Title: Why Missions
1Why Missions?
- Mark 1615
- And he said unto them, Go ye into all the
world, and preach the gospel to every creature. - Acts 1042 And he commanded us to preach unto the
people, and to testify that it is he which was
ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and
dead. - I Corinthians118 For the preaching of the cross
is to them that perish foolishness but unto us
which are saved it is the power of God.
- Romans 10 14 How then shall they call on him in
whom they have not believed? and how shall they
believe in him of whom they have not heard? and
how shall they hear without a preacher? - Romans 10 15 And how shall they preach, except
they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are
the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace,
and bring glad tidings of good things!
2What is a Missionary?
From Mike Jackson, Sr.
- A person with a mission
- A goal to be accomplished before the operation is
considered complete - A person who is commissioned
- Appointed by someone to do a job they cannot do
themselves. - Working on behalf of someone else
- Lyndell Kincaid preacher, evangelist and
missionary, starts independent church - First mission conference 10 surrender
- Elders seminary
- On average 60-70 of offerings from that church
goes to missions (approx. 200 people) - Mike Pembertons vision
- To create similar works in other cities in the
USA - Pass on the heritage to others who will be able
to pass it on to others
4The Missionaries we support
5Missionaries sent out from church in San Antonio
- Toluca
- Bill and Debbie Kincaid
- Jon and Karen Castillo
- Michael and Terri Jackson
- Pachuca
- Mike and Susan Jackson
- Warsaw
- Brent and Janice Riggs
- The Vieira Family
- Steve and Gosia Dalros
- Lodz
- Joe and Debbie West
- Corey and Magda Riggs
- Josh and Magda West
6Longitude and Latitude
19 Churches in Mexico!
Zacatecas (1)
Aguascalientes (2)
San Luis Potosi (2)
Guanajuato (6)
Queretaro (2)
Hidalgo (1)
Jalisco (1)
Colima (1)
Michoacan (2)
Estado de Mexico (1)
Population 103,263,388
7Longitude and Latitude
Population 38,518,241 Age structure 0-14
years 15.5 15-64 years 71.1 65 years and
over 13.3
8Meet the Missionaries
9Billy and Debbie Kincaid(Toluca, Mexico)
- 1977 left for language school
- Billys first wife died on the mission field
- 1986 married Debbie West
- Together, they have 5 grown children
- Oldest works in Poland
- Youngest son is training to be a missionary
- Developed the Workman Study Bible with Michael
10Mike and Susan Jackson(Pachuca, Mexico)
- He first went to the mission field as an Armor
Bearer in 1981 - They have 5 children, 4 of which are grown
- Taylor (pictured here ) was their surprise baby
in their mid 40s - She has a nephew older than her
- Susan was raised on the mission field
- Two of their children are also missionaries
11Michael and Terri Jackson(Toluca, Mexico)
- Michael was raised on the Mission Field
- Married Terri in 1992
- They have three children Cole, Nolan, and
Kirsten - He developed the Workman Study Bible with Billy
12Jon and Karen Castillo(Toluca, Mexico)
- He was led to the Lord by missionary Dale West
Karens uncle in 1991 - Married Karen in 1992
- They went to the mission field in 1993
- They have one daughter - Lauren
13A day in the life of a Missionary in Mexico
- Morning and Evening
- Knock on doors in a Colonia (neighborhood) and
announce preaching - Preach for 30 minutes
- Survey the crowd and set up Bible studies.
- Conduct bible studies in the evenings
- Meet in a public park Sunday mornings, and
mid-week - Train up preachers, pastor, and oversee elders of
the other churches - Host conferences/ send out Epistles
14The Riggs 1Brent and Janice(Warsaw, Poland)
- They got married in 1978
- They have four grown children all are married
as of last month - They have 5 grandchildren
- Brent was an Elder in San Antonio for 5 years
before becoming a missionary - They were missionaries to Mexico for 10 years
before going to Poland now for 12 - One of their sons is a missionary with them in
15The Riggs 2Corey and Magda(Lodz, Poland)
- He went out as a missionary in 2003
- He married Magda in 2004
- She is Polish
- They have one daughter and expecting their 2nd
early next year
16The Wests 1Joe and DebbieLodz, Poland
- He is a second generation missionary
- They married in 1983
- They have three grown children and one grandchild
- Their son is a third generation missionary
- They were missionaries in Mexico for 12 Years
before going to Poland 12 years ago - Their youngest daughter is about to get married
- They have one grandson
17The Wests 2Josh and Magda(Lodz, Poland)
- He is a third generation missionary
- They married in 2005
- They have one son named Caleb
- She was an English teacher in the public schools
in Poland before their marriage. - Her family is not saved
18Bob and Beata Vieira(Warsaw, Poland)
- Bob went to Bob Jones University
- Met the Riggs and Wests while doing mission work
in the Czech Republic, now works with them - Married Beata In 2001
- They have two young sons - Shane and Reese
- He has been in Poland for 10 years now
19Steve and Gosia Dalros
- Steve was an elder in San Antonio for 12 Years
- He married Gosia in 2006
- They went to Poland at the beginning of this past
summer - 2007 - She is Polish, he is learning Polish
- He has three grown children in the states
- He was a tent maker missionary to Korea for a
little over 3 years
20A day in the life of a Missionary in Poland
- Once each day
- Dress in 5 layers of clothes and wear fur gloves
and hat - Take public transportation to the subway
intersection - Preach, sing, distribute tracts
- Work one-on-one with bystanders
- Set up Bible studies
- Conduct bible studies in the evenings
- Meetings are in a rented hall, wearing a suit.
- Translate the Bible from Old Gdansk to modern
Polish - Follow up on the contacts made at the Hope for
Lodz campaign
21Spiritual Family Trees
- Of Missionaries We Support
22The West Tree
Josh and Magda Missionaries to Poland
Michael and Terri Missionaries to Mexico
Kelly (and Marco) Missionaries From Mexico in
Phil and Laurie Past Missionaries to Mexico
Susan (and Mike Jackson) Missionaries to Mexico
Karen (and John Castillo) Missionaries to Mexico
Deb (and Bill Kincaid) Missionaries to Mexico
Joe and Debbi Missionaries to Poland
Dale and Nelda Missionaries to Mexico
Joe West Retired Pastor in San Antonio
Norm and Fran Past Missionaries to Turkey Home
Missionaries to Turks living in Houston, Texas
Dale went home to be with the Lord in 2003 after
decades of service.
The West Family
Active on Foreign Field
Active In the Us
23The Sprague Tree
Cassidy (and Pavel) Working in Poland
Corey and Magda Missionaries in Poland
Gary and Natalie Past evangelist in New Port
Richey, FL
Janice (and Brent Riggs) Missionaries to Poland
The Sprague Family
Active on Foreign Field
Active In the Us
24The Kincaid Tree
Amanda Working in Poland
Lynda (and Michael Pemberton) New Port Richey, FL
Bill and Deb Missionaries to Mexico
Eddie and Donna Past Missionaries to Mexico
Lyndell and Verlene Kincaid Pastor in San Antonio
and past Missionaries in Guatemala
Active on Foreign Field
Active In the Us
25Other Missionaries We Know
- We support them personally as well
26The Wolski Family
- Their home church is in Pensacola, Florida
- They met the Riggs and Wests while doing
missionary work in Warsaw and they decided to all
work together.
27Norm and Fran West
- They were missionaries to Turkey for 10 years and
so when they were retiring they chose to live
in the city in America that had the most
concentrated population of Turks Houston,
Texas. - Daughters Debbie and Karen are missionaries in
28Hideo and Tomoko Kunihiro
- They are second generation Japanese-Americans who
became missionaries to the Japanese that live in
Brazil. - Well educated Texas AM
- Hideos brother Ken served with him until his
death a few years ago. Hideo is in his late 70s
and has been on the mission field for over 50
years. - He is in poor health and needs your prayers.
29Brazil has the largest ethnic Japanese population
outside of Japan, with over 1.5 million people.
30About New Tribes Missions
- NTM coordinates missionaries, sent by local
churches, to take the Gospel to tribal people.
Missionaries then plant churches. They disciple
believers, translate the Scriptures, and train
teachers and leaders, who in turn reach out to
their own people and to neighboring tribes.
31Population of Russia 145 million Population of
Siberia 20.28 million people speaking 8 languages
32Tom and Corinne Palmer
- Tom Palmer arrived in the Territory of New Guinea
September 16, 1953, and Corinne Mansker on July
9th, 1954. They were married on April 19th, 1956
in the Hamtai tribe, where they both were
serving. - Raised four children on the field, three of whom
became missionaries, two to Papua New Guinea and
one to Russia. - They praise the Lord for the privilege of serving
the Lord in PNG these 50 years - Currently working to revise the Hamtai New
Testament. Corinne wants to be finished with it
before shes 80 (shes 78) At that time they
plan to retire to Florida. - As of 2007 there are 65 or more village churches
among the Hamtai.
In the early years the Palmers had to travel by
ship. They had to book the voyage a year ahead
and had to pay for the ticket a month before
33New Guinea's population of 6.5 million speak 3
official languages. However, there are over 700
other languages spoken (an incredible 10 of the
world's total languages). With an average of
only 7000 speakers per language, Papua has a
greater density of languages than any other
nation on earth except Vanuatu.
34Ed and Jeanne Casteel
- Missionaries to the Wana tribal people on the
island of Sulawesi for 28 years (since 1977) - 5 churches established with approximately 900
believers - Evacuated from Indonesia due to political and
religious violence in June 2000 - Involved in scripture translation and bible
lesson development - Determined to see the completed scriptures and
bible lessons make their way into the hands of
the Wana tribal believers
Jeanne is a second generation missionary. Her
parents were missionaries in Japan and Australia.
35Indonesia consists of 17,000 islands with a
population of over 210 million, comprising more
than 300 ethnic groups speaking 200 distinct
languages and dialects. -Wikipedia.com
36Daniel Rodriguez
- Has a counseling ministry for people
- with addictions, and for couples who
- are trying to work on their marriage.
- He is married with 3
- children and lives in
- the DC area.
37What It Is Like To Be A Missionary
38Missionary Concerns in addition to the Mission
- Visas and government issues
- Transportation and Housing issues
- Health and Health care
- Education of their children
- Transitioning their children back to the states
and their relationships, in-laws and
grandchildren - Aging parents
39What Can You Do -
- To have a part in the Great Commission?
40How to support Missionaries?
- Encourage them
- By writing to them (email or letter)
- By sending gifts
- Asking them if your prayers for them have been
answered - Financially support them
- Many small gifts add up to large works for God
- Pray for them
41How we financially support them
- Saints designate offerings by indicating what
they want the money to go to, as the Lord leads
them. - The books reflect the designation
- The donor report shows the total
- Disbursement
- Bill 100 from John Public
- Michael Sr 100 from John Public
44Money Trail
2. End of Month books are done and checks sent
out (Mar 1)
3. End of Following Month.Last Tuesday in March
books are done, money is deposited in accounts
and donation log is mailed
Donation Date (Feb 23)
4. So, the earliest an acknowledgement would be
sent from the missionary of an offering given in
the month of Feb. would be the first of April.
45How to pray for Missionaries?
- Remember they are living in a different culture
and speaking a second language - Remember their financial needs
- Remember their physical needs
- Remember their families (here and on the field)
- Remember their co workers
- Remember their government issues
- Pray that they will have fruit for their labor
and that their fruit will remain
Seven Days A Week!
46Encouragement To Pray
- Do you know what happened on that day,When
burdened for souls you tried to pray? Did you
think you failed to touch the throne,When your
lips were dumb your prayers a groan? - Over the seas in a hot, dry landA servant sowed
with a faltering hand. But, lo! In that hour
refreshing came, God's servant spoke with a
tongue of flame! - And souls long steeped in the dark of night
passed from gloom to marvelous light. Away from
idols they turned to God. Finding their peace in
the savior's blood. - It was your faith that moved Gods hand, And rain
came down in a desert land.