Title: P1252428556dGKFJ
1Health Care II K1College of Nursing and Allied
Health SciencesSilliman University, Dumaguete
CityCertipiko sa Pagtambong(Certificate of
Attendance)gipahalipay kangis hereby granted
toTitil De la cruzsa iyang pagtambong sa
kalihokan sa Health Care IIto certify that
he/she has attended to satisfaction the
activitiesmahitungod sa pag-amoma sa maayong
panglawason how to take care of ones
healthug mahitungod sa pagtukod ug pagpalambo
sa negosyo.and how to start and run (with basic
bookkeeping) a business.Gihatag sa ika-2 sa
Marso, 2005Granted March 4, 2014 Ms. Fritz
Ms. Rizalina Guarin
Engr. Sheldon U.
FacilitatorMr. Adidas Canete, MA
Mr. Arhnel Klyde S. Tingabngab, CPA
Prof. Ramonita M. Nakao, RN,
Clinical Instructor