Title: UGA Restricted Account Use with Foundation Funds
1UGA Restricted Account Use with Foundation Funds
The University of Georgia Office of Financial
Services The University of Georgia Contracts
Grants Training Sessions April / May
2Guidelines for FY2010
- FY09 balances zeroed out at end of fiscal year
- Budget TOTAL amount needed for FY10 for each
restricted account - ONLY budget amount needed for planned FY10
expenditures - Budgeting more than necessary may have a negative
impact on future spending - CG budget check requests will be processed
beginning July 1 for non-endowed (in/out) funds
3Guidelines for FY2010 cont.
- FY10 Final Spending Budgets will be available the
beginning of August 09 - Will process check requests on endowed funds once
FY10 FINAL spending budgets are available - CG will not reject any expenditures for
insufficient budget for July unless unallowable
expenditure - HOWEVER do NOT spend what you do not have in
funding you will be responsible for the
expenditures - All Arch endowments are underwater for FY10
- 50 of UGAF endowments are underwater for FY10
4Guidelines for FY2010 cont.
- Requests for personal services budgets will be
prioritized for processing - Ensure all proper documentation is submitted for
quick processing - Each restricted account WILL be reconciled
between the Foundation and CG when each check
request (including budget form) is processed
5Guidelines for FY2010 cont.
- Review the policy concerning restricted accounts
(Section VIII.K) - Review the IFAS report to use for budgeting
endowed funds - FY09 Spending Budget Report
- FY10 Estimated Spending Budget Report
- Review the IFAS report to use for budgeting
nonendowed (in/out) funds
6How to Setup Budget for a NEW
Restricted Account
A check request, budget form, and UGA request
restricted account form must be submitted to
Expenditure Control Dept at Financial Services to
setup a restricted account and budget at UGA CG.
The Unit/Dept should ensure there is sufficient
funding for submitting to the Expenditure Control
Dept at the Office of Financial Services.
7How to Setup Budget for an EXISTING Restricted
A check request and budget form must be submitted
to Expenditure Control Dept at Financial Services
to change (increase or decrease) a budget for a
restricted account at UGA CG. The Unit/ Dept
should ensure there is sufficient funding for any
budget increases before submitting to the
Expenditure Control Dept in the Office of
Financial Services.
8Guidelines for FY2010 cont.
- BE PATIENT!!! 80 of all restricted accounts are
budgeted in July and August - ONLY one Jay at CG
- ONLY one Cecily at Foundation
- For questions, please contact Expenditure Control
Dept at Financial Services - (706) 542-7842
- askfsap_at_uga.edu