Title: Molecular Biodiversity Laboratory
1Molecular Biodiversity Laboratory
- Leveraging Molecular Biodiversity to build novel
bioinformatic systems, both applied to human
health in order to monitor safety and - risks - and to agro-industrial, to trace products
along food production and supply chains
Luigi Di Pace - IBM MBLab Director email
Title slide
2Biology has become an Information Science
Thanks to new disciplines such as genomic,
proteomic, meta-genomics, metabolonics, etc. we
take smart decisions in a much more broader space
in a number of domains. Biodiversity and Genetic
Information are becoming a new information source
for Smart Decisions
One of the main engine of the biology is
Information. This is stored and coded and
transmitted in several ways The main information
repository is our DNA, this database is
replicated in each cell of our body, and any cell
of living organisms has a DNA. DNA includes the
genes which are the information needed to govern
structural and functional activities in our
bodies. Every living species has specific
molecular diversity that include all
information derived from genetic that distinguish
a living species form another. Molecular
biodiversity is one of the most powerful tools
used by bioinformatics to build IT applications
able to analysis and interpreted such diversity
3Research-driven activities
IBM Research Labs
Research Disciplines
4IBM Research Bioinformatics Life Sciences
- General areas of interest in Life Sciences
research - developing analytics in the absence of knowledge
of the nature of the data. These algorithms are
generic in their nature and consequently
applicable to a very large number of the problems
one encounters in the field of Life Sciences. - developing methodologies that are of relevance to
molecular dynamics and using simulations to study
and understand important biological systems - driving the definition of standards for
information interchange relevant in Life Sciences
(e.g. HL7, etc.) - generating practical solutions that are based on
developed algorithms, in order to showcase the
great value that these methods hold for solving
many problems from the Life Sciences, including
ones of critical importance.
5Project/Topic driven activities
Leveraging IBM unique abilities in IBM Research
and other organizations that can be applied to
the molecular biodiversity topic, to develop
real-world business applications
Computational Biology Center (R. Ajay )
External Partners
Ontologies (B. Schloos)
Analytics (J. Kreulen)
IBM Italy GBS Innovation Center
Search (S. Vaithyanathan)
IBM Research
Molecular Biodiversity Center
Healthcare (P. Vortman)
IBM Global Business Services
Molecular Dynamics (A. Curioni)
6Molecular Biodiversty Laboratory
MBLab is a private-public research initiative,
involved in the study and the use of Molecular
Biodiversity. It aims to build novel
bioinformatic systems, both applied to human
health in order to monitor safety and risks -
and to agro-industrial, to trace products along
food production and supply chains
Project co-funded by Italian Minister of Research
(MIUR) and it is a 7M investment Fondo FAR -
Legge 297/1999 Art. 12/lab Project Grant DM19410
Institutional partners
- Organization
- Lab Director is Luigi Di Pace (IBM)
- Scientific Board
- Prof. Annamaria Colao (University Federico II
of Napoli) - Prof. Floriana Esposito (University of Bari)
- Dott. Pietro Leo (IBM)
- Prof. Graziano Pesole (University of Bari)
- Prof. Cecilia Saccone (CNR-ITB University of
Bari) - Dott. Angelo Visconti (CNR-ISPA)
IBM GBS Innovation Center Italy (Project
Università degli Studi di Bari Facoltà di Scienze
Biotecnologiche Labo-Biotech
C.N.R. - Istituto di Scienze delle Produzioni
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico
II Dipartimento di Endocrinologia ed Oncologia
Molecolare e Clinica
C.N.R. - Istituto di Tecnologie Biomediche -
Sezione di Bari
Univeresità Telematica G. Marconi
Università degli Studi di Bari Dipartimento di
Ministero dellistruzione delluniversità e della
Provincia autonoma di Trento
7Molecular Biodiversity Lab partnership and
StrategyMixing and balancing public and private
resources, in an Open Research Collaboration
style, to build an operative research network to
provide high-value services and products based on
molecular biodiversity
Project co-funded by Italian Minister of Research
(MIUR) - Fondo FAR - Legge 297/1999 Art. 12/lab
Project Grant DM19410
8What is Molecular Biodiversity and why the study
of it is relevant from an industrial perspective?
Wine Deep Tracing
Example 1 Wine Deep Tracing By using a
biomolecular signature from grapevine and
microbioma biodiversity
- Biodiversity refers to the variety of the living
forms existing on Earth and the ecosystems they
participate in. The biodiversity we observe today
is the result of a million-years evolution it
can be considered at molecular, species and
ecosystem biodiversity levels. - Molecular Biodiversity is the research focus area
of MBLab and, under our vision and perspective,
it aims to generate new insights, at the
molecular level, trying to combine data coming
from multiple Information biodiversity axes. - MBLab aims to design and build bioinformatic
molecular biodiversity applications applied to
various ecosystems, both natural, a specific
geographic area, a living organism, as well as
man-made, an agro-food supply chain, a wine
fermentation silos, etc.
9What is Molecular Biodiversity and why the study
of it is relevant from an industrial perspective?
Wine Deep Tracing
Example 1 Wine Deep Tracing By using a
biomolecular signature from grapevine and
microbioma biodiversity
- Biodiversity refers to the variety of the living
forms existing on Earth and the ecosystems they
participate in. The biodiversity we observe today
is the result of a million-years evolution it
can be considered at molecular, species and
ecosystem biodiversity levels. - Molecular Biodiversity is the research focus area
of MBLab and, under our vision and perspective,
it aims to generate new insights, at the
molecular level, trying to combine data coming
from multiple Information biodiversity axes. - MBLab aims to design and build bioinformatic
molecular biodiversity applications applied to
various ecosystems, both natural, a specific
geographic area, a living organism, as well as
man-made, an agro-food supply chain, a wine
fermentation silos, etc.
(0-10 total species)
10What is Molecular Biodiversity and why the study
of it is relevant from an industrial perspective?
Wine Deep Safety
Example 2 Wine Deep Safety By studing molecular
ecosystem biodiversity and conditions of
grapevine and microbioma to avoid the negative
effects of dangerous species
- Biodiversity refers to the variety of the living
forms existing on Earth and the ecosystems they
participate in. The biodiversity we observe today
is the result of a million-years evolution it
can be considered at molecular, species and
ecosystem biodiversity levels. - Molecular Biodiversity is the research focus area
of MBLab and, under our vision and perspective,
it aims to generate new insights, at the
molecular level, trying to combine data coming
from multiple Information biodiversity axes. - MBLab aims to design and build bioinformatic
molecular biodiversity applications applied to
various ecosystems, both natural, a specific
geographic area, a living organism, as well as
man-made, an agro-food supply chain, a wine
fermentation silos, etc.
Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a mycotoxin of considerable
concern for human health and is said to have
carcinogenic, nephrotoxic and genotoxic
properties OTA is a naturally produced by a
number of Fungi (mold) species at particular
biological and environmental conditions
FAO estimates that the 25 of Food in the world
is contained by mycotoxins Just few fungi
species are responsible for producing OTA in food
and feed. In the wine the major responsible is
just one species Aspergillus Carbonarius
Can we know molecular ecosystem conditions that
lead fungi produce the OTA mycotoxyn?
Can we inhibit OTA mycotoxyn production? Can we
have simple and fast molecular tools to verify if
fungi into a crop or a food silos belong to a
dangerous species?
11Biodiversity Axes Traditional Approach
Life Taxonomy
Bi-dimentional investigation area
Intra-species studies
Iter-species studies
A Food Production Chain
A controlled production Enviromentt
A wine fermentation Silos
A Blood Sample
A living Organisms
A production field
Geographic Area
A Ship
Large size
The traditional Biodiversity investigation area
Generate insights from a combined observation of
taxonomy (organisms) and data about ecosystems in
which organisms live.
12Biodiversity Axes in the post-genomic era
Life Taxonomy
Bi-dimentional investigation area
Intra-species studies
Iter-species studies
A Food Production Chain
A controlled production Enviromentt
A wine fermentation Silos
A Blood Sample
A living Organisms
A production field
Geographic Area
A Ship
Large size
13The Molecular Biodiversity Lab aims to develop a
number of molecular diagnostic tools and
bioinformatic resources targeting both human
safety and agricultural applications, by
exploiting a number of molecular biodiversity,
including DNA Barcoding, techniques and know-how
Molecular Biodiversity
Molecular diagnostic tools and resources