Molecular dynamics and applications to amyloidogenic sequences - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Molecular dynamics and applications to amyloidogenic sequences


Molecular dynamics: goals, applications and basic principles: Newton's equations of motion. ... Study the time development of the system. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Molecular dynamics and applications to amyloidogenic sequences

Molecular dynamics and applications to
amyloidogenic sequences
  • Nurit Haspel, David Zanuy, Ruth Nussinov
  • (in cooperation with Ehud Gazits group)

  • Molecular dynamics goals, applications and basic
  • Newtons equations of motion.
  • Energy conservation and equations.
  • The force field.
  • Solvation models.
  • Periodic boundary conditions.
  • A molecular dynamic protocol
  • Energy minimization.

Contents (cont.)
  • MD protocol (cont)
  • Assignment of initial velocities.
  • Equilibration.
  • Methods of integration.
  • Case study Human calcitonin hormone
  • Basic background.
  • Simulated models.
  • Initial results and future work plans.

The goal of MD
  • Predicting the structure and energy of molecular
    systems (in our case short peptide structures).
  • Simulating the behavior of the molecules in the
    solution (by solving the energy equations at
    every time interval).
  • Trying to find a model that explains the behavior
    of the system.

Applications of MD
  • Sampling the conformational space over time.
    Important for ligand docking, for example.
  • Determine equilibrium averages, structural and
    motional properties of the system.
  • Study the time development of the system.
  • Today, most (if not all) biomolecular structures
    obtained by X-ray crystallography or NMR are MD

Types of simulated systems
  • Peptidic systems
  • Micelle formation
  • Nucleotides
  • Small molecules
  • Ligand docking
  • Note Each type of system has its own unique
    parameters and equations.

The basic principle
  • Solving the classical mechanics equations
    (Newtons equations) over the pairs of atom
    distances, angles, dihedrals, VdW interactions
    and electrostatics in small time intervals (other
    parameters can be added).
  • classical equations are usually sufficient for
    large scale systems. Quantum mechanical
    modifications are extremely costly and are used
    only on small scale system or where more accuracy
    is needed.

Newtons mechanical equation (based on Newtons
second law)
F Ma M(dv/dt) M(d2r/dt2)
Or, with a small enough time interval ?t
?V (F/M) ?t ? V2 V1(F/M) ?t
Newton equations (cont.)
The new position, r2 is determined by the old
position, r1 and the velocity v2 over time ?t
(which should be very small!). The above equation
describes the changes in the positions of the
atoms over time.
The process of MD
  • The simulation is the numerical integration of
    the Newton equations over time.
  • Positions and velocities at time t
  • Positions and velocities at time tdt.
  • Positions velocities trajectory.

The connection between force and energy
F-dU/dr ?U-?Fdr-1/2Mv2
U the energy (scalar). r the position vector.
Conservation of energy
½SMiVi2 SEpot,iconst
The potential energy is taken from the force
field parameters.
The potential energy equations bonded
  • U(R)

  • bond

  • angle

  • dihedral

The potential energy equations (cont., non-bonded

  • Van der Waals

  • electrostatic
  • Etc
  • The energy parameters are defined in the force

The force field definition
  • All the equations and the adjusted parameters
    that allow to describe quantitatively the energy
    of the chemical system.
  • Note, that mixing equations and parameters from
    different systems always results in errors!
  • Force field examples FF2, FF3, Sybyl, charmm etc.

Solvation models
  • No solvent constant dielectric.
  • Continuum referring to the solvent as a bulk.
    No explicit representation of atoms (saving
  • Explicit representing each water molecule
    explicitly (accurate, but expensive).
  • Mixed mixing two models (for example explicit
    continuum. To save time).

Periodic boundary conditions
  • Problem Only a small number of molecules can be
    simulated and the molecules at the surface
    experience different forces than those at the
    inner side.
  • The simulation box is replicated infinitely in
    three dimensions (to integrate the boundaries of
    the box).
  • When the molecule moves, the images move in the
    same fashion.
  • The assumption is that the behavior of the
    infinitely replicated box is the same as a
    macroscopic system.

Periodic boundary conditions
A sample MD protocol
  • Read the force fields data and parameters.
  • Read the coordinates and the solvent molecules.
  • Slightly minimize the coordinates (the created
    model may contain collisions), a few SD steps
    followed by some ABNR steps.
  • Warm to the desired temperature (assign initial
  • Equilibrate the system.
  • Start the dynamics and save the trajectories
    every 1ps (trajectorythe collection of
    structures at any given time step).

Why is minimization required?
  • Most of the coordinates are obtained using X-ray
    diffraction or NMR.
  • Those methods do not map the hydrogen atoms of
    the system.
  • Those are added later using modeling programs
    (such as insight), which are not 100 accurate.
  • Minimization is therefore required to resolve the
    clashes that may blow up the energy function.

Common minimization protocols
  • First order algorithms
  • Steepest descent
  • Conjugated gradient
  • Second order algorithms
  • Newton-Raphson
  • Adopted basis Newton Raphson (ABNR)

Steepest descent
  • This is the simplest minimization method
  • The first directional derivative (gradient) of
    the potential is calculated and displacement is
    added to every coordinate in the opposite
    direction (the direction of the force).
  • The step is increased if the new conformation has
    a lower energy.
  • Advantages Simple and fast.
  • Disadvantages Inaccurate, usually does not

Conjugated gradient
  • Uses first derivative information information
    from previous steps the weighted average of the
    current gradient and the previous step direction.
  • The weight factor is calculated from the ratio of
    the previous and current steps.
  • This method converges much better than SD.

Newton-Raphson algorithm
  • Uses both first derivative (slope) and second
    (curvature) information.
  • In the one-dimensional case
  • In the multi-dimensional case much more
    complicated (calculates the inverse of a hessian
    curvature matrix at each step)
  • Advantage Accurate and converges well.
  • Disadvantage Computationally expensive, for
    convergence, should start near a minimum.

Adopted basis Newton Raphson (ABNR)
  • An adaptation of the NR method that is especially
    suitable for large systems.
  • Instead of using a full matrix, it uses a basis
    that represents the subspace in which the system
    made the most progress in the past.
  • Advantage Second derivative information,
    convergence, faster than the regular NR method.
  • Disadvantages Still quite expensive, less
    accurate than NR.

Assignment of initial velocities
  • At the beginning the only information available
    is the desired temperature. Initial velocities
    are assigned randomly according to the
    Maxwell-Bolzmann distribution
  • Pv - the probability of finding a molecule with
    velocity between v and dv.
  • Note that 1. the velocity has x,y,z components.
  • 2. The velocities exhibit a gaussian distribution

Bond and angle constraints (SHAKE algorithm)
  • Constrain some bond lengths and/or angles to
    fixed values using a restraining force Gi.
  • Solve the equations once with no constraint
  • Determine the magnitude of the force (using
    lagrange multipliers) and correct the positions
  • Iteratively adjust the positions of the atoms
    until the constraints are satisfied.

Equilibrating the system
  • Velocity distribution may change during
    simulation, especially if the system is far from
  • Perform a simulation, scaling the velocities
    occasionally to reach the desired temperature.
  • The system is at equilibrium if
  • The quantities fluctuate around an average value.
  • The average remains constant over time.

The verlet integration method
  • Taylor expansion about r(t)
  • Combining the equation results in
  • Which is velocity independent.
  • The error is of order dt4 (the next expression of
    the series)

The verlet method (cont.)
  • The velocities can be calculated using the
    derivation formula
  • Here the error is of order dt2
  • Note the time interval is in the order of 1fs.

The verlet algorithm
  • Start with r(t) and r(t-dt)
  • Calculate a(t) from the Newton equation
  • a(t) fi(t)/mi .
  • Calculate r(tdt) according to the aforementioned
  • Calculate v(t).
  • Replace r(t-dt) with r and r with r(tdt).
  • Repeat as desired.

Amyloid fibril formation
  • Associated with a large number of degenerative
    diseases such as Alzheimers, Parkinsons etc.
  • Associated with a structural change in the
    protein structure, resulting in the formation of
    stable fibrils.
  • The fibrils are richer in ß-sheets (although
    their tertiary arrangements are usually
  • Amyloid forming proteins do not share sequence
    homology, but the fibrillar structures exhibit
    similar physicochemical and structural

The human calcitonin (hCT)
  • A 32 amino acid polypeptide hormone, produced by
    the C-cells of the thyroid and involved in
    calcium homeostasis.
  • Fibrillation of hCT was found to be associated
    with carcinoma of the thyroid.
  • Synthetic hCT can form amyloid fibrils in vitro
    with similar morphology to the deposits found in
    the thyroid.
  • The in vitro process is affected by the pH of the

The structure of hCT
  • In monomeric state, hCT has little ordered
    secondary structure in room temperature.
  • Fibrillated hCT have both helical and sheet
  • In DMSO/H2O a short double stranded anti-parallel
    ß-sheet is formed in the region of residues
  • Previous research indicated a critical role to
    residues 18-19.

The sequence of hCT
  • -

Experimental data regarding the fibril forming
  • The DFNKF area was found to form fibrils rich in
    anti-parallel ß-sheets.
  • The spectrum observed with the DFNK tetrapeptide
    is less typical of ß-sheets, but may be
    interpreted as such.
  • The FNKF tetrapeptide exhibits a spectrum that is
    typical of a non-ordered structure.
  • The DFN tripeptide seems to be a mixture of
    ß-sheet and non-ordered structure.

The effect of F?A mutation
  • The DANKA mutation does not exhibit a typical
    spectrum of the ß-sheet structure, although they
    exhibit a certain degree of order.
  • This implies on the effect of the Phe aromatic
    residues in the fibrillation process.

Tested models
  • Combinations of parallel/anti parallel within
    sheet and between sheets. So far about 20
  • Each model is simulated for 4ns. (each such
    simulation takes about 5 days on a powerful
  • The tested parameters for model stability
    distance within/between sheets, aromatic
    interactions, HB contact conservation etc.

Topologically different models
An example of a model
Initial results (trajectory analysis)
  • A model thats totally unstable
  • Before After

Average intra-sheet distance analysis
Percentage of conserved H-bonds over time
Future work plans
  • Test mutations once we focus on the correct
  • Make more analyses and find out what causes the
    fibril formation (suspicion The aromatic ring
    p-stacking, salt bridges between the oppositely
    charged residues D and K)
  • ???
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