Title: Coding Corner Networking Edition
1Coding Corner Networking Edition
- Your mom circulates like a public key,Servicing
more requests than HTTP.She keeps all her ports
open like Windows ME,Oh, there's so much drama
in the PhD - So Much Drama in the PhD by Monzy
- Goal
- send Hello, World! from one computer to another
- Communication protocols
- Socket abstraction
- WinSock2 API
- NetUtil abstraction
- HelloWorld.exe
3Connections and protocol
- Need a protocol both computers understand
- In the field of telecommunications, a
communications protocol is the set of standard
rules for data representation, signalling,
authentication, and error detection required to
send information over a communications channel. - Communications protocol, Wikipedia
- We could reinvent the wheel
- So many protocols
- Null modem
- What is the difference?
4The OSI Stack
- The ISO (International Organization for
Standardization) developed the OSI (Open Systems
Interconnection) abstraction
WAN, connection, errors from Network
WAN, single packet
LAN, catch/correct Physical errors
On the wire
5The OSI Stack
abstracted below the line
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
2 packets 1Hello, 2World! packets,!
0011ff127.0.0.12 packets 111ccf127.0.0.11Hello
, ffcc100127.0.0.12World!
raise voltage, wait 10 nanoseconds, lower
6TCP/IP with sockets
- Socket abstraction
- Connection metaphor
- Create/destroy steps
- Succeed 100 or fail
- String of bytes go in, string of bytes come out
- WinSock2
- Microsoft Windows network stack C API
- implements Berkeley Socket API (1983), with
non-standard extensions of course
7Creating a connection
- (1969-2005) Make the internet
- main() run A and B, create a socket on each
8Creating a connection
- (1969-2005) Make the internet
- main() run A and B, create a socket on each
- B binds its socket to a port, and listens on it
9Creating a connection
- (1969-2005) Make the internet
- main() run A and B, create a socket on each
- B binds its socket to a port, and listens on it
- A connects, using Bs address, and the same port
10Creating a connection
- (1969-2005) Make the internet
- main() run A and B, create a socket on each
- B binds its socket to a port, and listens on it
- A connects, using Bs address, and the same port
- B observes a pending connection and accepts.This
creates a new socket on B.The listening socket
keeps listening for new connections.
11Using a connection
- Send a sequence of bytes
- send(SOCKET, const char send_buf, int len,
int flags) - Receive a sequence of bytes
- recv(SOCKET, char recv_buf, int len, int
flags) - Receive in packets, not entire send() message.
12Berkeley Sockets / WinSock2
- 11 mapping from socket conceptual operation to
function call - socket(), bind(), listen(), connect()
- accept(), send(), recv()
- Direct memory manipulation, seg faults abound
- Every function has like 10 error return values
13NetUtil toolkit
- Object oriented socket wrapper
- http//students.cs.tamu.edu/edu/law1521/StuffFolde
r/Libraries/NetUtil - 3 classes
- ListenerSocket
- MessageSocket
- Message
14Server, part 1
- include "NetUtil.h"
- include ltiostreamgt
- int main() try
- // bind a socket on port 10001, and start
listening - NetUtilListenerSocket listener(10001)
- catch(stdexception e)
- // catch any errors that may occur (e.g. someone
already listening) - stdcout ltlt e.what() ltlt "\nProgram exiting" ltlt
stdendl -
15Client, part 1
- include "NetUtil.h"
- include ltiostreamgt
- int main() try
- stdcout ltlt "Enter address (form x.x.x.x
port) " - stdstring addr
- int port 0
- stdcin gtgt addr gtgt port
- // connect to addrport and wait until accepted
- NetUtilMessageSocket sock(addr, port, true)
- catch(stdexception e)
- stdcout ltlt e.what() ltlt "\nProgram exiting" ltlt
stdendl -
16Server, part 2
- include "NetUtil.h"
- include ltiostreamgt
- int main() try
- NetUtilListenerSocket listener(10001)
- // create a socket ready to receive the incoming
connection - NetUtilMessageSocket sock
- // wait for the connection to arrive, and then
accept it - listener.accept_connection(sock, true)
- // wait for a message to arrive
- while(!sock.message_remain())
- sock.process()
- Sleep(100)
- catch(stdexception e)
17Client, part 2
- include "NetUtil.h"
- include ltiostreamgt
- int main() try
- stdcout ltlt "Enter IP address (form x.x.x.x)
" - string s
- stdcin gtgt s
- NetUtilMessageSocket sock(s.c_str(), 10001,
true) - // create message to send
- NetUtilMessage outgoing
- outgoing.msg() ltlt Hello, World!"
- // place it in the outgoing queue
- sock.send_message(outgoing)
- // perform send/receive
- sock.process()
- catch(stdexception e)
18Server, part 3
- include "NetUtil.h"
- include ltiostreamgt
- int main() try
- NetUtilListenerSocket listener(10001)
- NetUtilMessageSocket sock
- listener.accept_connection(sock, true)
- while(!sock.message_remain())
- sock.process()
- Sleep(100)
- // create an empty message
- NetUtilMessage incoming
- // fill the message with whatever we just
received - sock.take_message(incoming)
- stdcout ltlt incoming.msg().str()
19Moving forward
- Blocking vs. Non-blocking
- Connectionless UDP
- Good for low latency, high bandwidth games
- Beejs Guide to Network Programming
- http//beej.us/guide/bgnet/
- Lightly funny. fork() takes no arguments, and
CreateProcess() takes about 48 billion arguments