Title: The Annual Health Check
1The Annual Health Check Presentation to the PCT
Yvonne Connolly Associate Director Clinical
Governance Risk Katie Doran Governance Project
Manager 19th March 2008
2Running order
- Definitions of Compliance
- Processes in place for this year
- Discussion of standards where concerns remain
- Summary of next steps
3The Declaration Core Standards
- Three parts
- Standards where the board has reasonable
assurance that there have been no significant
lapses in meeting core standards within the
current financial year - Details of any standard/s for which the
assurances received by the board make it clear
that there have been significant lapses - Standards where there is insufficient evidence
4Reasonable Assurance- Definition
The trust board has received reasonable
assurance that the trust has complied with the
core standards without significant lapses
Healthcare Commission Guidance
- Have taken reasonable steps to ensure that
independent contractors and commissioned services
meet the standards - Quality of information underpinning evidence
- A focus on what is working in practice
5Significant Lapse- Definition
- Core element specific
- Severity (for patients, public, staff and/or the
organisation) and likelihood of occurrence.
The declaration is not intended as a medium for
reporting isolated, trivial or purely technical
lapses in respect of the core standards
Healthcare Commission Guidance
6Processes in Provider Services
- Achieved level 2 NHSLA assurance for (C1a, C9,
C10a, C11b, C14a, C14c and C20a) - Team tool identifies practice within services
- Leads identified for each standard
- Governance Committee responsible
- Templates completed by leads and challenged by
relevant committee - Outstanding actions followed up
- Recommendation to Board
7Processes With Independent Contractors (ICs)
- Safety Alert process strengthened
- HCC standards mapped into contracts
- Self assessment questionnaire to all ICs
including optometrists (poor response so far but
additional staff member to follow up) - Follow up request for evidence
- Sample visits to practices
- Follow up of actions
8Processes in Commissioning
- Quality issues in service level agreements with
outline of monitoring - Commissioning managers monitor at regular
meetings (following commissioning restructure) - Scrutiny of cross checking data for SGH and SW
London and St Georges to be followed up by
commissioning managers - Cross membership of relevant committees (prison,
SGH Clinical Effectiveness etc.)
9Position in Previous Years
- 2005-6 Declared insufficient assurance for
- Safety Alert Broadcast System (C1b)
- Sector Wide Decontamination Project (C4c)
- Clinical supervision (C5b)
- 2006-7 Declared non compliance with
- Decontamination (C4c)
- Infection Control (C4a)
10Standards to be Considered
- 13 in total
- Taking each in turn
11Standards to be agreed
SABS Alerts
- WPCT was qualified for SABS alerts for its
independent contractor groups. An action plan
has ensured a fully operational system from
November 2007 but not for the whole year
- Systems for Provider Services endorsed at
Healthcare Commission visit in June 2006
12Standards to be agreed
Child Protection
- The Safeguarding Lead has not been in post for
the full year - Provider Services training figures are lower than
required against mandatory training requirements - Independent contractor training has only just
begun so numbers trained are low
- Provider Services fully participated in the Team
Tool Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults.
The action plan is regularly followed up - Safeguarding Lead now in post and coordinating
the work across the PCT
13Standards to be agreed
Infection Control
- PCT does not have full time Infection Control
Lead. - Infection control audits identified gaps but
actions underway - Update of infection control manual is still
underway - GPs audits underway - 24 to be completed by April
2008 - Dental audits delayed- commencing end March 2008
- Staff survey results below average for
handwashing facilities. - St Georges continue to report high levels of
Clostridium difficile
- Contracted Infection Control cover in place
- Microbiological advice now available
- NHSLA Level 2 gives partial compliance
- Team Tool for infection control carried out and
action plan in place - Training figures improved
14Standards to be agreed
Sector wide Decontamination
- Sector wide group has commissioned work towards
meeting the 'Medical Devices Directive (MDD)
93/42 EEC' but will not be implemented until
new financial year - This affects all 5 PCTs in South West London.
(This standard was not met last year).
- Decontamination work has significantly advanced
on last year and no incidents relating to
decontamination have been reported
15Standards to be agreed
Challenging Discrimination
- Staff survey below average for training on
equality and diversity
- Full template for this standard signed off by
Human Resources Governance because of extensive
work that has been carried out in this area.
16Standards to be agreed
Staff Personal Development
- Staff survey - 40 staff report that they have
had no appraisal in last 12 months slightly
above national average.
- Team Tool results have led to a corporate action
plan to address the areas of concern
17Standards to be agreed
Ensure Systems of Research Governance
- St Georges Hospital declaring not met for this
- Sector lead for research governance with good
systems and processes within the PCT
18Standards to be agreed
Staff act in accordance with confidentiality
- Staff survey results below average for training
on how to handle confidential information
- The PCT consistently scored significantly above
average for the Information Governance Toolkit. - Team Tool shows reasonable compliance in this
area with action plan in place
Act on Concerns from Complaints and make changes
- NHSLA Level 2 full assurance
- Evidence of changes to service delivery through
complaints management
20Standards to be agreed
Information is available and accessible for
- PPI comments a issue regarding information sent
to patients was not seen to be dealt with
satisfactorily and there are non-emergency
transport issues.
- Partial compliance from NHSLA Level 2
- Team Tool monitored this and action plan in place
21Standards to be agreed
Staff act in accordance with confidentiality
- Staff survey results below average for training
on how to handle confidential information
- The PCT consistently scored significantly above
average for the Information Governance Toolkit. - Team Tool shows reasonable compliance in this
area with action plan in place - Positive PPI comments.
22Standards to be agreed
Patient choice in access to services and treatment
- Staff survey below average for equality and
diversity training
- Single Equality Strategy in place
- Choice in acute commissioned services and in more
evening and weekend services - Regular follow up of the Diversity Action Plan
23Standards to be agreed
Care is provided in well designed and well
maintained environments
- Dawes House PEAT audits not yet complete
(expected end March 2008). - service specification with Servite for cleaning
but this does not include carrying out
cleanliness audits. - PPI concerns regarding premises at a GP practice
- PEAT audits complete at QMH
- Matrons Charter actions underway
- Full infection control audit including aspects of
cleanliness carried out at Dawes House and full
action plan implemented - Healthcare Commission inspection June 2007
endorsed this standard
24Standards to be agreed
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- Concern raised by Healthcare Commission from
cross checking data for Cardiovascular disease
and Sexual Health
- A full programme of health promotion and disease
prevention in place with the PCT responding to
above issues with significant evidence of
25Next Steps
- Board are required to
- Confirm the status of the standards and agree
which members will sign off final declaration - Share this declaration with NHS London, OSC and
PPI Forum to obtain their commentaries - Submit to the Healthcare Commission and publish
on PCT website - To monitor the action plans for all standards,
during the course of the next year.