Title: IHE Educational Workshop
1Cross Enterprise Sharing ofMedical Summaries
- IHE Educational Workshop
- Keith W. Boone, Dictaphone Corporation
- Patient Care Coordination TC Co-chair
- Keith W. Boone
- Sr. Consulting Engineer, Dictaphone Corporation
- Co Chair, IHE Patient Care Coordination TC
- Member, IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Committee
- Editor, HL7 Care Record Summaries Implementation
Guide - Member, HL7 Structured Documents TC
- Keith.Boone_at_dictaphone.com
- XDS-MS Profile Transactions
- Quick Overviews
- HL7 CDA Release 2.0
- HL7 Care Record Summary
- IHE Medical Summaries Content Profile
4Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Medical Summaries
The Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Medical Summaries
Integration Profile solves the problem of
transferring summary patient information between
providers in different clinical settings.
Patient Identity Source
Patient Identity Feed ITI-8 ?
Document Registry
Query Registry ITI-16 ?
Document Consumer
Notification Receiver
? Register Document Set ITI-14
Provide RegisterDocument Set ITI-15 ?
Document Repository
Retrieve Document ITI-17 ?
Notification Sender
Send Notification ITI-25 ?
Receive Notification ITI-26 ?
Receive Acknowledgement ITI-28 ?
Send Acknowledgement ITI-27 ?
6XDS Transactions
- Sender
- Provide and Register Document Set
- Register Document Set
- Receiver
- Query Registry
- Retrieve Document
7XDS Provide and Register Document Set
- Must include a Medical Summary
- May include other clinical documents
- Log the export (see ATNA and ITI-20)
8XDS Register Document Set
9NAV Send Notification
- Create MIME multipart/mixed message
- Text instructions
- Notification attachment
10multipart/mixed Message
- From pseudouser_at_bogus.site
- Sender pseudouser_at_bogus.site
- Message-ID lt12345678-1234-5678-0ABC-DEF012345678_at_ - Subject Notification of Document Availability
- MIME-Version 1.0
- Content-Type multipart/mixed boundary'boundary'
- --boundary
- Content-Type text/plain charsetus-ascii
- Instructions to the user as to the use of this
e-mail message. - To acknowledge receipt of this message, please
click on the following link - mailtopseudouser_at_bogus.site?subjectXDS20Acknowl
egement3A20signatureIDbodyOK - --boundary
- Content-Type application/xml charsetUTF-8
- Content-Disposition attachment
filename'IHEXDSNAV-UUID.xml' - ltSignature Id"signatureID" xmlns"http//www.w3.o
rg/2000/09/xmldsig"gt -
- lt/Signaturegt
- --boundary--
11Notification Attachment
ltSignature Id"signatureID" xmlns"http//www.w3.o
rg/2000/09/xmldsig"gt ltSignedInfogt ltCanonicaliz
ationMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/TR/2001/R
EC-xml-c14n-20010315WithComments" /gt
ltSignatureMethod Algorithm"urniheitidsgnos
ig" /gt ltReference URI"IHEManifest"
ltDigestMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/200
0/09/xmldsigsha1" /gt ltDigestValuegtbase64Diges
tValuelt/DigestValuegt lt/Referencegt lt/SignedInfo
gt ltSignatureValuegtbase64SignatureValuelt/Signature
Valuegt ltObjectgt ltSignaturePropertiesgt ltSign
atureProperty Id"recommendedRegistry"
target"signatureID" gthttp//registryServer/re
ltSignatureProperty Id"sendAcknowledgementTo"
target"signatureID" gtpseudouser_at_bogus.sitelt/S
ignaturePropertygt lt/SignaturePropertiesgt ltMan
ifest Id"IHEManifest"gt lt!-- this is document
A, read it first --gt ltReference
URIurniheitixdsregistryxxxx-xxxx"gt ltDige
stMethod Algorithm"http//www.w3.org/2000/09/xmld
sigsha1" /gt ltDigestValuegtbase64DigestValuelt/D
igestValuegt lt/Referencegt lt/Manifestgt lt/Object
gt lt/Signaturegt
12NAV Receive Notification
- Receive e-mail message
- Verify Attachment
- Extract Document UUIDs
13XDS Query Registry
- Use GetDocument query to obtain document metadata
- SELECT doc.id
- FROM ExtrinsicObject doc
- WHERE doc.id IN (list of ids)
14XDS Retrieve Document
- Retrieve the Medical Summary
- Most recent document whose document type is one
of the following LOINC codes - HTTP GET on the URI
- Log the import (see ATNA and ITI-20)
15ATNA Record Audit Event
- Type of Log
- BSD Syslog
- Reliable Syslog
- Format of Log Message
- IHE Provisional Format
- RFC-3881
16BSD Syslog (RFC-3164)
- lt(0-191)gt Aug 30 090000 aegeus Hello World!
- Priority A value from 0 to 191
- Timestamp MMM DD hhmmss
- Hostname First part of DNS name, or IP address.
- The rest is the message, and should conform to
one of the two logging options.
17ATNA Log Format(RFC-3881)
- See the RFC
- http//www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3881.html
18CDA Basics
- Dates and Times
- Identifiers
- Codes
- Names
- Addresses
- Phone Numbers
- People
- Organizations
19Dates and Times
- lteffectiveTime value'200503292244110500'/gt
- lteffectiveTimegt
- ltlow value'200503292244110500'/gt
- lthigh value'200503292244110500'/gt
- lt/effectiveTimegt
- HL7 Date Time Values
- Century
- Year
- Month
- Day
- Hour
- Minute
- Second
- Time Zone
- ltid extension'12345678' root''
/gt - root Identifies the namespace.
- extension Provides the identifier.
- Roots are typically ISO Object Identifiers,
otherwise known as OIDs, but may also be a GUID. - An OID is an assigned value. Someone has to give
you a root OID. Then you can make your own, or
give OIDs to others. - If your root OID is X, then you can assign X.1
through X.somereallybignumber to yourself or
- ltcode code'59058001' displayName'General
Physician' - codeSystem'' codeSystemName
'SNOMED CT' - /gt
- code Provides the code value.
- displayName A human readable name.
- codeSystem Identify the coding system used.
- codeSystemName As above, but for humans.
- Not all coded values require the specification of
codeSystem, especially when it is already known. - Values used for human readability are optional.
- Organizational Names
- ltnamegtGood Health Cliniclt/namegt
- Personal Names
- ltnamegt
- ltprefixgtMr.lt/prefixgt
- ltgivengtKeithlt/givengt
- ltgivengtW.lt/givengt
- ltfamilygtBoonelt/familygt
- ltsuffixgtSr.lt/suffixgt
- lt/namegt
- ltaddrgt
- ltstreetAddressLinegt21 North
Avelt/streetAddressLinegt - ltstreetAddressLinegtSuite 142lt/streetAddressLi
negt - ltcitygtBurlingtonlt/citygt
- ltstategtMAlt/stategt
- ltpostalCodegt01803lt/postalCodegt
- ltcountrygtUSAlt/countrygt
- lt/addrgt
- Repeat streetAddressLine if needed.
24Phone Numbers
- lttelecom value"tel1(999)555-1212" use"WP"/gt
- value - The telephone number, as a URL
- use - One of a restricted set of values
- HP - Home Phone
- HV - Vacation Home
- WP - Work Phone
- AS - Answering Service
- EC - Emergency Contact
- PG - Pager
- MC - Mobile
- ltpersongt
- ltnamegt
- ltprefixgtMr.lt/prefixgt
- ltgivengtKeithlt/givengt
- ltgivengtW.lt/givengt
- ltfamilygtBoonelt/familygt
- ltsuffixgtSr.lt/suffixgt
- lt/namegt
- lt/persongt
- ltorganizationgt
- ltid extension"1" root""/gt
- ltnamegtGood Health Cliniclt/namegt
- lttelecom value"tel(999)555 1212" use"WP"/gt
- ltaddrgt
- ltstreetAddressLinegt21 North
Avelt/streetAddressLinegt - ltcitygtBurlingtonlt/citygt ltstategtMAlt/stategt
- ltpostalCodegt01803lt/postalCodegt
- ltcountrygtUSAlt/countrygt
- lt/addrgt
- lt/organizationgt
27Reading Schematron
- Schema is a collection of patterns.
- Patterns contain one or more rules with a
context. - Rules assert that a test has passed.
- Failures issue diagnostics
- Now you can read the Schema
28Sample Schema Rule
Schema is a collection of patterns.
- ltschema xmlns"http//www.ascc.net/xml/schematron"
gt - lttitlegtSample Schematron schemalt/titlegtltns
prefix"cda" uri"urnhl7 orgv3" /gt - ltpattern name'ClinicalDocument'
seeSample.htmClinicalDocument'gt - ltpgtThis schema applies to CDA Release 2.0
documents.lt/pgt - ltrule id'cda root' context'/'gt
- ltassert diagnostics"CNF 1" test'selfcdaCli
nicalDocument'gt - The root of a Care Record Summary must be a
ClinicalDocument - element from the ltemphgturnhl7 org v3lt/emphgt
namespace. - lt/assertgt
- lt/rulegt
- lt/patterngt
- ltdiagnosticsgt
- ltdiagnostic idCNF 1gt
- Ensure the appropriate namespace declaration
exists. - The root element must be ClinicalDocument.
- lt/diagnosticgt
- lt/diagnosticsgt
29An Example
- In this example, we will create a CDA Instance
that provides the following information in a Care
Record Summary - Ellen Ross is a 45 year old female who sprained
her ankle by slipping on ice. She was treated in
the ER and the next day goes to see Dr. Bernard
Wiseman Sr., her PCP, who creates a referral for
her to see Dr. Phil Green, an orthopedist. - In 1994, she and her husband filed a number of
legal documents regarding their advanced
directives for healthcare. Her father had a
history of alcohol abuse and died of liver
cancer. She quit smoking in 1996, and has 1-2
drinks per week. Her prior medical history is
significant for cholecystitis which occurred
during a difficult pregnancy. Her gall bladder
was removed after delivery. She is presently on
Indomethacin, and was given Tylenol 3 for the
ankle sprain. She is allergic to Penicillin but
similar drugs are OK. She had the usual run of
pediatric immunizations. An X-Ray of her ankle
was done in the ER.
30Steps in Creating the CDA Instance
- Describe the Document
- Describe the Participants
- Patient ? Author(s)
- Data Entry Personnel ? Informant(s)
- Custodian ? Intended Recipient(s)
- Authenticator(s) ? Legal Authenticator(s)
- Other Participant(s)
- Describe the event the document is about
- Describe the encounter
- Provide the Human Readable Content
- Describe Problems, Medications and Allergies
31Describe the Document
- ltClinicalDocument xmlns"urnhl7-orgv3"
xmlnscrs"urnhl7-orgcrs" gt - ltrealmCode code"US" /gt
- lttypeId extension"POCD_HD000040"
root"2.16.840.1.113883.1.3" /gt - lttemplateId extension"IMPL_CDAR2_LEVEL1
2REF_US_I2_2005SEP" - root"2.16.840.1.113883.10" /gt
- ltid extension"999021" root"
" /gt - ltcode code"34133-9"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.6.1
- codeSystemName"LOINC"
- lttitlegtGood Health Clinic Care Record
Summarylt/titlegt - lteffectiveTime value"200503292244110500" /gt
- ltconfidentialityCode code"N" codeSystem"2.16.84
0.1.113883.5.25" /gt - ltlanguageCode code"en US" /gt
- ltsetId extension"999021" root"
5.1" /gt - ltversionNumber value"1" /gt
- ltrecordTargetgt
- ltpatientRolegt
- ltid extension"12345" root"2.16.840.1.113883.3
.933"/gt - ltaddrgt
- ltstreetAddressLinegt17 Daws Rd.lt/streetAddressLi
negt - ltcitygtBlue Belllt/citygt
- ltstategtMAlt/stategt
- ltpostalCodegt02368lt/postalCodegt
- ltcountrygtUSAlt/countrygt
- lt/addrgt
- lttelecom value"tel(781)555-1212" use"HP"/gt
- ltpatientgt
- ltnamegt
- ltprefixgtMrs.lt/prefixgt
- ltgivengtEllenlt/givengt
- ltfamilygtRosslt/familygt
- lt/namegt
- ltadministrativeGenderCode code"F"
codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.5.1"/gt - ltbirthTime value"19600127"/gt
33Patient (cont.)
- ?
- ltproviderOrganizationgt
- ltid extension"M345" root"2.16.840.1.113883.3.
933"/gt - ltnamegtGood Health Cliniclt/namegt
- lttelecom value"tel(999)555-1212" use"WP"/gt
- ltaddrgt
- ltstreetAddressLinegt21 North
Avelt/streetAddressLinegt - ltcitygtBurlingtonlt/citygt
- ltstategtMAlt/stategt
- ltpostalCodegt01803lt/postalCodegt
- ltcountrygtUSAlt/countrygt
- lt/addrgt
- lt/providerOrganizationgt
- lt/patientRolegt
- lt/recordTargetgt
- ltauthorgt
- lttime value"200503292244110500"/gt
- ltassignedAuthorgt
- ltid extension"1" root""/gt
- ltaddrgt
- ltstreetAddressLinegt21 North
Avelt/streetAddressLinegt - ltcitygtBurlingtonlt/citygt
- ltstategtMAlt/stategt
- ltpostalCodegt01803lt/postalCodegt
- ltcountrygtUSAlt/countrygt
- lt/addrgt
- lttelecom value"tel(999)555-1212" use"WP"/gt
- ltassignedPersongt
OR ltassignedAuthoringDevicegt - ltnamegt ltsoftwareNamegt
- ltprefixgtDr.lt/prefixgt Good Health Clinic
System v1.0 - ltgivengtBernardlt/givengt lt/softwareNamegt
- ltfamilygtWisemanlt/familygt lt/assignedAuthorin
gDevicegt - ltsuffixgtSr.lt/suffixgt
- lt/namegt
35Data Entry Personnel
- ltdataEnterergt
- lttime value"200503292224510500"/gt ltassignedE
ntitygt ltid extension"2" root"
35.2"/gt ltassignedPersongt - ltnamegt ltprefixgtMrs.lt/prefixgt ltgivengt
Bernicelt/givengt ltfamilygtWisemanlt/familygt
lt/namegt lt/assignedPersongt lt/assignedEntitygt
- ltinformantgt ltrelatedEntity classCode"PRS"gt
ltcode code"MTH" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.5.1
11"/gt ltrelatedPersongt ltnamegt ltprefixgtM
rs.lt/prefixgt ltgivengtAbigaillt/givengt ltfam
ilygtRuthlt/familygt lt/namegt lt/relatedPersongt
lt/relatedEntitygt lt/informantgt
- ltcustodiangt
- ltassignedCustodiangt
- ltrepresentedCustodianOrganizationgt
- ltid extension"1" root""/gt
- ltnamegtGood Health Cliniclt/namegt
- lttelecom value"tel(999)555-1212" use"WP"/gt
- ltaddrgt
- ltstreetAddressLinegt21 North
Avelt/streetAddressLinegt - ltcitygtBurlingtonlt/citygt ltstategtMAlt/stategt
- ltpostalCodegt01803lt/postalCodegt
- ltcountrygtUSAlt/countrygt
- lt/addrgt
- lt/representedCustodianOrganizationgt
- lt/assignedCustodiangt
- lt/custodiangt
38Information Recipient(s)
- ltinformationRecipientgt
- ltintendedRecipientgt
- ltid extension"4" root""/gt
- ltaddrgt
- ltstreetAddressLinegt21 North Avelt/streetAddressL
inegt - ltcitygtBurlingtonlt/citygt
- ltstategtMAlt/stategt
- ltpostalCodegt01803lt/postalCodegt
- ltcountrygtUSAlt/countrygt
- lt/addrgt
- lttelecom value"tel(999)555-1212" use"WP"/gt
- ltinformationRecipientgt
- ltnamegt
- ltprefixgtDr.lt/prefixgt
- ltgivengtPhillt/givengt
- ltfamilygtGreenlt/familygt
- lt/namegt
- lt/informationRecipientgt
- ltreceivedOrganizationgt
- ltlegalAuthenticatorgt OR ltauthenticatorgt
- lttime value"200503292245120500"/gt
- ltsignatureCode code"S"/gt
- ltassignedEntitygt
- ltid extension"1" root""/gt
- ltaddrgt
- ltstreetAddressLinegt21 North
Avelt/streetAddressLinegt - ltcitygtBurlingtonlt/citygt
- ltstategtMAlt/stategt
- ltpostalCodegt01803lt/postalCodegt
- ltcountrygtUSAlt/countrygt
- lt/addrgt
- lttelecom value"tel(999)555-1212" use"WP"/gt
- ltassignedPersongt
- ltnamegt
- ltprefixgtDr.lt/prefixgt
- ltgivengtBernardlt/givengt
- ltfamilygtWisemanlt/familygt
- ltsuffixgtSr.lt/suffixgt
- ltparticipant typeCode"HLD"gt lttimegt ltlow
value"20050101"/gt lthigh value"20051231"/gt lt
/timegt ltassociatedEntity classCode"POLHOLD"gt - ltid extension"123456789"
root"00000000-0000-0000-0000 000000000000"/gt lt
code code"PHFAMDEP" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883
.5.1095"/gt - ltaddrgtI assume youve figured this out by
nowlt/addrgt - lttelecom value"tel(999)555-1212" use"WP"/gt
- ltassociatedPersongt
- ltnamegtThis toolt/namegt
- ltcrsasPatientRelationship classCode'PRS'gt
- ltcode code'MTH' codeSystem'2.16.840.1.11388
3.5.111'/gt - lt/crsasPatientRelationshipgt
- lt/associatedPersongt
- ltscopingOrganizationgt
- ltnamegtGood Health Insurance Companylt/namegt
- lttelecom value"tel(203)555-1212" use"WP"/gt
- ltaddrgtAnd thislt/addrgt
- lt/scopingOrganizationgt
- lt/associatedEntitygt
- lt/participantgt
41The Service Event
- ltdocumentationOfgt
- ltserviceEvent classCode"PCPR"gt
- lteffectiveTimegt
- ltlow value"19600127"/gt
- lthigh value"20050329"/gt
- lt/effectiveTimegt
- ltperformer typeCode"PRF"gt
- ltfunctionCode code"PCP" codeSystem"2.16.840.1
.113883.5.88"/gt - lttimegt
- ltlow value"1998"/gt
- lthigh value"2005"/gt
- lt/timegt
- ltassignedEntitygt
- ltid extension"1" root""/
gt - ltcode code"59058001" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.1
13883.6.96" - codeSystemName"SNOMED CT"
displayName"General Physician"/gt - ltaddrgtlt/addrgt
- lttelecom value"tel(999)555-1212" use"WP"/gt
- ltassignedPersongt
42The Encounter
- ltcomponentOfgt
- ltencompassingEncountergt
- ltid extension"9937012" root"
.12"/gt - ltcode code"99213"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.6.12"
- displayName"Evaluation and Managment"
- codeSystemName"CPT-4"
- /gt
- lteffectiveTimegt
- ltlow value"20050329"/gt
- lthigh value"20050329"/gt
- lt/effectiveTimegt
- ltdischargeDispositionCode code"01"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.6.21"
- displayName"Routine Discharge"
- codeSystemName"UB92"
- /gt
- lt/encompassingEncountergt
- lt/componentOfgt
43Level 2 Basic Content
- Paragraphs
- ltparagraphgtAnkle Sprain.lt/paragraphgt
- Lists
- ltlistgtltitemgtCholecystectomylt/itemgt
- ltitemgtCesarian Sectionlt/itemgt
- lt/listgt
- Tables
- lttable border"1"gt
- lttheadgt
- lttrgt ltthgtDatelt/thgtltthgtHeightlt/thgtltthgtWeightlt/th
gtltthgtTemperaturelt/thgt - ltthgtBPlt/thgtltthgtPulselt/thgtltthgtRespirationlt/thgt
ltthgtO2lt/thgt - lt/trgt
- lt/theadgt
- lttbodygt
- lttrgtltthgt3/28/2005lt/thgtltthgt5'9"lt/thgtltthgt215
lbs.lt/thgtltthgt98.7 Flt/thgt - ltthgt120/80lt/thgtltthgt68lt/thgtltthgt16lt/thgtltthgt99lt
/thgt - lt/trgt
- lt/tbodygt
- lt/tablegt
44Level 2 Section Structure
- ltcomponentgt
- ltsectiongt
- ltcode code"X-RFVCC"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"
- /gt
- lttitlegtReason for Visit/Chief Complaintlt/titlegt
- lttextgt OR ltcomponentgt
- ?
- lt/textgt lt/componentgt
- lt/sectiongt
- lt/componentgt
45Level 2 Body Structure
- ltstructuredBodygt
- lttemplateId
- extension"IMPL_CDAR2_LEVEL1-2REF_US_I2_2005SEP"
- root"2.16.840.1.113883.10"
- /gt
- ltcomponentgt
- ?
- lt/componentgt
- ?
- ltstructuredBodygt
46Level 2 Narrative Text
- ltcomponentgt
- ltsectiongt
- ltcode code"X-RFR"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"/gt
- lttitlegtReason for Referrallt/titlegt
- lttextgt
- ltparagraphgtFollow-up care for Ankle Sprain
- lt/paragraphgt
- lt/textgt
- lt/sectiongt
- lt/componentgt
47Level 2 List
- ltsectiongt
- ltcode code"10160-0"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.6.1"/gt
- lttitlegtMedicationslt/titlegt
- lttextgt
- ltlistgt
- ltitemgt Indomethacin, 50mg bid with food,
- 12/10/2003 - presentlt/itemgt
- ltitemgt Acetaminophen with codeine, 3 1-2
tablets - for pain as needed, 03/28/2005lt/itemgt
- lt/listgt
- lt/textgt
- lt/sectiongt
48Level 2 Tables
- ltcomponentgt
- ltsectiongt
- ltcode code"29274-8" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.1138
83.6.1"/gt - lttitlegtVital Signslt/titlegt
- lttextgt
- lttable border"1"gt
- lttheadgt
- lttrgt ltthgtDatelt/thgtltthgtHeightlt/thgtltthgtWeightlt/
thgtltthgtTemperaturelt/thgt - ltthgtBPlt/thgtltthgtPulselt/thgtltthgtRespirationlt/t
hgtltthgtO2lt/thgt - lt/trgt
- lt/theadgt
- lttbodygt
- lttrgt ltthgt3/28/2005lt/thgtltthgt5'9"lt/thgtltthgt215
lbs.lt/thgtltthgt98.7 Flt/thgt - ltthgt120/80lt/thgtltthgt68lt/thgtltthgt16lt/thgtltthgt99
lt/thgt - lt/trgt
- lt/tbodygt
- lt/tablegt
- lt/textgt
- lt/sectiongt
49Level 3 Conditions
- ltcomponent xmlns"urnhl7-orgv3"gt
- ltsectiongt
- ltcode code"11450-4" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.1138
83.6.1" /gt - lttitlegtConditionslt/titlegt
- lttextgt
- lttable border"1"gt
- lttheadgt
- lttrgtltthgtSeveritylt/thgtltthgtProblemlt/thgtltthgtDate
lt/thgt - ltthgtStatuslt/thgtltthgtCommentslt/thgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/theadgt
- lttbodygt
- lttrgtlttd ID"severity-2"gtSeverelt/tdgt
- lttd ID"problem-1"gtAnkle Sprainlt/tdgt
- lttdgt3/28/2005lt/tdgtlttdgtCurrentlt/tdgt
- lttd ID"comment-2"gtSlipped on ice and
felllt/tdgt - lt/trgt
- lt/tbodygt
- lt/tablegt
50Level 3 Condition Entry
- ltentrygt
- ltobservation classCode"COND" moodCode"EVN"gt
- ltid root"6a2fa88d-4174-4909-aece-db44b60a3aba"
/gt - lt!-- How determined (CPT/LOINC/SNOMED
Procedures, etc.) --gt - ltcode code"" codeSystem"Any"
codeSystemName"Any" /gt - ltstatusCode code"active" /gtlt!-- Computed from
Status column --gt - lt!-- The interval of time the condition event
occurred, - computed from date column --gt
- lteffectiveTimegtltlow value"20050328"
/gtlt/effectiveTimegt - lt!-- What (ICD-9, ICD-10, SNOMED, MEDCIN, et
cetera) --gt - ltvalue xsitype"CV" code"44465007"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.6.96
- codeSystemName"SNOMED CT"gt
- ltoriginalText mediaType"text/xml"gt
- lt!-- problem in column 2 --gt
- ltreference value"problem-1" /gt
- lt/originalTextgt
- lt/valuegt
- lt!-- Severity 0..1 --gt
51Level 3 Condition Severity
lt!-- Severity --gt ltentryRelationship
typeCode"SUBJ" inversionInd"true"gt ltobservation
classCode"OBS" moodCode"EVN"gt ltcode
code"SEV" /gt ltstatusCode code"completed" /gt
ltvalue xsitype"CV" code"TBD"
codeSystem"TBD" codeSystemName"SeverityObser
vation"gt ltoriginalText mediaType"text/xml"gt
lt!-- pointer to severity in column 1 --gt
ltreference value"severity-2"
/gt lt/originalTextgt lt/valuegt lt/observationgt lt
52Level 3 Condition Comments
- lt!-- Annotation --gt
- ltentryRelationship typeCode"SUBJ"
inversionInd"true"gt - ltobservation classCode"OBS" moodCode"EVN"gt
- ltcode code"COMMENT"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.5.112"
- codeSystemName"ActCode" /gt
- lttext mediaType"text/xml"gt
- lt!-- pointer to comments in last column --gt
- ltreference value"comment-2" /gt
- lt/textgt
- ltstatusCode code"completed" /gt
- lt/observationgt
- lt/entryRelationshipgt
53Level 3 Allergies
- ltcomponentgt
- ltsectiongt
- ltcode code"10155-0" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.1138
83.6.1" /gt - lttitlegtAllergies and Adverse Reactionslt/titlegt
- lttextgt
- lttable border"1"gt
- lttheadgt
- lttrgtltthgtAllergenlt/thgtltthgtReactionlt/thgt
- ltthgtSeveritylt/thgtltthgtOnsetlt/thgtltthgtCommentslt
/thgt - lt/trgt
- lt/theadgt
- lttbodygt
- lttrgtlttd ID"allergen-1"gtPenicillinlt/tdgt
- lttd ID"reaction-1"gtHiveslt/tdgt
- lttd ID"severity-1"gtSeverelt/tdgtlttdgt11/2004lt/
tdgt - lttd ID"comment-1"gtAmoxicillin is OKlt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tbodygt
- lt/tablegt
54Level 3 Allergy Entry
- ltentrygt
- ltobservation classCode"COND" moodCode"EVN"gt
- ltid root"dc6d49d1-9371-40bb-9507-90ca93e181a6"
/gt - lt!-- Express the kind of allergy or intolerance
--gt - ltcode code"Allergy" codeSystem"TBD
- codeSystemName"ObservationAllergyCode" /gt
- ltstatusCode code"active" /gt
- lt!-- The time the condition event occurred --gt
- lteffectiveTime value"200411" /gt
- ltvalue xsitype"CV" code"TBD"
- codeSystem"TBD"
- codeSystemName"IntoleranceAgentValue"gt
- ltoriginalText mediaType"text/xml"gt
- ltreference value"allergen-1" /gt
- lt/originalTextgt
- lt/valuegt
- lt!-- Reactions 0..N --gt
- lt!-- Severity 0..1 --gt
- lt!-- Comments 0..1 --gt
55Level 3 Reactions
- ltentryRelationship typeCode"SPRT"gt
- ltobservation classCode"OBS" moodCode"EVN"gt
- ltcode code"RXNASSESS" /gt
- lt!-- reactions --gt
- ltentryRelationship typeCode"REFR"gt
- ltobservation classCode"OBS" moodCode"EVN"gt
- ltid root"369bb3eb-c7f6-4e5e-9c44-96c6bcbb8a3d
" /gt - ltcode code"DX" /gt
- ltstatusCode code"completed" /gt
- ltvalue xsitype"CV" code"247472004"
- displayName "Hives"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"
- codeSystemName"SNOMED CT"gt
- ltoriginalText mediaType"text/xml"gt
- ltreference value"reaction-1" /gt
- lt/originalTextgt
- lt/valuegt
- lt/observationgt
- lt/entryRelationshipgt
56Level 3 Medications
- ltcomponentgt
- ltsectiongt
- ltcode code"10160-0" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.1138
83.6.1" /gt - lttitlegtMedicationslt/titlegt
- lttextgt
- lttable border"1"gt
- lttheadgt
- lttrgtltthgtMedicationlt/thgtltthgtDoselt/thgtltthgtDatelt
/thgtlt/trgt - lt/theadgt
- lttbodygt
- lttr ID"med-1"gt
- lttd ID"medication-1"gtAcetaminophen with
codeinelt/tdgt - lttdgtltcontent ID"strength-1"gt3lt/contentgt
- ltcontent ID"dose-1"gt1-2 tabletslt/contentgt
- ltcontent ID"route-1"gtPOlt/contentgt
- ltcontent ID"frequency-1"gtevery four
hourslt/contentgt - ltcontent ID"instruct-1"gtfor pain as
neededlt/contentgt - lt/tdgtlttdgt03/28/2005 - 4/6/2005lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
57Level 3 Medication Entry
- ltentrygt
- ltsubstanceAdministration classCode"SBADM"
moodCode"EVN"gt - lt!-- could also be moodCode RQO --gt
- ltid root"af30c55f-afa7-44f1-9fbb-caab0e994a72"
/gt - ltcode code"377261001"
- codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.6.96"
- codeSystemName"SNOMED CT"gt
- lt!-- just the medication name --gt
- ltoriginalText mediaType"text/xml"gt
- ltreference value"medication-1" /gt
- lt/originalTextgt
- lt/codegt
- lt!-- The whole sig (thing) --gt
- lttext mediaType"text/xml"gt
- ltreference value"med-1" /gt
- lt/textgt
- ltstatusCode code"active" /gt
58Level 3 Start, Stop and Frequency
lteffective_time xsitype"SXPR_TS" operator"I"
gt ltcomp xsitype"IVL_TS"gtlt!-- start and stop
--gt ltlow value"20050328" /gt lthigh
value"20050405" /gt lt/compgt ltcomp
xsitype"PIVL_TS"gtlt!-- frequency --gt ltperiod
value"4" unit"h" institutionSpecifiedfalse"
/gt lt/compgt lt/effective_timegt
59Level 3 Route
ltrouteCode code"PO" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113
883.5.112" codeSystemName"RouteOfAdministration
"gt ltoriginalText mediaType"text/xml"gt ltreferen
ce value"route" /gt lt/originalTextgt lt/routeCode
60Level 3 Dose
ltdoseQuantitygt ltlow value"1" unit"tablet"gt ltt
ranslationgt ltoriginalText mediaType"text/xml"gt
ltreference value"dose-1" /gt
lt/originalTextgt lt/translationgt lt/lowgt lthig
h value"2" unit"tablet"gt lttranslationgt ltori
ginalText mediaType"text/xml"gt ltreference
value"dose-1" /gt lt/originalTextgt lt/transla
tiongt lt/highgt lt/doseQuantitygt
61Level 3 Stuff
ltconsumable typeCode"CSM"/gt lt!--
Instructions --gt ltentryRelationship
typeCode"SUBJ" inversionInd"true"gt ltobservati
on classCode"OBS" moodCode"EVN"gt ltcode
code"INSTRUCT" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883
.5.112" codeSystemName"ActCode" /gt
lttextgtltreference value"instruct-1"
/gtlt/textgt ltstatusCodegtcompletedlt/statusCodegt
lt/observationgt lt/entryRelationshipgt lt/subst
anceAdministrationgt lt/entrygt
62Level 3 References
- ltcomponentgt
- ltsectiongt
- ltcode code"X-SS" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113883.
6.1" /gt - lttitlegtRelated Reportslt/titlegt
- lttextgt
- lttable border"1"gt
- lttheadgt
- lttrgtltthgtStudylt/thgtltthgtSummarylt/thgtltthgtDatelt/t
hgt - lt/trgt
- lt/theadgt
- lttbodygt
- lttrgt
- lttd ID"study-1"gtX-Ray Study - Left
Anklelt/tdgt - lttdgtNo Fracturelt/tdgt
- lttdgt3/28/2005lt/tdgt
- lt/trgt
- lt/tbodygt
- lt/tablegt
- lt/textgt
63Level 3 Reference Entry
- ltentrygt
- ltact classCode"ACT" moodCode"EVN"gt
- ltid root"6b55d2e7-78f1-49a4-bb18-ace4c9b6e1f1"
/gt - lt!-- Document type Code for the type of service
that - the reference document is documentation of
--gt - ltcode code"24541-5" codeSystem"2.16.840.1.113
883.6.1 - codeSystemName"LOINC
- displayName"X-RAY ANKLE, STUDY" /gt
- ltreference typeCode"REFR"gt
- ltexternalDocument classCode"DOC"
moodCode"EVN"gt - ltid extension"999020" root"
5.2" /gt - ltcodegt
- ltoriginalText mediaType"text/xml"gt
- ltreference value"study-1" /gt
- lt/originalTextgt
- lt/codegt
- ltsetId root"999019" extension"
2835.2" /gt - ltversionNumber value"1" /gt
- lt/externalDocumentgt
64Final Result
- Care Record Summary
- http//www.hl7.org/Library/Committees/structure/c
rs.zip - CDA Release 2.0
- http//www.hl7.org/Edition2005/html/infrastructur
e/cda/cda.htm - XML
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xml
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xslt
- http//www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization/
- Schematron
- http//www.schematron.com/
- http//xml.ascc.net/resource/schematron/schematro