate Need Profile (cont)
- Dimension 5 Relapse/Continued Use Potential
- (a) Are you currently under the influence? __No
__Yes - (b) Are you likely to continue use of alcohol
and/or other drugs, or to relapse, in an
imminently dangerous manner? __No __Yes - Dimension 6 Recovery Environment
- Are there any dangerous family, significant
others, living/working situations threatening
your safety, immediate well-being and/or
sobriety? __No __Yes
27Responses to Immediate Need Profile
- Yes to Dimension 1, 2, and/or 3 Questions
- Requires that the caller/client immediately
receive medial or psychiatric care - Yes to Dimension 4 Alone
- Caller/client to be seen for an assessment
within 48 hours, and perferably earlier, for
motivational strategies, unless patinet
imminently likely to walk out and needs
containment strategies - Yes to Dimension 5, Question (a)
- Requires the caller/client receive assessment
for withdrawal potential - Yes to Dimension 5 and/or 6 without Yes in
Dimensions 1, 2, and/or 3 - Requires the caller/client be referred to a safe
or supervised environment
28Screening for Alcohol Problems
- Have you ever felt the need to CUT down on your
__Yes __No - Have you ever felt ANNOYED by someone criticizing
your drinking?
__Yes __No - Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking?
__Yes __No - Have you ever felt the need for an EYE OPENER to
get you started in the morning? __Yes
- U In the past year, have you ever drank or used
drugs more that you intended to? - N Have you ever neglected some of your usual
responsibilities because of using alcohol or
drugs? - C Have you felt you wanted or needed to cut down
on your drinking or drug use in the last year? - O Has anyone objected to your drinking or drug
use? - P Have you ever found yourself preoccupied with
wanting to use alcohol or drugs? - E Have you ever used alcohol or drugs to relieve
emotional discomfort?
30CraftBrief Screening Test for AdolescentSubstanc
e Abuse 2 or more yes answers suggests a
significant problem
- C- Have you every ridden in a CAR when driven by
someone (including yourself) who was high or
had been using alcohol or drugs? - R- Have you ever used alcohol to RELAX, feel
better about yourself or fit in? - A- Do you ever use alcohol/drugs while you are by
yourself, ALONE? - F- Do your family or FRIENDS ever tell you that
you should cut down on your drinking or drug use? - F- Do you ever FORGET things that you did while
using alcohol or drugs? - T- Have you gotten into TROUBLE while you were
using alcohol or drugs?
Yes No