Title: Microplates for High Throughput Crystallization
1Microplates for High Throughput Crystallization
Jeri McMahon Corning Life Sciences Europe
2Strategic Importance to Corning
Structural Genomics/Proteomics
Structure based Drug Discovery
3Ready for Prime Time?
HTC Robots Robotic trays
4HT Crystallization Market
Structural Genomics
HT Crystallization Market
- Structure Genomics Centers 7, 150 millionx2
- Biotech Pharma Core Labs
- Individual Crystallography Labs 2000 WW
- Structure Genomics Company Syrrx, SGX, Astex,
6Crystallization methods
Hanging Drop
Sitting Drop
CCP Cat. 3773
Costar 3424 plate
7Crystallization methods
Sandwich Drop
Membrane Protein?
96 Well Costar Plate 96 well V Btm, Clear,
PS 3367 single, RB, PS, S 3795 100/Cs, RB, PS, S
8HTC plates
96 Well Sitting Drop Corning Greiner A.
Robbins 384 Well Sitting Drop Corning 96 Well
Hanging drop Neuroprobe Corning, --coming in
91st 96 well sitting drop
1997/1998? The first 96 Well Sitting
Drop Pre-SBS, not low robotic compatibility
10HT sitting drop
2001 Greiner 96 13 Square reservoir 3 square
protein well with flat btm, PS
11HT sitting drop
2001 Corning 96 11 Novel merged well, round
reservoir, round protein well with R btm
Patent Pending
1296 well Corning Sitting Drop Plate
- Simple 11 configuration sitting drop
- One large reservoir well and a small protein well
Protein Well 10 uL
Reservoir Well 210 uL
13Product Features
145 First brought into the field by CCP?
First 96 well sitting drop plate with round
well First 96well sitting drop plate with conical
bottom First sitting-drop plate with low
polarization First sitting-drop plate with
Ultra-low liquid loss First optical quality
sitting-drop plate high chemical resistance
Acetone, acetic acid, butanone, ethanol,
isopropanol, methanol, DMSO, nitric acid (65),
sulphuric acid (40), hydrogen chloride (36),
and 33 ammonia.
Corning Plate
other plate
Plate wells as viewed under polarized light
1510 Proteins x 800 Conditions in half a day
Traditional 130 hrs gt3 weeks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ten Distinct Proteins or Protein- Ligand Complexes
Hampton Screens I II 100 Wizards I II
100 Greed Screens 200 Random 400 (Crystool)
400 Total Reagents in Crystal Screen
Automated Fast Drops 3 hrs!
10 X 800 8,000 drops
16HT sitting drop
2002 Inteli PlateTM 9 6 by Art Robins
17HT sitting drop CCP 384
2002 Corning CCP 384 1, 1st HTC plate to have
all SBS well locations 384 2, Has the highest
of HTC screening conditions 192
18Simple 11 Configuration Sitting Drop
Protein Well 3.4 uL superb low polarization
viewing window
Reservoir 105 ul
No, not a bottom less plate -)
19- CCP 384 Top features
- The only crystallization plate built to meet
full SBS standards including well locations - Optimized for robotic HT sitting-drop protein
crystallization - Features large square reservoirs with round
protein wells - Reservoir well is 105 µL, ideal for loading
25-75 µ l screens - Protein well volume is 3.4 µL, ideal for
1.51.5, 11, 0.50.5 - Made of the same advanced optical polymer as the
original CCP -
20CCP 384 Test Drive with Tecan Genesis
21HT sitting drop
2003, Coming soon CCP II Conical flat
bottom, Designed for 1-2 ul drops. Sloped for
easy Crystal Access Smaller protein well size
22Trends Chemical resistance will become more
important as screen conditions grow CCP CCP
384 Compatibility Table
Acetic Acid 100 Nitric Acid
65 Sulphuic acid 40 HCL 36 Ammonia
Solution 33
DMSO Acetone Butanone Methanol Ethanol Isopropan
(Unmet needs in the HTC market)
Coated plates for anti static
Differential treated baby well for
auto-centering of protein drops HTC plates
for direct X-ray SBDS plates Open
Platform Hanging Drop 96 Microfluidic
Hanging Drop Plate Trans Drop TM Plates
Hanging Drop 384 Crystallization Kits???
so on so on.
24How could 4ul Protein drop keep hydrated for 3
25Universal Optical Sealing Tape
- The tape is pressure-sensitive. Customers can
use an applicator or roller to apply the tape. - Potential uses in other applications
- Key features of the sealing tape
- High optical quality for microscope observation
of protein crystals on plate - Minimal evaporation of protein well content
- Minimal cross-well contamination
- Suitable for use between 70 and 100C
- Compatible with aqueous solutions and organic
26Where to get them? Fisher, VWR, Hampton R.
27HTC plates in the future
- Corning 96 Well HT Hanging Drop Plates
- Grease free
- Polarization free
- Easy Crystal Access
- Compatible with Cyberlab 240 Hanging Drop Robot
- Compatible with All sitting drop robots
- Priced similar to Sitting Drop Plates
- ---Coming in 2004, Patent Pending