Title: The Helping Hearts
1The Helping Hearts
Chelsea Lewis
Kevin Yost
Bethany Benton
Kyle Stewart
Janitzie Rodriguez
Helping the Easter Seals of
2American Community Survey
- 39 Million People in The United States Have a
Disability - Affecting Sensory Functions 20
- Affecting Mobility 27
- Affecting Cognitive Skills 28
- Difficulty with Self-Care Activities
- In the United States - Over 7 Million People
- In Florida 15 of the Population Over 50
3Topics for Discussion
- Team Strategy
- Project Greenhouse Affection
- Implementation Activities
- Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Challenges and Responses
- Impact of Project
- Question and Answer Session
4Team Strategy
- Formed a Cohesive Team from the Beginning
- Recognized Skill Sets
- Set Team Expectations
- Organization was a key
- Mandated Weekly Team Meetings
- Experienced Meeting Facilitator
- Detailed Team Meeting Agendas with Time Limits
5Topics for Discussion
- Team Strategy
- Project Greenhouse Affection
- Implementation Activities
- Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Challenges and Responses
- Impact of Project
- Question and Answer Session
6Project Greenhouse Affection
- Our goal is to raise 3,000 for the Easter Seals
of Florida to benefit Camp Challenge through a
plant sale to be held on April 1, 2006. - Objective One
- Contact plant donors within our portion of the
list and solicit plant donations by March 1st.
7Project Greenhouse Affection
- Objective Two
- Create a formal delivery schedule that
coordinates the delivery of plants to the Camp
Challenge location by March 8th, ensuring all
donated plants are on the event site prior to
March 25th. - Objective Three
- Coordinate the setup, sales, collection of monies
and clean up of the plant sale on April 1st to
reach our goal of 3,000 .
8Topics for Discussion
- Team Strategy
- Project Greenhouse Affection
- Implementation Activities
- Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Challenges and Responses
- Impact of Project
- Question and Answer Session
9Implementation Activities
- Nursery List
- Spreadsheets
- Plant Pick-Ups Routes
- Additional Plant Transportation
- Site Set-Up
- Day of Event
10Implementation Activities
- Nursery List
- Comprised of Companies Not Familiar with the 26th
Annual Country Fair - Utilized Creative Thinking Skills
- Spreadsheets
- Designed Comprehensive Spreadsheet To
- Track Donors
- Monitor Progress
- Capture Data
- Routes
- Utilized Nursery Guide
11Implementation Activities
12Implementation Activities
Stewarts Clarcona Nursery
Saras Roses Nursery
13Implementation Activities
14Implementation Activities
Holding Area
Hanging Basket Area
15Implementation Activities
16Implementation Activities
17Implementation Activities
- Day of Event
- Bethany Acted as Cashier
- Chelsea Acted as Plant Runner
- Janitzie, Kevin, and Sean Managed the Holding
Area - Kyle and Bethany Assisted with Plant Sales
18Topics for Discussion
- Team Strategy
- Project Greenhouse Affection
- Implementation Activities
- Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Challenges and Responses
- Impact of Project
- Question and Answer Session
19Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Our goal is to raise 3,000 for the Easter Seals
of Florida to benefit Camp Challenge through a
plant sale to be held on April 1, 2006. - Combined Helping Hearts
- Event Sales 3,200 1,600
- Additional Sales 620 310
- Beautification 540 270
- Total 4,360 2,180
20Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Objective 1 Contact plant donors within our
portion of the list and solicit plant donations
by March 1st. - Revised Objective Due To
- Calling Took Longer Than Anticipated
- Need for Additional Contacts to Meet Goal
- Verification of Data
- Exceeded Revised Objective
21Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Objective 2 Create a formal delivery schedule
that coordinates the delivery of plants to the
Camp Challenge location by March 8th, ensuring
all donated plants are on the event site prior to
March 25th. - Moved Due Date to March 31st
- Quantity of Plants Donated
- Amount of Plant Pick-Ups
- Sensitivity to Environment
- Met Revised Objective
22Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Objective 3 Coordinate the setup, sales,
collection of monies and clean up of the plant
sale on April 1st to reach our goal of 3,000 . - Successfully Met this Objective Due To
- Adapting to Change
- Set-up
- Pricing
- Communication
- Delegated Tasks
- Managed other Cornerstone Team
- Teamwork
- Plant Hanger and Holding Area
- Site Clean Up
23Topics for Discussion
- Team Strategy
- Project Greenhouse Affection
- Implementation Activities
- Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Challenges and Responses
- Impact of Project
- Question and Answer Session
24Challenges and Responses
- Division and Understanding of Responsibilities
- Challenges
- Unclear Delegation of Duties
- No Accountability Measure
- Responses
- Used Collaborative and Accommodating Style
- Proposed Delegation of Duties to Client
25Challenges and Responses
- Working with Another Cornerstone Team
- Challenges
- Inability to pick up Plants
- Inability to complete site set-up
- Inability to complete minor tasks
- Focused on unnecessary tasks
- Responses
- Utilized Collaborative then Dominant Style
- Contributed Additional Hours
- Redirected Efforts and Managed other Team
- Maximized Resources
26Challenges and Responses
52 Hours
153 Hours
111 Hours
27Challenges Responses
28Topics for Discussion
- Team Strategy
- Project Greenhouse Affection
- Implementation Activities
- Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Challenges and Responses
- Impact of Project
- Question and Answer Session
29Impact of the Project
- Easter Seals of Florida
- 250 for a Weekend at Camp Challenge
- Provided up to 7 Scholarships
- Defray Camp Costs
30Impact of Project
- I start with the premise that the function of
leadership is to produce more leaders, not more
- Ralph Nader
31Impact of Project
- Team Helping Hearts
- Teamwork
- Trust
- Communication
- Manage Personalities
- Creative Thinking and Problem Solving Skills
- Develop Implementation Strategies
- Adapting to Change
- Conflict Resolution
32Impact of Project
- Team Helping Hearts
- Stronger UCF Business Students
- Exemplify Integrity
- Exhibit Dedication
- Persevere through Challenging Times
- Live the UCF Creed
- Uphold the Reputation of the College of Business
33Topics for Discussion
- Team Strategy
- Project Greenhouse Affection
- Implementation Activities
- Goals and Objectives Analysis
- Challenges and Responses
- Impact of Project
- Question and Answer Session
34Team Helping Hearts
- Men make history, not the other way around. In
periods where there is no leadership, society
stands still. Progress occurs when courageous,
skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change
things for the better.
- Harry S. Truman
35Questions and Answer Session
36Photos from the Event