Title: The Endoscopy Global Rating Scale GRS
1The Endoscopy Global Rating Scale (GRS)
Roland Valori Debbie Johnston BSG Annual
Meeting-March 2006
2GRS - patient-centred outcomes
- Quality and safety
- appropriateness
- information/consent
- safety
- comfort
- quality
- results to referrer
- Customer care
- equality of access
- timeliness
- choose and book
- privacy and dignity
- aftercare
- patient feedback
3GRS - levels for Safety item
- Level D
- adverse events reviewed
- Level C
- level D events are acted upon
- Level B
- level C action is monitored for effectiveness
- Level A
- level B and prospective monitoring of 5 known
adverse events
4GRS National results
scoring A or B
85 completion
94 completion
5GRS National results
scoring A or B
85 completion
94 completion
6GRS next census April 2006 Why complete?
- Completion provides
- clear identification of gaps in the service
- evidence for more resource
- incentive for staff
- objectives
- deadlines
- evidence for merit awards
7Bowel cancer screening programme
Colonoscopy site
accreditation visit
Screening centre
Persons aged 60-69
accreditation visit
Colonoscopy site
8JAG accreditation visit
- accreditation will be based on validated GRS
score - A for timeliness
- B for all other items
9- GRS has finally given the service the direction
- that it needs. It has really fired up endoscopy
teams to work together across the patch. - They share more and they support each other.
- We have built an SHA wide Endoscopy knowledge
network as a direct result of it. - Sue Tunnicliffe-Endoscopy Facilitator BBC
SHA-Oct 2005
10Quality improvement how to do it
- The GRS provides a framework on which to
prioritise tasks - A web-based knowledge management system links
solutions directly to problems - Action planning templates and a traffic light
system complete the support function of the GRS
Supported by a how to do it approach
11(No Transcript)
12The GRS - top tips
- Look at all the tools and advice available before
you start - Include the whole team
- Complete it online twice a year
- Engage with your local SHA lead, they will
provide support, guidance expertise
Complete the GRS
Service Example Raise awareness of the GRS to
all members of the team and explain how it works
publish the results of consecutive surveys to
demonstrate improvements Meeting the
Challenges looking to the future March 2006
13The GRS - Getting to grips with it
top tips from the service
- Involve as many of the following staff and
Dont go it Alone
14Service Example
- The Endoscopy Service in New
- Cross Hospital (Wolverhampton)
- negotiated to have a dedicated
- GRS Project Lead for a fixed
- period.
- Dr Andrew Veitch and Jane McKiernan,
- (GRS Project Manager)
- andrew.veitch_at_rwh-tr.nhs.uk
- jane.mckiernan_at_rwh-tr.nhs.uk
15The GRS- Top tips
- Establish links with neighbouring endoscopy
departments is strongly recommended. - Each SHA has an endoscopy clinical lead that can
bring endoscopy units together to share
experiences of service improvement.
Link with others
Service Example Many SHAs have established
Endoscopy Network Group. The units share
approaches and successes in the development of
GRS. Co Durham Tees
Valley SHA
16Co Durham and tees valley SHA - Endoscopy
Coordinator Roles
17The GRS- Top tips
Be Brutally Honest
- Be brutally honest with the self-assessment for
GRS - There will be some early easy wins that will be
great morale boosters for the team. - Use the new GRS poster to raise awareness with
all staff groups
Service Example Print and display the results
for the team is aware of how well they have done
and which measures have not been achieved.
Gloucester Wiltshire SHA
18The GRS- Top tips
Identify the Quick Wins
- If resources are limited prioritise work to get
quick wins, otherwise the task will be too
daunting. - This will just mean some simple changes in
processes to achieve higher levels on the GRS.
Service Example Use the Knowledge base to
download tools and guidelines, but remember to
adjust whatever you use to the context of your
local service
19GRS item 11 Aftercare levels C and B
20GRS item 1 Consent levels C and B
21The GRS- Top tips
Finish outstanding work
- If resources are limited prioritise tasks to get
quick wins, - This may mean some simple changes in processes to
achieve higher levels in some items.
Service Tip Review outstanding work as a team.
Agree and assign the uncompleted tasks. Use the
GRS Knowledge System to avoid re-inventing the
wheel. Be Adept-Adopt and adapt.
22The GRS- Top tips
Create Action Plans
- Prioritise actions ensuring an individual or team
has responsibility. - Involve as many in the process as possible
share the work! - Involvement creates ownership sustainability.
Service Tip Many endoscopy services have
assigned leads for specific GRS items. This
ensures involvement by the whole team
23The GRS- Top tips
- Ensure that the whole team is aware of the KMS.
- The KMS provides practical examples from other
endoscopy units of - Guidelines
- Audit tools
- Presentations etc
Use the KMS
Service Tip The team should be encouraged to
both use and contribute to the KMS
24GRS Knowledge Management System
- GRS What is new?
- New Homepage Letter
- BSG Quality Safety
- Measure changes
- Demos.
- Knowledge Base (KMS)
- Updated Documents
25Access to Knowledge Management
Access directly through the GRS Home
page or From each measure or Through the action
plans No Login required
26Future of knowledge management for Endoscopy
- Currently demand is huge for the KM system. The
service wants us to develop it further. - Local Knowledge communities are gaining momentum
and feeding in their learning and successes. - Scotland live April 06, Wales and Northern
Ireland considering its implementation
It will be only as good as you make it