7 June 2004 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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7 June 2004


Note: FM definitions often assert equivalence as the same level of abstraction. Crypto definitions usually assert simulation between levels of abstraction. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 7 June 2004

Formal Methods and Protocol Analysis

Peter Y A Ryan University of Newcastle
A Brief History of Security Protocol Analysis
  • BAN logic of authentication.
  • Dolev-Yao.
  • NRL Analyser.
  • Interrogator.
  • FDM and Inajo.
  • The B-method.
  • The CSP approach.
  • Inductive approach (Isabelle).
  • Strand Spaces (Authentication tests, Athena,)
  • Non-interference.
  • Spi-calculus.
  • Multi-Set-Rewriting.
  • Automata.
  • Petri Nets (strand spaces, opacity, causality,)

BAN logic
  • P ? X P believes X
  • P?K?Q Key K is good for communication between P
    and Q.
  • ?(X) X is fresh.
  • P ? X P sees X.
  • P X P once said X.
  • Example rule
  • P ? (P?K?Q), P ? XK ? P ? (Q X)

BAN logic
  • Assumptions and protocol steps are translated
    into terms of the logic (idealisation).
  • Attempt to derive the authentication goals by
    application of the rules.
  • .several scalps under its belt

Getting off the BAN Wagon
  • Drawbacks of BAN
  • Definition of authentication implicit.
  • Adversary capabilities implicit and hard-wired
    (in the choice of rules).
  • Takes defensive viewpoint.
  • Assumes principles honest.
  • Needs extension to deal with other goals and
  • (initial) lack of semantics.
  • Delicacy of idealisation.

Myths and Mythconceptions
  • Authentication continues to be a slippery
  • Authentication of origin seems fairly clear cut.
  • Entity authentication rather delicate.
  • Definition from The Handbook
  • Entity authentication is the process whereby one
    party is assured of the identity of a second
    party involved in a protocol, and that the second
    has actually participated

  • So what does involved mean, or
  • Consider the Lowe scenario for the NSPK protocol.
    Is this definition violated?
  • How is a violation detected (manifest)?
  • Not clear that an intrusion detection device
    could detect this.
  • What is authentication really supposed to achieve?

Lowe attack on NSPK
  • A?B A, naPKb
  • B?A na, nbPKa
  • A?B nbPKa
  • A?Y A, naPKy
  • Y(A)?B A, naPKb
  • B?AY na, nbPka
  • Y?A na, nbPKa
  • A?Y nbPKy
  • Y(A)?B nbPKb

  • The upshot is that Anne believes that she has
    been interacting with Yves. Bob believes that he
    has been interacting with Anne, when in fact hes
    been interacting with Yves.
  • Note however that Anne does need to be present.
  • Note Yves does not play by the rules, i.e.,
    violates one of the BAN assumptions.

The Dolev-Yao Approach
  • Treated the problem as a term re-writing problem.
  • Decidability results.
  • Proposed the (FM) standard model of the
  • Full powers short of breaking the crypto tap,
    kill, replay, reroute, reorder, fake,
  • Perfect crypto
  • Free algebra of terms, aside from
  • D(k, E(k, m)) m
  • And, where appropriate
  • E(k,D(k, m)) m

Adversary Model
  • Adversary can construct terms using an inference
    system, e.g.
  • k, m - mk
  • mk, k-1 - m
  • (m, n) - m
  • m, n - (m, n)
  • m - hash(m)

The CSP approach
  • Natural for reasoning about systems exchanging
    messages, i.e., protocols.
  • Explicit adversary model.
  • Explicit formalisation of goals.
  • Less of an idealisation gap.
  • Good tool support.

Syntax of CSP
  • a?P prefix
  • PQ external choice
  • P ?? Q non-deterministic choice
  • PXQ parallel composition over X
  • PQ interleave ( PQ)
  • P\A hide events ?A
  • PR renaming (relation R)
  • S/tr S after trace tr.
  • PF(P) recursive definition

  • Several denotational semantics available
  • Traces-a process denotes a set of behaviours.
  • Fine for safety properties. Not rich enough to
    handle livelock, non-determinism etc.
  • Failures-deals with livelock and non-determinism.
  • Also operational semantics.

  • Trace properties defined as a set of acceptable
    behaviours (traces).
  • Specifications can given as abstract CSP
    processes-essentially a process whose trace set
    equals (or subset of) the characteristic set of
    the property.
  • Checking a putative implementation then reduces
    to a refinement check.
  • Traces refinement checks set inclusion.
  • Refinement is monotonic and compositional.

Trustworthy agents
  • E.g., Yahalom
  • A?B a, na
  • B?S b, a, na, nbKsb
  • S?A b, kab, na, nbKsa, a, kabKsb
  • A?B a, kabKsb, nbKab
  • A, initiators view
  • A sends b a, na
  • A receives b, kab, na, nbKsa, a, kabKsb
  • A sends b a, kabKsb, nbKab

As a CSP process
  • Initiator(a, na)
  • Env?b Agent ? send.a.b.a.na ?
  • ?kab ? Key, nb ? Nonce, m ? T?
  • (receive.S.a. b, kab, na, nbKsa.m ?
  • Send.a.b.m. nbKab ? Session(a,b, kab, na, nb))

The Adversary
  • Adversary(X)
  • learn?a.b.m messages?Adversary(close(X?m))
  • ??
  • fake!a.b.m X ? messages ? Adversary(X)
  • ??
  • leak!m X ? messages ? Adversary(X)
  • X represents the adversarys knowledge.
  • Close forms the closure under the inference

The System
  • The system is then an appropriate composition of
    agents legitimate principles, server, adversary.
  • Often convenient to identify medium with
  • System (Agents)YvesJeeves

  • Authentication
  • Of origin.
  • Entity.
  • Injective.
  • Secrecy.
  • (authenticated) key-exchange.
  • Anonymity.
  • Non-repudiation.
  • Robustness (against DoS attacks).
  • Fairness.

  • In protocol analysis, typically coded in terms of
    leakage of secret terms.
  • Secrecy fails if the adversary can deduce a
    secret item from M.
  • System\(?-leak.M) refinestraces Stop
  • LHS hide all events except leaking of sensitive
  • If this refines Stop then no such events can
  • If System can leak a term from M this refinement
    check will be violated and FDR will provide a
    counter-example (attack).

Authentication of origin
  • An event b authenticates and event a if b can
    only occur after a. For example
  • Receives.a.b.m authenticates send.a.b.m if
  • Systemsend.a.b.mStop refinestraces
    Systemsend.a.b.m, recieves.a.b.mStop
  • LHS prevents send events.
  • RHS prevents both send and receive events.
  • If System violates this authentication, this
    refinement will be violated.
  • Comes in various flavours.

  • Can be formulated as the invariance, from an
    appropriate viewpoint, of the system under
    arbitrary permutations over the anonymity set, A
  • ????A Abs(System) ?traces Abs(?(System))
  • Various abstraction operators available eager or
    lazy hiding, projection (renaming) etc.

  • Very similar to authentication but with a
    different threat model trustworthy agents
    given adversary style capabilities, in particular
    ability to fake terms up to crypto limitations.
  • Goal to furnish agents with unfakeable evidence
    of certain actions.

  • The FDR model-checker proved to be a powerful
    tool for analysis.
  • Checks trace or failure refinement.
  • Provide a Spec and an Impl (both written in CSP)
    and run refinement check.
  • Failures of refinement throw up counter-examples
    which indicate attacks.
  • Drawback models tend to blow up. Considerable
    ingenuity needed to cope with this.
  • Various compressions available, e.g., chase.

Rank functions
  • Alternative line of attack proposed by Steve
  • Rank function is a mapping from the message space
    into 0, 1. 0 assigned to terms that need to be
    kept private, 1 to terms that can be public.
  • Show that agents are rank preserving.
  • Essentially an invariants approach.
  • Avoids state-space explosion.
  • Finding rank functions or demonstrating their
    non-existence can be tricky, but (partially?)
    automated now.
  • Note links to Abadi et als typing approaches.

  • User-friendly interface to FDR.
  • Protocol specified in a fairly standard notation
    (c.f. CAPSL).
  • notation for encrypted terms.
  • Standard goals secrecy, authentication.

  • Data-independence.
  • Induction.
  • Lazy compilation.
  • Partial order.
  • Simplifying transformations.
  • Simple algebra, e.g., Vernam encryption.

Other Approaches
  • NRL Analyser.
  • Interrogator.
  • FDM and Inajo.
  • The B-method.
  • Inductive approach (Isabelle).
  • Strand Spaces (Authentication tests, Athena,)
  • Spi-calculus.
  • Multi-Set-Rewriting.
  • Automata.
  • Petri Nets (strand spaces, opacity, causality,)

Beyond Dolev-Yao
  • Richer adversary models
  • Computational/complexity limitations.
  • Limits on capability to monitor and intercept
  • Richer inference capabilities
  • Algebraic identities
  • Typing
  • Guessing
  • Game theoretic approaches

Faithful abstractions
  • Most FM approaches make sweeping abstractions of
    underlying primitives
  • Perfect cryptography.
  • Free algebra of terms.
  • Trace models.
  • Typing assumptions
  • Progress by crypto folk, e.g., universal
    composability, crypto libraries.
  • Some by FM folk incorporation of various
    algebraic identities in models and tools.

Trace formulations
  • Note usual to formulate goals in terms of traces
  • Fine for some properties, e.g. authentication of
    origin, but not for others, e.g., fairness.
  • Often just an approximation, e.g., secrecy.
  • Really need non-interference.
  • What precisely is the approximation here?
  • Accept traffic analysis.
  • How safe is it?

  • Generalised, possibilistic formulation (PYAR,
    FOSAD 2000)
  • ? tr, tr ? traces(S)
  • tr tr ? ? Abs(S/tr) ? Abs(S/tr ?)
  • ? denotes a suitable process equivalence,
    failures, (weak)-bisimulation, testing,
  • Abs Denotes an appropriate abstraction
  • Lazy/eager hiding, projection
  • is an appropriate equivalence over traces,
    traditionally defined by
  • tr tr ? ? purgeH(tr) purgeH(tr ?)
  • but more general equivalences are possible, e.g.,
    under permutation of identities (anonymity).

Alternative formulation
  • ? U, U? ProcessesH UU? ?
  • Abs(SHU) ? Abs(SH U?)
  • This seems rather elegant and appealing and
    appears to capture Wittbold and Johnsons
    Non-deducibility on strategies (essentially the
    same as Gorrieri and Focardis NDC?).
  • At first glance it seems to give an equivalent
    characterisation to the trace formulation given
    earlier, but actually weaker. Fails to
    distinguish different interleavings of H and L

  • Analogies between definitions of secrecy
  • FM (various flavours of ) process equivalence.
  • Crypto (various flavours of) indistinquishability
  • Note FM definitions often assert equivalence as
    the same level of abstraction. Crypto definitions
    usually assert simulation between levels of
  • Testing equivalence as adaptive, chosen
    plain/cipher-text attack?
  • Lincoln, Mitchell2, Scedrov
  • Bringing together crypto and FM approaches.
  • Composition results.

Novel Application Areas
  • Group keying-unbounded protocols.
  • Key management modules.
  • Identity management.
  • E-voting
  • Calls for novel properties
  • Voter-verifiability.
  • Universal verifiability.
  • Ensemble of protocols.
  • Quantum protocols and primitives?

Advances in tools
  • Model checking
  • Data independence
  • Parametric verification
  • Induction
  • Lazy evaluation
  • Partial order techniques
  • Theorem proving
  • Hybrid

Novel techniques
  • Protocol development techniques
  • Refinement
  • Evolutionary algorithms
  • Automatic generation
  • Proof preserving transformations
  • Protocol interactions
  • Guessing attacks
  • Temporary secrets. Dynamic rank functions.

  • Scope to clarify existing goals, e.g.,
  • Scope to create novel goals, applications and
  • Extend the power and scope of tools.
  • Need flexibility of models and tools.
  • Need to understand the roles of protocols in
    context better.
  • Bridge the gap between crypto and FM communities.
  • The main challenge now is to turn all this into
    an engineering discipline.

  • Modelling and Analysis of Security Protocols
    with S A Schneider, A W Roscoe, G Lowe and M H
    Goldsmith. Pearson Education 2000.
  • "Mathematical Modelling of Computer Security",
    chapter in Foundations of Security Analysis and
    Design (R.Focardi, R.Gorrieri eds), pp 1-62,
    volume 2172 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
    pp 1-62, Springer-Verlag 2001.
  • A Logic of authentication, Burrows, Abadi,
    Needham. DEC report 39, 1989
  • On the security of public key protocols, Dolev,
    Yao, IEEE Trans ob Information Theory. 29(2),
  • Handbook of Applied Cryptography, A J Menezes, P
    C Van Oorschot, S A Vanstone, CRC Press 1996.
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