Title: QIO 9th SOW Hospital Issued Notices
1QIO 9th SOWHospital Issued Notices
2WVMI/Quality Insights
- Quality Insights of Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania QIO
- Quality Insights of Delaware
- Delaware QIO
- West Virginia Medical Institute (WVMI)
- West Virginia QIO
3Tri-State Approach
- WVMI Quality Insights work as a team in our
9th SOW Beneficiary Protection activities.
4Objectives of Presentation
- Discuss Notice types why given
- Discuss delivery timing
- Discuss related documentation
- Provide informational links
5Why Notices Given
- Each hospital is required by Conditions of
Participation to have a Utilization Review
program to ensure that only medically necessary
services are provided in their facility. - http//edocket.access.gpo.gov/cfr_2004/octqtr/pdf/
- In order to bill a Medicare beneficiary,
providers must properly notify the beneficiary of
potentially non-covered services and outline
appeal rights, thus notices are given.
7Informational Link for Notices
- Beneficiary Notices http//www.cms.hhs.gov/bni/
- Links for todays discussion
- http//www.cms.hhs.gov/BNI/05_HINNs.aspTopOfPage
- Hospital Discharge Appeal Notices
- http//www.cms.hhs.gov/BNI/12_HospitalDischargeApp
8QIO Reviewed Notice Types
- Previously
- Admission HINN
- Preadmission HINN
- Important Message
- Continued Stay
- Acute to Swing
- Current
- Admission Same
- Preadmission Same
- IM/Continued Stay merged into new process
9Notices Not QIO Reviewed
- FFS HINN lists
- HINN 11
- These are used for non-covered services
(medically unnecessary) based on published
Medicare coverage policy (national or local). - Primary oversight is by Intermediaries, not QIOs
10Preadmission/Admission HINN
- Location of Notice
- Timing for Delivery
- Documentation Related to Delivery
11Links for Notice Types
- Admission/Preadmission
- http//www.cms.hhs.gov/BNI/05_HINNs.aspTopOfPage
- The Preadmission/Admission HINN, used prior to an
entirely non-covered stay, replaces HINNs 1 and
12Timing Admission/Preadmission
- Preadmission Self-explanatory
- (Beneficiary is liable, if admitted, for
customary charges) - Admission (Timing of delivery changes liability)
- Notices given no later than 3 p.m. date of
admission - (Beneficiary liable for customary charges after
receipt of notice...) - Notices given after 3 p.m. the day of admission
- (Beneficiary liable for customary charges ...on
day following receipt of this notice)
13IM Notices
- Location of Notices
- Timing of Delivery
- Documentation
- Appeal Process
14Links for Notice Types
- IM and subsequent notification
- http//www.cms.hhs.gov/BNI/12_HospitalDischargeApp
ealNotices.aspTopOfPage - HINN 12
- http//www.cms.hhs.gov/BNI/Downloads/PreadmissionA
15Timing-IM Notices
- Hospitals must issue the IM within 2 calendar
days of admission, must obtain the signature of
the beneficiary or his/her representative and
provide a copy at that time. - Hospitals will also deliver a copy of the signed
notice as far in advance of discharge as
possible, but not more than 2 calendar days
before discharge.
16Documentation Requirements
- Regardless of the competency of a beneficiary, if
the hospital is unable to personally deliver a
notice to a representative, then the hospital
should telephone the representative to advise him
or her of the beneficiarys rights as a hospital
patient, including the right to appeal a
discharge decision. - The information provided should include the
following at a minimum - The name and telephone number of a contact at the
hospital - The beneficiarys planned discharge date, and the
date when the beneficiarys liability begins - The beneficiarys rights as a hospital patient,
including the right to appeal a discharge
decision - How to get a copy of a detailed notice describing
why the hospital and physician believe the
beneficiary is ready to be discharged - A description of the steps for filing an appeal
- When (by what time/date) the appeal must be filed
to take advantage of the liability protections - The entity required to receive the appeal,
including any applicable name, address, telephone
number, fax number or other method of
communication the entity requires in order to
receive the appeal in a timely fashion - Direction to the 1-800-MEDICARE number for
additional assistance to the representative in
further explaining and filing the appeal
17Expedited Appeal?
- If Beneficiary requests an Expedited Appeal,
then - Detailed notice is required
- http//www.cms.hhs.gov/BNI/12_HospitalDischargeApp
18No Appeal
- If Beneficiary does not appeal by midnight on the
day of discharge, hospital should use HINN 12
19Hospital Requested Review
- Used for cases where attending and UR Committee
20Informational Sites
- Web site for
- Quality Insights of Pennsylvania
- www.qipa.org
21Informational Links
- http//www.cms.hhs.gov/MLNMattersArticles/02_Searc
h.aspTopOfPage - http//www.hhs.gov/omha/
- http//www.cms.hhs.gov/BNI/12_HospitalDischargeApp
22Contacts 1.877.346.6180
- Beneficiary Protection
- Carolyn Fetterhoff, ext. 7692
- cfetterhoff_at_wvmi.org
- Cathy Bowles Browning, ext. 4256
- cbowles_at_wvmi.org
23This material was prepared by Quality Insights of
Pennsylvania, the Medicare Quality Improvement
Organization for Pennsylvania, under contract
with the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services
(CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services. The contents presented do not
necessarily reflect CMS policy. 9SOW-PA-BEPR-09.3
App. 7/09