Title: CMA Certification
1- CMA Certification
- What it Can Mean for You
2Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)
- Vision
- The worlds leading association for management
accounting and finance professionals
3Building Your Career
- CMA Certification Program
- Professional Development Opportunities
- Networking Leadership Opportunities
- Local Chapter Meetings
- Virtual Communities
- IMA Ethics Center and Ethics Helpline
4Who are Management Accountants?
- Chief Accounting Officer/DaimlerChrysler
- Chairman, a Hong Kong Bank
- KPMG consulting partner
- VP, Operational Excellence, Merck
- Third in command at the FBI
- VP, Investor Relations, Johnson Johnson
- Source The Diverse Roles of Professional
Accountants in Business, - IFAC, New York, November 2004, Available at
5Management Accountants What do we do?
- Act as trusted business advisors
- Support business management and strategic
development - Provide accurate information for better decisions
- Act as conscience of last resort
- Work hands on to add value in organizations
- Plan for the long-term
6IMA the Profession
- Empower professionals inside organizations who
create economic value - Foster unique role as the ones responsible for
building quality in - Outside audit works best when the inside job is
done correctly - Ethical and responsible corporate governance must
come from the inside
7CMA CPA Comparison
- Auditor of accounting information
- Rule based
- Public practice licensure
- Attesting to the accuracy of financial records
- Historical
- Referee
- Preparer/User of accounting information
- Concept based
- Inside corporate professionals
- Higher quality, lower costs
- Forward-looking
- Player
8A CMA Professional Has
- Demonstrated ability to work across the breadth
and depth of the entire accounting process within
organizations - Proficiency in decision-making, planning, and
control functions - Agreed to maintain professional competence
through annual continuing professional education - Committed to a code of ethics
9How Does CMA Certification Benefit You?
- Opportunity to assess and demonstrate
capabilities and expand knowledge base - Distinguishes you from your peers and increases
credibility and productivity - Recognition of achievement
- Expanded career options and greater earning
potential - Certified professionals earn 24 more than those
without certification (IMAs Annual Salary
Survey, June 2009)
10Certification Benefits to the Company
- Identify motivated professionals for hiring,
recognition, and advancement - Higher level of service and increased credibility
among clients - Achieve and maintain a high level of knowledge,
competence, and business understanding
11Profile of a CMA Candidate
- 70 have a Bachelors Degree
- 29 have a Masters Degree
- 6 are CPAs
- Average age 34
- More than 30,000 CMAs issued to date
- Pass rates for the four parts of the exam range
between 50 to 60 - 50 of exams taken outside U.S.
13Making Certification Work
- Commitment by senior management to continuing
professional development - Support for review programs
- Company support for CMA exam process
- Tangible recognition for successful completion
14CMA Exam Overview
These exams may be taken in any order but must
all be passed before registering for Part 4
- Part 1 Business Analysis (CMAs can waive Part 1)
- - 3 hours, 110 multiple choice questions
- Part 2 Management Accounting and Reporting
- - 4 hours, 140 multiple choice questions
- Part 3 Strategic Management
- - 3 hours, 110 multiple choice questions
15Certification Exam ContentsPart 1 Business
16Certification Exam ContentsPart 2 Management
Accounting Reporting
17Certification Exam ContentsPart 3 Strategic
18Certification Exam Contents Part 4 Business
- Must complete Parts 1, 2, and 3 first
- 3 hours, 4-7 essays/problems
- All content from Parts 1, 2, and 3 included
- Plus Ethics, Organization Management,
Organization Communication, and Behavioral Issues - Computer-based but no immediate scoring
19Becoming a CMA
- Member of IMA
- Apply for admission into certification program
- Register for certification exam
- Fulfill educational credentials
- Pass the certification exam
- Satisfy the experience requirement
- Comply with the IMA Statement of Ethical
Professional Practice - View IMAs Webinar, Navigating through the CMA
Program at www.imanet.org/certification_started.a
sp - Visit the Certification Section of IMAs website
at www.imanet.org/certification
- IMA Dues per appropriate member category
- Regular (North America) 195
- International 195
- Young Professional 130
- Academic 98
- Student 39
- 190 registration fee per exam part
- 200 entrance fee (75 for students)
- Includes CMA Exam Support Package
- 95 per part for college students
21Education Requirement
- Bachelors degree
- Certification equivalent to CMA
- or
- Score in top 50th percentile on GMAT or GRE
22Experience Requirement
- 2 years in a management accounting or financial
management position - or
- 2 years in public accounting
- or
- 2 years in academia
23Preparing for the CMA Exam
- Step One Make a Personal Commitment to
Self-study - Step Two Sharpen Knowledge of Exam Topics
- Step Three Restore Test-taking Skills
- Step Four Take Self-administered or
Instructor-guided Review Courses
24Remaining a CMA
- Maintain IMA Membership
- Meet the Continuing Education Requirement 30
Hours/Year (Including 2 Hours in Ethics) - Comply with the IMA Statement of Ethical
Professional Practice
25Take the ChallengeBecome a CMA!