Title: Events, synchronicity, and recursive aspectorientation
1Events, synchronicity, and recursive
- To lay a practical foundation for the solution of
two problems fundamental to the programming of
reactive systems - Events v. synchronization
- Event abstraction
3Were talking of pervasive problems
- Bedevil attempts to formulate declaratively
temporal behavior of reactive programs - Without such notations, building sophisticated
concurrent system is very, very diffficult - Example lack of undo and seek mechanisms in
- IVR (interactive voice response systems)
4Part I. Introduction
- Two fundamental problems in the design of
reactive systems
5Events v. synchronization problem
- How
- events, which take place over time, and
- synchronization, which is instantaneous,
- are related is not well-understood
6Rest of talk
- Part I. Introduction
- Part II. Big Picture
- Part III. Event woes
- Part IV. Solution Reaction trees
- Part VI. Towards a foundation for SMIL-like,
reactive langauges
7Part II. Big Picture
- Three kindred approaches to both problems
- StateCharts
- Aspect-oriented programming
8Abstraction problem
- How to describe behavior in hierarchical manner
- Example
- Spoken dialogue system, where
- High level behavior deals
- Taking turns
- Defining possible inputs
- Low level behavior
- Speech recognizer time-outs
- Loading grammars
9Abstraction solutions
- Idea lower level drives higher level
- Theory-inspired simplicity
- Hierarchical automata models (60s)
- Statecharts (David Harel)
- Whats done in practice messy world of
- Call-backs, event registration, listeners
- But also
- Aspect-oriented programming
10Harels Statecharts
- Events are propositions
- Not consumed, but generated in a reaction
- On e as stimulus, least fixed point is e,f
11Advice of Aspect-Orientation
- Advice (Lisp CLOS, AspectJ, AspectC, etc.)
expresses wrappers around existing functions - Arguments can be changed or augmented
- Results can be changed
- Original function perhaps not called at all
12Aspect-oriented programming
- An aspect is a cross-cutting module that
defines variables, data types, and advice - Advice consists of
- Declaration of a set of program points (e.g.
function call sites) - Code executing before or after or even wrapping
around the original code - Binding mechanisms allowing advice code to access
actual parameters of function calls
13Computing with advice
- Original program text not modified
- Easy to maintain code variants
- Easy to write logging information such as
- Before any call of methods Draw of class
PaintObject, print the value of the size
parameter - Advice code is weaved with original code
- SMIL (Synchronous Multimedia Language) tries to
bridge the worlds - Declarative and very convincing approach to
managing the sequential and parallel activities
of UI - Does for the temporal dimension what HMTL does
for the two dimensions of layout
15SMIL basics
- In SMIL, you can say time containers I and J are
to start at the same time - time container interval
- We use thread
- Example two videos to be started together
- ltvideo srchead idI beginJ.begin/gt
- ...
- ltvideo srcside idJ beginI.begin/gt
- Sync arc from I to J and from J to I
synchronizing start of video
16Binding world of synchronization to programmatic
world of events
- Declarative notion inadequate in general
- External events myButton.click used to activate
time containers - Programmatic way to begin an element that is,
way to go from push events into declarative world - I.beginElement()forces I to begin
- And by synchrony J begins
17More bindings between worlds
- Also, SMIL (Microsoft implementation) offers
- Programmatic inspection of declarative world
- I.isActive property (is interval I active or does
thread I run?) - Casting of causality in synchronization to events
- onbegin event fired when thread starts
18Event/synchronization summary
- Events are instantaneous
- But they cause each other, indirectly, through
effects of resumed threads (or they are caused by
external stimuli) - Thus a programmer has a clear picture of temporal
progression in mind when understanding a reactive
event-based program
19Event/synchronization summary II
- But, synchronization is about doing things at the
same time according to causal rules - A rigorous pursuit of synchronization has lead to
practical successes such as - Esterelle (with a pure synchronous semantics)
- StateCharts (which often has a non-synchronous
semantics, however) - But significant semantic problems in general
- The problem is to reconcile events and
instantaneous causality
20Part III. Event woes
21Event woes I SMIL Example
- This example illustrates the naturalness of
coupling intervals in SMIL - And the difficulty of understanding casual
dependencies as events - The particular mechanism that breaks is time
seek, a kind of temporal undo - Link to example (only for IE 5.5 or 6)
22The SMIL declaration
- ltSMILseq repeatCount"indefinite"gt
- ltbutton class"time" end"c.click" id"c"gt
- Click to launch!
- lt/buttongt
- ltSMILpar end"clip.click" id"example"gt
- ltspan class"time"gtLaunching!lt/spangt
- ltSMILvideo src"spaceshuttle.avi" id"clip"gt
- ltSMILanimate begin"10s"
- dur"5" to"true"
- attributeName"mute"/gt
- lt/SMILvideogt
- ltSMILseq begin"rewind.click" dur"0"
- onend"rewind(example)"/gt
- lt/SMILpargt
- lt/SMILseqgt
23SMIL Example (continued)
- The problem occurs as follows
- Click on Click to launch!
- Let movie clip run for a few seconds
- Then click rewind
- The display now shows at the same time both
subelements of the ltSMILseqgt element!!! - This is not a problem with the IE implementation
of SMIL, but a sign of deeper semantic trouble
external events and declarative meaning do not
mix well
24Time seek and undo are hard
- Because how
- events, which take place over time, and
- synchronization, which is instantaneous,
- are related is not well-understood
- But creators would probably say SMIL is not a
reactive language, it is a declarative notation - Still SMIL is supposed to be used with scripting
- So we need to tie events and synchronous
causality together - Then, solving undo and seek semantics become
rather simple
25Event woes II Emacs
- An event (mouse click, key press) is an
abstraction unit - Namely, in keyboard macros
- Events are queued in unread-command-events
- A macro is a sequence of events
- A macro can be assigned to a key
- Thus, macros are definable in terms of macros
26Queues examples of renegade thinking?
- Does execute-kbd-macro add events to front or to
back of queue? - Neither works in case of macro of macros!
- Analogy consider a programming language where
yet-to-be-executed procedures are kept in a
queue. One procedure at a time, from the front
of the queue, is picked for execution - Is this a good idea?
- For ShortTalk prototype written in 10,000 lines
of Emacs Lisp - Event model creates serious headaches
27Event woes III Statecharts
- Events are propositions (an unusual point of
view) - Not consumed, but generated in a synchronous
reaction - On e as stimulus, least fixed point is e,f
28Mystery programs 1 and 2
MP2 I Øg f J g f K f g
29Part IV. Solution reaction trees
- Causality
- Principle of no self-causation
30Concepts towards an understanding
- An event is identified by a name
- A target is a block (thats where event appears)
- bE beginElement
- b begin
- event ? accept/receive/read/handle (pattern)
- event _at_ target ! emit/fire/raise/signal
(statement) - A handler is of form pattern statement
- Co-routine model one handler executed at a time
31Modeling bE to b and sync arcs
Accept beginElement, then signal begin at I
bE? b!I
b_at_J? bE!I
When begin is signaled at J, signal beginElement
at I
b_at_I? bE!J
bE? b!J
32Cyclic dependencies lead to cyclic behaviors
33Co-events happen when?
- Augment I and J with isActive variable
- We expect true and true to be printed
- History for bE signaled at I
- event b at I(execute handler now? no!)
- co-event b_at_I at J (observation)
- bE at J
- b at J
- So, co-event must be handled before execution of
handler for b
bE? b!I I.isActive true b_at_J? bE!I b?
bE? b!J J.isActive true b_at_I? bE!J! b?
34Temporal ordering of co-events
- bE? b!I I.isActive true
- b_at_J-? bE!I
- b? print(J.isActive)
35The reaction tree
- The root is an empty node (document node)
- It holds the external event or injected event
- After an event is handled,
- the signaled events are appended as children in
left-to-right order with time - each child is accompanied by its pre-events,
which are siblings inserted in front of it - When an event has executed
- its post-events are inserted after it as
siblings, and - the next node in pre-order traversal is selected
for handling
36Example of tree growth
Goal when b!I and b!J are handled, both isActive
variables are true
When event node p is handled, the already handled
nodes are the ones before p in document order
37When to be able to handle?
- A guard of true() is always enabled?
- Goes against idea of event consumption
- So, tie this predicate to an event!
- Which one?
- The external event
- Not every event!
38Reify reaction tree
39Node matching XSLT/XPath
- Convention a pattern is now that of XSLT
- Examples
- / the root, but never
signaled/handled - e the event named e
- / any external event
- /click the external event click
- ///click any mouse click that was synthesized
40Use filters
- /not(//g)
- an external event, but only if g has not been
signaled so far - ///enot(ancestorf) and not(ancestorg
- any e, when not external and when not indirectly
caused by f or g
41Mystery Program Solutions
MP2 I /not(//g)_at_MP2 ? f J g f!MP2
K f g!MP2
- MP1
- I /_at_MP1 -? f !MP1
- J g f !MP1
- K f g !MP1
42Mystery Program 1
- Let us inject e at location MP1
- This event is never handled
- There is no handler!
- Still f is generated as expected
MP1 I /_at_MP1-? f !MP1 J g f !MP1 K
f g !MP1
43Mystery Program 2
- Let us inject e at location MP2
- Post-event generates f
MP2 I /not(//g)_at_MP2? f J g f!MP2
K f g!MP2
44Namespace for event values
- Events, of course, are not atomic, but are trees
- So reaction tree is tree of trees!
- Use namespace notation with
- ReaxEvt for top element of an event
- ReaxEvtPre top element of pre-event
- ReaxEvtPost for top element of post-event
45Example of namespace use
- ltReaxEvte locid1gt
- ltReaxEvtPref atid3 locid4/gt
- ltnamegtAnnalt/namegt
- ltReaxEvtPrefgt
- ltReaxEvtf locid3gt
- ltnamegtAnnalt/namegt
- ltReaxEvtfgt
- ltperson gendermalegt
- ltnamegtBoblt/namegt
- lt/persongt
- ltReaxEvte/gt
46XML for locations as well
- Broadcast for event signals
- Observe several places for co-events
- So, program syntax itself should be XML
- Then, we can write
- // any location
- id(helperProc)// any location within
helperProc - .. for the block above
47Modeling exceptions
- try S throw e throw f
- catch e Se f Sf
- becomes
- init_at_I!
- Iinit S e! break
- f! break
- e Se exit
- f Sf exit
48Related work
- Esterel
- UML Statecharts
- As in our approach, one event is presented at a
time. If several transitions are enabled, then
either they are in different threads or the
deepest one takes precedence - By default all events are broadcast
- Varro 2002 A Formal Semantics of UML
Statecharts by Model Transitions - Uses a hierarchy of queues
49Part VI. Towards a foundation for SMIL-like,
reactive langauges
50UI issues and undo seek
- In principle, we can now with confidence explain
a SMIL-like language - With declarative synchronization and temporal
features - Based on one event model comprises
- Reified causality
- Principle of no self-causation
- And, we can augment this notation with undo and
seek as built-in mechanisms
51Time seek and undo
- Add to ReaX
- Notion of module
- Checkpoints to identify unit tasks that are to be
undone - Ways of categorizing events as
- Undoable
- With or without specific undo event
- Various roll-back characteristics of modules
- Not undoable
- Notion of real time and module that allow time
seek - See my Web-site for more details
52Appendix. ReaX overview
53ReaX expressions
- LocE XPath expression with
- context node node of innermost block containing
expression - EvtE XPath expression with
- context node current event being handled
- E EvtE or XSLT-like tree fragment
- In XPath event()refers to current event
54ReaX syntax I
- Stmt while EvtE do Stmts
- if EvtE then Stmts else Stmts var
E - EvtNnm_at_LocE ! ( lt gt )
- break
- exit
- Handlrs
- Decls
- Stmts Stmt
Exit handler
Exit handlers block
55ReaX syntax II
- Decls
- (var VarNvm ( E)?) Stmts
- Handlrs
- (EvtNmeEvtE?
- EvtNme_at_locE EvtE? -?)
- Stmts)
56Run-time model
- The run status of a thread is none, waiting, or
executing - When status is waiting or executing, the thread
has a program counter - Between reactions all thread statuses are none or
waiting - Co-routine model at most one thread is executing
at a time - If a thread is waiting, then its parent is, too
57The reaction
- Add(e_at_l at p)
- Append pre-events of e_at_l as children of p
- Append e_at_l
- Process(e_at_l at p)
- If there is a handler eEvtE Stmts at l with
thread of l waiting at l and with EvtE evaluating
to true, then execute Stmts as a subthread - For each e_at_L that is signaled, Add(e_at_L at p)
- Append post-events as siblings of p
- Process(event at next node) in pre-order
traversal - Pre-events and post-events are processed
similarly - No additional pre- and post-events added
58Statement execution
- Simple do the obvious, advancing the PC of the
thread, until a handlers block in encountered
then stop - This is where the thread waits
- A subthreads run status is (still) none
- If break or end of thread is encountered, then
stop - The threads run status becomes none (parent
thread still waiting) - If exit is encountered
- Make run status none for this thread and all
siblings - Continue execution of parent thread after parent
59Add co-events for e_at_l
- For each
- e _at_ locE EvtE- Stmts
- at location lt such that
- locE evaluated at lt contains l
- EvtE evaluates to true
- add e _at_ l _at_ lt to set of co-events
- Order co-events according to document order on lt
(or use static priority declarations)
60Termination property
- If every while loop terminates, then the ReaX
semantics guarantee termination of a reaction - Proof
- Königs Lemma states that a finitely branching
tree is infinite only if it has an infinite path - Termination of while loops imply that the
reaction tree is finitely branching - Principle of no self-causation implies no
infinite paths
61Exceptions through transformations,
- try S throw e throw f
- catch e Se f Sf
- becomes
- init_at_I!
- Iinit S e! break
- f! break
- e Se exit
- f Sf exit