Title: Active Management and Performance Measures
1Active Management and Performance Measures
- Chapter 21
- Introduction
- Performance Evaluation conventional
risk-adjusted measures - Market Timing
- Can exclude 21.4, and will only do 21.6 if we
have time
- Active vs. passive portfolio management
- Active selection will mean some non-systematic
risk ? not holding a diversified portfolio - Measures applied to actively managed portfolios
- Portfolio performance tied to managers
compensation (directly or indirectly) - Managers role stock selection and management of
fund (and for institutional fund managers sales
as well)
- For passive/index managers, measure performance
using tracking error - Where Rpt is the portfolio return in period t,
and RBt is the benchmark return in period t - Tracking error is a standard deviation concept
it measures deviations from benchmark
4Introduction (contd)
- Measure of abnormal performance
- What is abnormal?
- Relative to a market index
- e.g., SP 500, EFEA, depending on portfolio
mandate - Relative to a benchmark portfolio or sub-index
- SP MidCap 400, EFEA value
- Risk-adjusted measures
5B. Performance EvaluationRisk-adjusted measures
- Is the return adequate compensation for the risk?
- 1) Sharpe Ratio
6Risk-adjusted Measures (contd)
7Risk-adjusted Measures(contd)
- 3) Jensens alpha
- If ?p gt 0, then there is abnormal portfolio
return, over and above the systematic
risk-adjusted return (i.e., whats predicted by
the CAPM) - Instead of using averages, use regression
analysis estimate ? and ? together, and
determine statistical significance
8Risk-adjusted Measures (Contd)
- Industry version of alpha
- rp rB
- Managers performance is benchmarked
- Also referred to as value added
9Risk-adjusted Measures(contd)
4) Appraisal/information Ratio ap / sep
- Divides the alpha of the portfolio by the
measure of nonsystematic risk - From regression analysis, obtain alpha, beta and
ep simultaneously - Then calculate the standard deviation of ep
- Nonsystematic risk could, in theory, be
eliminated by diversification
10Risk-adjusted Measures(contd)
- Industry version of the information ratio
- ?p/?(rp rB)
- Numerator industry version of alpha
- Denominator tracking error (deviations from the
11M2 Measure
- Developed by Modigliani and Modigliani
- First, create a hypothetical portfolio made up of
T-bills and the managed portfolio - This hypothetical portfolio is set up to have the
same standard deviation as the market - Compare return to the hypothetical portfolio and
the market return
12M2 Measure Numerical Example
- Managed Portfolio return 35 s 42
- Market Portfolio return 28 s 30
- T-bill return 6
- Hypothetical Portfolio
- To have the same s as the market, what must the
weights be? - Show that the return on this portfolio is 26.7
- M2 Measure 26.7 28 -1.3
- Since this return is less than the market, the
managed portfolio underperformed
13M2 MeasureGraphical Representation
14Which Measure is Appropriate?
- In general,
- If the portfolio represents the entire investment
of an individual, use the Sharpe ratio (uses
total risk). Compare SP with SM - If many alternative portfolios are to be
selected, use the Treynor measure, i.e.,
contribution of risk matters - If an active portfolio is to be added to an index
portfolio, use the appraisal ratio (gaining alpha
at the expense of nonsystematic risk)
- Assumptions underlying measures limit their
usefulness, e.g., mean-variance - Short horizon small sample problems
- Many rankings in the media still use raw
portfolio returns - Risk-adjusted measures becoming popular
- Hedge funds can manipulate volatility using
derivatives Sharpe ratio may not be a good
16Market Timing
- Adjust the portfolio for movements in the market
- Shift between stocks and money market instruments
or bonds - Results higher returns, lower risk (downside is
eliminated) - With perfect ability to forecast behaves like an
17Rate of Return of a Perfect Market Timer
18Returns from 90 - 99
19With Perfect Forecasting Ability
- Switch to T-Bills in 90 and 94
- Mean 18.94,
- Standard Deviation 12.04
- Invested in large stocks for the entire period
- Mean 17.41
- Standard Deviation 14.11
- Results are clearly sample-period dependent.
Example period of stock market boom
20Characteristic Lines (A) No Market Timing (B)
Beta Increases with Return (C) Two Values of Beta
21With Imperfect Ability to Forecast
- Need longer horizon to judge ability
- Judge proportions of correct calls
- Identifying market timing
- Statistical method regression analysis
- Idea
- Low market return - low portfolio beta
- High market return - high portfolio beta
22Other specification
- Can use other nonlinear specifications
- For example,
- rp- rf a b(rm rf) c(rm rf)D ep
- where D is a dummy variable
- D 1 when rm rf gt 0, and zero otherwise
- Again, c gt 0 can be used as evidence of
successful market timing - When stock market is doing well, want slope (b
c) to be steeper