Title: Industry Support
1Industry Support
- IEEE Region 4 Meeting
- January 30-31, 2004
- Ron Jensen
2Industry Support
- Relationships are varied
- Great support from some companies
- Negative support from other companies
- Indifference from most
3Industry Support
- Significant Relationships
- Standards
- Journals
- Maintaining skills
- Conferences
- Training
4Industry Support
- Opportunities for cooperation
- Facilities
- Speakers
- Communication
- Support for volunteers
5Industry Support
- What is IEEE doing?
- R3 developed a program
- Board of Directors is very interested
- November meeting in Seattle
- Invited Boeing liaison to speak
- Related his companies plans to measure value
- Will make decisions on who they will support
- Staff has met with industry leaders
- Intentions to build a program
6Industry Support
- RAB has an IR Committee
- Reports through Section Chapter Support
- Staff contact at IEEE- Cathy Downer
- Included in RAB Strategic Plan
- Suggestions
- Successes
- Questions???
7Industry Relations- Backup
1.1 Enhance Relevance to Industry
1.1.1 Review Develop survey data from Section Chapter Chairs into a functional database to penetrate industry based on size, location, nature of industry, and other relevant factors
Update on Project 1.1.1 - Information is being transferred to private area of the RAB IRC on the virtual community for the committee to review and work from. All committee members have joined the community and Chair Kalasky has already begun to post documents for the committee.
1.1.2 IEEE Corporate Partnership Program
1.1.3 Develop industry-focused programs and incentives in response to Sections Congress '02 Recommendations 3, 6, 24, 31, 32, 34, 35 IRC, MDC
1.1.4 RAB Awards Recognition Committee Chair to contact the RAB Industry Relations Committee Chair regarding advisement on the establishment of an Industry Executive Award. IRC, ARC
Update on Project 1.1.4 - RAB ARC is current discussing the establishment of another RAB Industry Recognition Award