Title: National Data Banks NDBs Replicating Success
1National Data Banks (NDBs)Replicating Success
- Fifth International Meeting of the National
Geoscience Data Repositories (NDR5) - United States Geological Survey in Reston, VA,
USA from the 21st - 23rd of September 2004
- How it started The Norwegian NDB
- Sourcing the Value
- Governments
- Oil Companies
- Service Sector
- Lessons Learned for the next generation of
National Data Banks
3The Norwegian NDB
- Technical Delivery
- All aspects of the technical performance have
been well documented - Globally accepted as a world-class repository
- Future incremental value in Data Bank Federation
- Commercial Delivery
- DISKOS let contract for technology and services
- Shared funding model
4The Norwegian PetroBank Network
PetroData LAN, Oslo
Other Connections Internet etc.
SONG Support
Telenor Support
100 mbps
100 mbps
PetroData LAN,
Service Centre
Petro- Bank
Oreda 24
5Federation of PetroBanks DISKOS and CDA
6Federation of PetroBanks
Data from the DISCOS bank in Norway
Data from the CDA bank in Aberdeen
7National Data Bank Norway Proven Values
- All National Data assets are available on line
- Search and order through web based frontend
- Can be used from anywhere
- All raw data in one solution
- Quality controlled data
- Automatic sharing of data with your partners
- Automatic reporting of data to authorities
- Authorities and industry access to the same data
- Ease of data access attracts new oil companies to
8Lessons LearnedSourcing the Value..
9Global trends in oil and gas? Multi-client data
banks around the world
PetroBank multi-client NDBs
PetroBank data centres
NOCs with single client installations
10Market DriversThe Economic Context
- In emerging markets governments are looking to
secure their national asset (data) - Governments alone cannot provide the necessary
seed funding - Oil Companies will be increasingly directed by
legislation to data submission standards - Oil Companies will invest in bespoke DM
solutions, often linked to internal global
strategies for DM
11The Shared-Value Model
- However, there are significant benefits to be
accrued to - Governments / The Regulating Authorities
- The Oil Companies
- The Operators Landmark or other service
12NDB Values to Governments
- Increase exploration activity and attract inward
investment - Optimise the exploitation of natural resources
via - Effectiveness of decision making and resources
management - Accuracy and appropriateness of development and
production strategies - Incremental production and maximal recovery
- Resolve their own data management challenges
- Exploding volumes of reported data
- Sales channel for data packages
- Control and Audit Data Reporting
- Economies of Scale
- In technology invesmtents
- Process development and operations management
13NDB Values to Oil Companies
- Reduced labour cost
- More projects, more quickly, with better data
- Reduced distribution cost
- Reporting to Partners and Authorities in hours
- Reduced IT cost servers
- Consolidated and shared economies of scale
- Reduced storage cost - shelf and disc storage
- Economies of scale in technology investments
14Indirect Value to Oil Companies
- Partners
- Easy to exchange data in a licence or partnership
- Important for QA
- Similar data quality between partners
- Easier to do interpretations between different
sites - Authorities
- Easy to report data
- Data loaded into PetroBank is reported
- Easy to purchase data from authorities
15Value to NDB Operators(Service Sector)
- Data Management as a core business
- Rapid development and deployment of new
technologies and services - Economies of investments across
- Storage technologies
- Infrastructure and operations
- Process and QC delivery
16National Data BanksThe Lessons Learned
- Technology is not the issue
- PetroBank is a proven world class data
management option - All value sources discussed must be calculated in
terms to drive investment - A NDB is a mix of private and public (shared)
benefits - Norway has shown results will follow where
- Collaboration between government and industry is
high - Regulation is applied to encourage NDB use
- Standards are developed and applied early
- Data process and QC is given priority
17National Data BanksThe Lessons Learned
- The Operating Model is key
- Determines who owns the bank and provides
governance and control - Secured long term funding
- Co-operative environment for governments and
industry - Landmark has experience of several model types,
including the proven Norwegian and UK - Commercial security, robust operating
environments and proven technologies can we
replicate this formula to reproduce success?
18The End