Title: In Minnesota, Will Prediabetes Overtake Diabetes
1In Minnesota, Will Prediabetes Overtake Diabetes?
- Nagi Salem, PhD
- Jay Desai
- Who is at risk?
- Who reports being diagnosed?
- What are their risk behaviors?R
- What are their risk factors?
- Care practices?
- Health status and Comorbidities?
3Whos at risk?
4Risk factors for diabetes
- Prediabetes (IFG and/or IGT)
- 45 years of age
- Family history of diabetes
- Non-white
- Sedentary
- Overweight or obese
- High blood pressure
- High cholesterol (Triglycerides, low HDL)
- History of gestational diabetes
- History of CVD
5Blood Glucose Testing2006 (past 3 yrs) 2007
(past 1 yr)
6Blood glucose testing in past 3 years by sex
within at risk populations
(a) Cost-effectiveness analyses by Hoerger et al
7Who is diagnosed?
8Diabetes Prediabetes 2007
9Age 1st Told Prediabetes (2007)
- Age 1st Told Prediabetes Diabetes
- lt20 6.8 8.5
- 21-30 14.0 5.4
- 31-40 18.8 10.4
- 41-50 17.4 25.3
- 51-60 19.2 27.4
- 61-70 13.6 11.9
- 71-80 7.7 9.4
- 81 2.4 1.3
10Duration of Prediabetes Diabetes
- Duration Prediabetes() Diabetes()
- 2006 2007 2006 2007
- 0 yr 19.6 17.1 2.6 4.3
- 1 yr 25.2 19.3 9.8 6.5
- 2 yrs 15.9 12.5 9.4 8.0
- 3 yrs 8.2 9.8 8.1 8.3
- 4 yrs 5.3 3.4 6.8 8.1
- 5 yrs 6.9 2.8 5.9 5.7
- 6 yrs 18.2 35.0 59.5 59.2
- Range (yrs) 6-49 6-56 6-59 6-62
11Self-reported Diabetes PrediabetesRisk
- Smoking status
- Physical activity
- Diet
- Sleep
12Current Smoker
13Physical Activity
- Diabetes Prediabetes Other
- Total 30 17 16
- Men 25 14 14
- Women 36 18 17
- Moderate PA
- Total 40 48 50
- Men 48 41 50
- Women 30 52 49
- Vigorous PA
- Total 11 13 24
- Men 13 6 25
- Women 8 17 23
14Increased Walking in the Past 12 Months
15Hours of TV Viewing per Day
16Hours of Computer Use per Day
17Hours of Sleep per 24-hour Period
18Daily Consumption of 5 or More Fruits or
19In past 12 months, increased consumption of
fruits and vegetables
20Reduced calories in the past 12 months
21Risk Factors
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Weight status
22High Blood Pressure Cholesterol
- Diabetes Prediabetes Other
- Told High BP
- Total 65 42 18
- Men 60 50 18
- Women 72 36 18
- Told High Cholesterol
- Total 60 38 30
- Men 55 46 34
- Women 66 33 27
23Weight Status
24Care Practices
- Insurance Coverage
- Routine check-up in the past 12 months
- Regular health care provider
- Blood glucose test in the past 12 months
- Blood cholesterol checked in the past 12 months
- Dental visit in the past 12 months
- Flu shot
25Health Care
- Diabetes Prediabetes Other
- Health insurance
- Total 98 94 91
- Men 98 97 89
- Women 98 92 93
- Regular health provider
- Total 97 86 78
- Men 96 91 70
- Women 98 84 86
- Routine check-up in past 12 months
- Total 92 73 68
- Men 92 77 58
- Women 93 71 78
26Among persons self-reporting prediabetes, annual
cholesterol glucose test
27Annual Dental Care
- Diabetes Prediabetes Other
- Any dental visit
- Total 71 76 78
- Men 68 80 76
- Women 76 72 81
- Dental cleaning
- Total 73 78 78
- Men 68 84 75
- Women 80 72 82
28Annual flu shot
29Health Status Comorbidity
- Health status
- Limitation of activities
- Cardiovascular disease
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Mental health
30Health Status Limitations
31Cardiovascular Disease
34Mental Health Men
35Mental Health Women