Title: Assessment of Information Needs: An Example
1Assessment of Information Needs An Example
- Farrokh Alemi, Ph.D.
- June 2007
2Functional Requirements of Electronic Health
- Focus on future not past
- Rely on group and not individual input
- Focus on decisions
We want a system that improves future operations.
Building on the past keeps old mistakes.
3Functional Requirements of Electronic Health
- Focus on future not past
- Rely on group and not individual input
- Focus on decisions
EHR must focus on information needed in decision
making not an open list of information
4Functional Requirements of Electronic Health
- Focus on future not past
- Rely on group and not individual input
- Focus on decisions
EHR must focus on information needed in decision
making not an open list of information
5Functional Requirements of Electronic Health
- Focus on future not past
- Rely on group and not individual input
- Focus on decisions
It should focus on what clinicians need and not
what they say they want
6Proposed Approach
- Start with business objective of the EHR
- Examine within each use case how EHR changes the
work process - Focus on clinical decisions
- Check information needed in these decisions
- Check software functionality needed
- Aggregate across use cases the information and
functionality needed
7Proposed Approach
- Start with business objective of the EHR
- Examine within each use case how EHR changes the
work process - Focus on clinical decisions
- Check information needed in these decisions
- Check software functionality needed
- Aggregate across use cases the information and
functionality needed
8Proposed Approach
- Start with business objective of the EHR
- Examine within each use case how EHR changes the
work process - Focus on clinical decisions
- Check information needed in these decisions
- Check software functionality needed
- Aggregate across use cases the information and
functionality needed
9Proposed Approach
- Start with business objective of the EHR
- Examine within each use case how EHR changes the
work process - Focus on clinical decisions
- Check information needed in these decisions
- Check software functionality needed
- Aggregate across use cases the information and
functionality needed
10Proposed Approach
- Start with business objective of the EHR
- Examine within each use case how EHR changes the
work process - Focus on clinical decisions
- Check information needed in these decisions
- Check software functionality needed
- Aggregate across use cases the information and
functionality needed
11EHR Systems that Succeed by Design
What We Want?
- In design of Electronic Health Records Process
Improvement is often an after thought. We want
to bring these considerations directly to system
design phase.
12EHR Systems that Succeed by Design
- In design of Electronic Health Records Process
Improvement is often an after thought.
13EHR Systems that Succeed by Design
- Not surprising, EHRs often do not lead to the
expected improvements
14EHR Systems that Succeed by Design
- To succeed, system requirements should reflect
the information needed in the new improved
15EHR Systems that Succeed by Design
- We want to bring process improvement
considerations directly to specification of
system requirements.
16An Example
- Design an EHR that will reduce unnecessary visits
while improving quality - Assumptions
- A staff model HMO
- Both patients and providers have access to email
and Internet - Informed consumers willing to take care of their
own health (not for everyone but for a minority
of patients)
17An Example
- Design an EHR that will reduce unnecessary visits
while improving quality - Assumptions
- A staff model HMO
- Both patients and providers have access to email
and Internet - Informed consumers willing to take care of their
own health (not for everyone but for a minority
of patients)
18An Example
- Design an EHR that will reduce unnecessary visits
while improving quality - Assumptions
- A staff model HMO
- Both patients and providers have access to email
and Internet - Informed consumers willing to take care of their
own health (not for everyone but for a minority
of patients)
19An Example
- Design an EHR that will reduce unnecessary visits
while improving quality - Assumptions
- A staff model HMO
- Both patients and providers have access to email
and Internet - Informed consumers willing to take care of their
own health (not for everyone but for a minority
of patients)
20An Example
- Design an EHR that will reduce unnecessary visits
while improving quality - Assumptions
- A staff model HMO
- Both patients and providers have access to email
and Internet - Informed consumers willing to take care of their
own health (not for everyone but for a minority
of patients)
Design an EHR to meet these assumptions
21Describe the Content of Primary Care Visits
- General medical examination
- Acute upper respiratory infection
- Pre- and postnatal care including complicated
pregnancy and abortion - Hypertension
- Malignant Neoplasms of skin
Diagnosis Clusters A New Tool for Analyzing the
Content of Ambulatory Medical Care Ronald
Schneeweiss Roger A. Rosenblatt Daniel C.
Cherkin C. Richard Kirkwood Gary Hart Medical
Care, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jan., 1983), pp. 105-122.
22Describe the Content of Primary Care Visits
- General medical examination
- Acute upper respiratory infection
- Pre- and postnatal care including complicated
pregnancy and abortion - Hypertension
- Malignant Neoplasms of skin
Diagnosis Clusters A New Tool for Analyzing the
Content of Ambulatory Medical Care Ronald
Schneeweiss Roger A. Rosenblatt Daniel C.
Cherkin C. Richard Kirkwood Gary Hart Medical
Care, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jan., 1983), pp. 105-122.
23Describe the Content of Primary Care Visits
- General medical examination
- Acute upper respiratory infection
- Pre- and postnatal care including complicated
pregnancy and abortion - Hypertension
- Malignant Neoplasms of skin
Diagnosis Clusters A New Tool for Analyzing the
Content of Ambulatory Medical Care Ronald
Schneeweiss Roger A. Rosenblatt Daniel C.
Cherkin C. Richard Kirkwood Gary Hart Medical
Care, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jan., 1983), pp. 105-122.
24Describe the Content of Primary Care Visits
- General medical examination
- Acute upper respiratory infection
- Pre- and postnatal care including complicated
pregnancy and abortion - Hypertension
- Malignant Neoplasms of skin
Diagnosis Clusters A New Tool for Analyzing the
Content of Ambulatory Medical Care Ronald
Schneeweiss Roger A. Rosenblatt Daniel C.
Cherkin C. Richard Kirkwood Gary Hart Medical
Care, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jan., 1983), pp. 105-122.
25Describe the Content of Primary Care Visits
- General medical examination
- Acute upper respiratory infection
- Pre- and postnatal care including complicated
pregnancy and abortion - Hypertension
- Malignant Neoplasms of skin
Diagnosis Clusters A New Tool for Analyzing the
Content of Ambulatory Medical Care Ronald
Schneeweiss Roger A. Rosenblatt Daniel C.
Cherkin C. Richard Kirkwood Gary Hart Medical
Care, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jan., 1983), pp. 105-122.
26Describe the Content of Primary Care Visits
- General medical examination
- Acute upper respiratory infection
- Pre- and postnatal care including complicated
pregnancy and abortion - Hypertension
- Malignant Neoplasms of skin
63 clusters of diagnoses explain 80 of primary
Diagnosis Clusters A New Tool for Analyzing the
Content of Ambulatory Medical Care Ronald
Schneeweiss Roger A. Rosenblatt Daniel C.
Cherkin C. Richard Kirkwood Gary Hart Medical
Care, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jan., 1983), pp. 105-122.
27Describe the Content of Primary Care Visits
- General medical examination
- Acute upper respiratory infection
- Pre- and postnatal care including complicated
pregnancy and abortion - Hypertension
- Malignant neoplasms of skin
Each cluster is a use case, a scenario, under
which we can examine impact of EHR
Diagnosis Clusters A New Tool for Analyzing the
Content of Ambulatory Medical Care Ronald
Schneeweiss Roger A. Rosenblatt Daniel C.
Cherkin C. Richard Kirkwood Gary Hart Medical
Care, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jan., 1983), pp. 105-122.
28Describe the Content of Primary Care Visits
- General medical examination
- Acute upper respiratory infection
- Pre- and postnatal care including complicated
pregnancy and abortion - Hypertension
- Malignant neoplasms of skin
In each cluster, ask internal external
experts how EHR will reduce visits
Diagnosis Clusters A New Tool for Analyzing the
Content of Ambulatory Medical Care Ronald
Schneeweiss Roger A. Rosenblatt Daniel C.
Cherkin C. Richard Kirkwood Gary Hart Medical
Care, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jan., 1983), pp. 105-122.
29Describe the Content of Primary Care Visits
- General medical examination
- Acute upper respiratory infection
- Pre- and postnatal care including complicated
pregnancy and abortion - Hypertension
- Malignant neoplasms of skin
In each cluster, trace decisions and see what
information is useful
Diagnosis Clusters A New Tool for Analyzing the
Content of Ambulatory Medical Care Ronald
Schneeweiss Roger A. Rosenblatt Daniel C.
Cherkin C. Richard Kirkwood Gary Hart Medical
Care, Vol. 21, No. 1. (Jan., 1983), pp. 105-122.
30For General Medical Examination Cluster
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
31For General Medical Examination Cluster
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
32For General Medical Examination Cluster
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
33For General Medical Examination Cluster
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
34For General Medical Examination Cluster
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
What impact will EHR have on our
business objective in this use case?
35For General Medical Examination Cluster
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
Experts Reduces time for a well visit from 1
hour to ½ hour in 70 of the cases
36For General Medical Examination Cluster
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
Given this use case what information is needed
to carryout the necessary decisions?
37For General Medical Examination Cluster
Information needed exercise, weight, smoking,
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
38For General Medical Examination Cluster
Information needed key findings and thoroughness
of self exam
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
39For General Medical Examination Cluster
- Patients will visit lab before scheduled
appointment - Patients will complete a health risk assessment
online. Computer will provide feedback. - Computer will guide patient in doing self
examination. - Computer will help patient plan questions they
want to ask during the visit.
Information needed clients questions
40List of Decisions Information Items
41List of Decisions Information Items
Lets look at Information needed in other use
42For Acute Upper Respiratory Infection Cluster
- Patients contact clinicians by phone or email
- Clinicians reviews the symptoms and asks the
patients to come in next day if symptoms get
worst - System follows up with the patient to see if
symptoms have gotten worse
43For Acute Upper Respiratory Infection Cluster
- Patients contact clinicians by phone or email
- Clinicians reviews the symptoms and asks the
patients to come in next day if symptoms get
worst - System follows up with the patient to see if
symptoms have gotten worse
44For Acute Upper Respiratory Infection Cluster
- Patients contact clinicians by phone or email
- Clinicians reviews the symptoms and asks the
patients to come in next day if symptoms get
worst - System follows up with the patient to see if
symptoms have gotten worse
45For Acute Upper Respiratory Infection Cluster
- Patients contact clinicians by phone or email
- Clinicians reviews the symptoms and asks the
patients to come in next day if symptoms get
worst - System follows up with the patient to see if
symptoms have gotten worse
What impact will EHR have on our
business objective in this use case?
46For Acute Upper Respiratory Infection Cluster
- Patients contact clinicians by phone or email
- Clinicians reviews the symptoms and asks the
patients to come in next day if symptoms get
worst - System follows up with the patient to see if
symptoms have gotten worse
Experts Reduces visits in 60 of cases, where
patient gets better after resting
47For Acute Upper Respiratory Infection Cluster
- Patients contact clinicians by phone or email
- Clinicians reviews the symptoms and asks the
patients to come in next day if symptoms get
worst - System follows up with the patient to see if
symptoms have gotten worse
Given this use case what information is needed
to carryout the necessary decisions?
48For Acute Upper Respiratory Infection Cluster
Information needed patients signs and symptoms
- Patients contact clinicians by phone or email
- Clinicians reviews the symptoms and asks the
patients to come in next day if symptoms get
worst - System follows up with the patient to see if
symptoms have gotten worse
49For Acute Upper Respiratory Infection Cluster
Information needed Pt verification, permission
to contact, preferred contact time, change in
- Patients contact clinicians by phone or email
- Clinicians reviews the symptoms and asks the
patients to come in next day if symptoms get
worst - System follows up with the patient to see if
symptoms have gotten worse
50List of Decisions Information Items
New information items added in
51List of Decisions Information Items
Lets look at Information needed in other use
52For Pre and Postnatal Care Cluster
- Some prenatal visits avoided for patients with
positive laboratory tests - Some post-partum visits avoided by the system
triaging depressed patients to specialists
53For Pre and Postnatal Care Cluster
- Some prenatal visits avoided for patients with
positive laboratory tests - Some post-partum visits avoided by the system
triaging depressed patients to specialists
54For Pre and Postnatal Care Cluster
- Some prenatal visits avoided for patients with
positive laboratory tests - Some post-partum visits avoided by the system
triaging depressed patients to specialists
What impact will EHR have on our
business objective in this use case?
55For Pre and Postnatal Care Cluster
- Some prenatal visits avoided for patients with
positive laboratory tests - Some post-partum visits avoided by the system
triaging depressed patients to specialist
Experts Reduces visits in 10 of cases
56For Pre and Postnatal Care Cluster
- Some prenatal visits avoided for patients with
positive laboratory tests - Some post-partum visits avoided by the system
triaging depressed patients to specialist
Given this use case what information is needed
to carryout the necessary decisions?
57For Pre and Postnatal Care Cluster
- Some prenatal visits avoided for patients with
positive laboratory tests - Some post-partum visits avoided by the system
triaging depressed patients to specialist
Information needed items used in triage protocol
58List of Decisions Information Items
New information added in
59List of Decisions Information Items
Note that risk assessment was also needed in a
previous use case
60List of Decisions Information Items
Lets look at Information needed in other use
61For Hypertension Cluster
- Patients measure blood pressure at home
- Patient calls in or is called by the system
regarding control of their hypertension - Clinician available by email to change
prescription, explain progress and evaluate
patient condition
62For Hypertension Cluster
- Patients measure blood pressure at home
- Patient calls in or is called by the system
regarding control of their hypertension - Clinician available by email to change
prescription, explain progress and evaluate
patient condition
63For Hypertension Cluster
- Patient measure blood pressure at home
- Patient calls in or is called by the system
regarding control of their hypertension - Clinician available by email to change
prescription, explain progress and evaluate
patient condition
64For Hypertension Cluster
- Patient measures blood pressure at home
- Patient calls in or is called by the system
regarding control of their hypertension - Clinician available by email to change
prescription, explain progress and evaluate
patient condition
What impact will EHR have on our
business objective in this use case?
65For Hypertension Cluster
- Patient measures blood pressure at home
- Patient calls in or is called by the system
regarding control of their hypertension - Clinician available by email to change
prescription, explain progress and evaluate
patient condition
Experts Reduces visits in 70 of cases, adds in
cost of home equipment
66For Hypertension Cluster
- Patient measures blood pressure at home
- Patient calls in or is called by the system
regarding control of their hypertension - Clinician available by email to change
prescription, explain progress and evaluate
patient condition
Given this use case what information is needed
to carryout the necessary decisions?
67For Hypertension Cluster
- Patients measures blood pressure at home
- Patient calls in or is called by the system
regarding control of their hypertension - Clinician available by email to change
prescription, explain progress and evaluate
patient condition
Information needed patient reported BP
68For Hypertension Cluster
Information needed patient verification, side
effects, change in blood pressure
- Patients measures blood pressure at home
- Patient calls in or is called by the system
regarding control of their hypertension - Clinician available by email to change
prescription, explain progress and evaluate
patient condition
69List of Decisions Information Items
70List of Decisions Information Items
As more use cases are examined more information
items are added to the list.
71List of Decisions Information Items
When the list is complete, experts need to rate
the relative importance of each item in each
72Rate The Relative Importance of the Information
- On a scale from 1 to 7, where 7 is a piece of
information absolutely necessary for the visit
and 1 is a piece of information you can live
without, rate the importance of each piece of
information in each decision.
73Rate The Relative Importance of the Information
- On a scale from 1 to 7, where 7 is a piece of
information absolutely necessary for the visit
and 1 is a piece of information you can live
without, rate the importance of each piece of
information in each decision.
See a possible set of ratings
74List of Decisions Information Items
75Analysis of Ratings
First calculate the average rating across use
76Analysis of Ratings
Then calculaterange of ratings
77Analysis of Ratings
Next assign information Items to data collection
categories based on the Average and range
78Analysis of Ratings
High average low range
79Analysis of Ratings
High average high range
80Analysis of Ratings
Low average high range
81Analysis of Ratings
Low average, low range items not as relevant
82Why Do This?
- Succeed by design
- Design the improvements within the EHR system
- Specify functional information needs that
correspond to real upcoming decisions
83Why Do This?
- Succeed by design
- Design the improvements within the EHR system
- Specify functional information needs that
correspond to real upcoming decisions
84Take Home Lesson
- Success Depends on Planning