Title: Product
1Product Brand Decisions
2- Both tangible and intangible product attributes
are important
___________ attributes _________ attributes such
as ___________, dimensions, and materials.
_______________ attributes i.e., status,
reputation, and mystique. ____________________
3Product Types
- Consumer or Industrial??????
4- __________________________
- a name, term, symbol, design, or combination
thereof that __________ a sellers product and
______________ them from competitors products.
5Brand __________________ a ___________ image
about both the __________________ product and the
company that markets it.
It is the sum of _____________ about a product or
brand that come from all information sources and
cues. i.e., Company ________, _______ stories,
Promotion activities, Advertising, etc.
6- Brand ______________________
- the brands _________ to a company as an
___________________ asset.
It represents the cumulative added _____________
of a companys ______________ in the marketing of
a brand _________________________.
7- Product
- The _____________ good and all of its ___________
and _________________ benefits.
8__________ Products Brands A product brand
that has achieved success in a _______________
Sokenbicha (___________) a noncarbonated ginseng
flavored beverage
9______________ Product
- They meet the wants and needs of a ______________
Products that can successfully be sold __________
the home country without ________________.
10Global Product
- Advantages
- ___________________________ with creating a
single ad campaign. - _____________________ cost savings
- Improved ____________________
- Improved customer _______________
11Global ________________
- The _____ name and a ________ image and
positioning throughout the world.
Sony prior to 1980 Japan ___________ United
Kingdom _______________ U.S.
Note The marketing lesson that was learned from
the history of the Sony Walkman is Having
multiple local brand names can ___________________
12Global Products vs Global Brands
- Global _________ ________________________________
Global ___________ ___________
13- ___________________ two or more different
company or product brands are featured
prominently on product packaging /or
i.e., Around the world various brands of
computers are sold proclaiming Intel Inside.
14- Brand _________________ using an _______________
brand name as an ______________ when entering new
businesses or developing new product lines.
15- ______________________ Brand The brand name of a
________________________. - i.e.,
16- ______________ Brand a brand name owned by a
_________________ or a _______________________. - i.e., Hunt Club (JCPenney), Sams American Choice
17Maslows Hierarchy of Needs_____________
_______________ (____________)
___________________ ________ (___________)
_______ (____________)
____________ (____________)
_____________ (______________)
18Maslows hierarchy Traditional Asian Equivalent
- It is applicable to _________________ because it
can help explain how __________ human needs can
drive the development of global products. - 1. ______________________ needs requirements for
_________, i.e., food, water, sex
192. __________ these include __________ and
______________ from physical and emotional pain
and suffering. i.e., life insurance, carbon
monoxide detectors, decay-fighting toothpaste.
- 3. ___________ (________________) human
requirement for _________ and ____________ and a
sense of belonging. - i.e., ads for cosmetics and jewelry
204. Internal External Esteem self-____________,
self-____________ and the ______________ of
Admiration satisfied through acts that
___________________ within a group.
- i.e., shopping at Neiman Marcus owning a
________ or a __________ pen (Gillette Co.),
that will serve the recipient as a
21- 5. Self-Actualization (Status) these refer to
peoples need to __________ and to
___________________. i.e.,
U.S. Army Be All That You Can Be
Status esteem of ________ as a whole.
Nearly half of all sales revenues of ____________
are generated in Asia
22_______________________ Effects
- Typically communicated by the phrase
_______________________ (country). - _____________ towards foreign products
i.e., the success of many imported beers in the
U.S. ____________ segment. i.e., Made in Russia
or Made in South Africa ________________ country
of origin bias.
23Global Product Planning _________________________
- ____________________ Strategy
- it calls for marketing a ___________ product or
using a standardized ____________________
approach in ________________ markets, or both.
24________________ Strategy
- involves __________________ ________________ of
design, function, or packaging in response to
____________ or _______________________ in
particular country markets.
25Global Product Planning Strategy Alt.
Strategy 2 _______________ _______________ _______
Strategy 4 ________________ ________________
Strategy 1 _______________ _______________
Strategy 3 ________________ ________________ _____
26Strategy 1 Product-Communication Extension (Dual
- This is the ____________ product mkt. strategy
and in many instances, the most ________ one. - i.e., Gillettes Sensor razor and Best a
____________ Can Get
27Strategy 2 Product Extension- Communication
- When a product fills a ____________ need, appeals
to a different segment, or serves a different
______________ outside the home-country market. - i.e., ______________ mixes that have long been
popular in Europe are marketed as _______________
in the U.S.
28Strategy 3 Product-Adaptation - Communication
- Global product planning is to extend,
_________________, the basic home-market
communications strategy while _______________ the
product to local use or preference conditions.
29Strategy 4 Product-Communication Adaptation
(Dual Adaptation)
- When environmental __________ or consumer
preferences ________ and the same is true of the
___________________ a product serves or consumer
receptivity to advertising appeals.
30Generally speaking, which of the following
product categories represents the best potential
for extension into international markets without
- A. food products B. intangible
products C. industrial products
D. companion products
31New Product Ideas
- Continuous _______________ typically are
________________________ versions of
____________________ products require less RD
expenditure. - _____________________________ influence on
established consumption patterns. - i.e., The formulation, imagery, consumer appeal
of ___________________________ toothpaste was
designed to translate across national boundaries.
32- ____________ Continuous Innovation ___________
disrupting influence on established consumption
patterns. - They ____________ certain features with earlier
generation products while incorporating
__________ features that offer ___________________
33- _________________ Innovation an
__________________ invention or innovation that
requires a relatively large amount of
_____________ on the part of the user. It
typically creates __________ markets and
____________________ patterns.
The introduction of consumer _____________ in the
late 1970s
34What type of innovation?
Advanced Photo System
Alternative for Pampers
Iridium global satellite phone.
35Testing New Products