Title: What are the steps of the scientific method
1Assessment of Course Questions
7th Grade Science
Worksheets Labs Tests/Quizzes Projects
Physical Science The study of physics and
chemistry and its application of the scientific
- What are the steps of the scientific method how
is it applied to solve problems and answer
questions? - How does force relate to the basic concepts of
motion? - What are different ways to describe matter?
- How are patterns and groupings applied within the
periodic table of elements? - How do graphs, charts tables help you to
interpret communicate information?
27th Grade Science
Respect Responsibility Teamwork
Knowledge Rater/Buzz around
Summarization/Notes DRWS/QAR Text
book Questions Labs/Pre Post
Assignment notebook Test review game
After school time Presentation notes Alternate
work areas Extra Credit Audio textbook
Scientific method recording data Graphing analyzi
ng data Properties of matter forces Motion elemen
Chemistry Scientific method Properties Elements
Compounds Atoms Periodic
Physics Scientific method Motion Forces Work Si
mple machines