Title: FSA
1FSAs GIS Activities at the Aerial Photography
Field Office (APFO)
2- Geospatial data is essential for FSAs
Geographical Information System. - APFO distributes two geospatial data sets
Aerial Imagery and Common Land Unit (CLU)
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4National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP)
NAIP annually acquires 1 and 2 meter resolution
digital ortho imagery for agricultural regions in
the United States during the summer crop growing
season, or leaf on. Coverage provides
approximately twenty percent 1 meter and eighty
percent 2 meter. The one meter product is
accurate to within 5 meters of Digital Ortho
Quarter Quads (DOQQs) used to digitize Common
Land Units (CLU) and other datasets. The
one meter product is intended to provide an
updated ortho base procured on a 3-5 year
cycle. The two meter product is accurate within
10 meters of DOQQs intended for
aerial compliance and other programs not
requiring high spatial accuracy. One and two
meter NAIP products are available in either full
resolution quarter quad geotiff format, or a
compressed county mosaic in MrSID format.
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18You can now order your county compressed mosaic
(CCM) from the USDA Geospatial Data Gateway.
Your download allotment is limited to 4GB of
data. If the county is larger than that, please
contact us at 801-975-3500 or apfo.sales_at_slc.usda.
gov for ordering assistance. To order NAIP
imagery, please provide us with the state, county
and year of imagery for your area of interest.
Compressed county mosaics (CCM) are 50.00 per
county image on a CD-ROM and\or a DVD-ROM. Most
counties will fit on one CD-ROM or DVD-ROM. A
viewer will be needed to view the imagery. You
can locate the viewers on our website at
www.apfo.usda.gov. Any additional questions,
please visit our website or call 801-975-3500.
19USDA Establishes a Common Land UnitBy Jim Heald,
Technical Coordinator for the Common Land Unit
Project As part of its effort to map the
nation's farms and fields, the United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA) has set out to
establish the Common Land Unit (CLU) as a
standardized GIS data layer that will allow
mapping to be integrated easily on a nationwide
basis. As with many public agencies, the
majority of FSA's business data contains
geospatial components or is referenced to
geographic locations (e.g., land records, field
locations, and soil types). The development of
the CLU data layer is the most critical component
for the successful implementation of GIS by the
FSA. This layer will ultimately include all farm
fields, rangeland, and pastureland in the United
States. In conjunction with digital imagery and
other data, FSA will use the CLU data layers to
support farm service programs, monitor
compliance, and respond to natural disasters.
20Farm tract data gathering and transfer before
GIS and the Common Land Unit (CLU) data layer.
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221994 ImageryHarlan County Kentucky
232004 ImageryHarlan County Kentucky
241993 ImageryHenry County Ohio
252004 ImageryHenry County Ohio
261995 ImageryStanislaus County California
272004 ImageryStanislaus County California
28For further and more in depth information
regarding the Common Land Unit (CLU), please
visit http//www.apfo.usda.gov/Support20Document
s_Information20Sheets.html, and click on the
Common Land Unit (CLU) Information Sheet in
either the PDF or DOC format. Or contact David
Parry at 801-975-3500 ex241, or email him at
29Historical Imagery
- Over 10,000,000 images are housed at the APFO in
Salt Lake City, Utah - Most areas of the country have up to 7 different
cycles of imagery available - Imagery dates are from 1955 to the present
- All imagery is available in either a digital or
hardcopy format - The imagery is compiled from numerous programs
such as NAIP, NDOP, NAPP, NHAP, FSA, and NRCS to
name a few
30APFOs Vault
Approximately 40 Space Saver units
About 7 cans per shelf
3114 shelves in height
12 sections in width
32114 CD/DVD cases in a rowCD/DVD storage uses
about 4.5 of the Space Saver units
Photo index storage, approximately 55,000 indexes
33Some of APFOs historical imagery
Rainbow Bridge
34Arlington, Texas
35Arlington, Texas
36Arlington, Texas
37Salt Lake City, Utah
38Any thoughts as to where this prime piece of
real estate is?
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41 1969
Disney World, Epcot Center, Florida
42Some of the projects that APFO is working on for
the future
- Redesign of APFOs web site in line with USDAs
web standards - NAIP imagery and metadata on Geospatial One Stop
(GOS) - Web accessible on-line ordering system
- Compressed County Mosaics (CCM) and Quarter Quad
(QQ) availability on external hard drives by
state - NAIP survey
- Scanning of our Photo/Line indexes and 10x10
film vault to digital formats - Geospatial Data Warehouse (GDW) - Web Services
for integration into desktop and web
43Using the Geospatial Data Warehouse (GDW)
44At your browser type in http//gdw.apfo.usda.gov/
naip/viewer, for the Geospatial Data Gateway
(GDW) ArcIMS site. It is based on UTM zones.
This is only a viewer. http//en.wikipedia.org/
wiki/ImageUS_UTM_Zones.jpg shows a
representation of the UTM zones.
45You can uncheck any of the layers and hit the
Refresh Map button. This view might be easier
for customers to see what imagery is available
for their area of interest.
46Zoom to the state of interest with the map
tools located in the upper left portion of the
viewer screen. Notice the selection change
in the layers.
47Zoom closer. You can also make other layers
visible or not visible by checking or
unchecking the box next to the layer.
48Zoom closer. Again notice the selection change
in the layers.
49This is one way ofviewing NAIP imagery.
Another option is makinguse of your ArcGIS
50Open either ArcCatalog or ArcMap and add the web
service through the GIS Servers functionality.
Weve used ArcGIS 9.1 for this demonstration.
Click on Add ArcIMS Server
51The URL or server address is http//gdw.apfo.usda.
Add the gdw.apfo.usda.gov server
52Add the layer(s) you want in your map.
53Here is another way of viewing NAIP through the
GDW web service.