Title: Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation for hpAdaptive FEM
1Geometric Modeling and Mesh Generation for
hp-Adaptive FEM
- Leszek Demkowicz, Dong Xue
Institute of Computational Engineering and
Science The University of Texas at Austin
Team D. Pardo, Y.Zhang, J.Kurtz
Collaboration T. Tautges(Sandia National Lab),
A. Zdunek(Swedish Aeronautical Institute)
Web http//www.ticam.utexas.edu/cynthia/paper/p
- Geometric Modeling Package and Mesh Generation
- Motivation
- Geometry and Topology
- Transfinite Interpolation and Implicit
Parameterization - Two Approaches
- Interface with Cubit
- Interface with Geometric Reconstruction Technique
- Future work
3What is GMP ?
- Construct exact and compatible
parameterizations for 2D and 3D manifolds.
- Bottom up hierarchical manner
- points gt curves gt triangles(rectangles) gt
prisms(hexahedrons) - A 2D object a union of of linear
(curvilinear)triangles (rectangles) - A 3D object a union of of linear(curvilinear)
hexahedrons. - Construct parameterizations for each entities
- Provide derivatives of the mappings wrt
reference coordinates for points in reference
4Why GMP?
- Success of hp Adaptive FE simulations
- Precise geometrical representation
- appropriate mesh generation method
- Foundation for generating the initial mesh and
update during mesh refinements - Fully automatic preparation of topology
5Topological entities and parameterizations in GMP
- Topological Entities
- Surfaces
- Points
- Curves
- Triangles
- Rectangles
- Prisms
- Hexahedrons
Particular type Complete connectivity
- Parameterization
- Explicit
- Implicit
Structure is open
6Standard transfinite interpolation -
Parameterization technique 1
Purpose construct parameterizations using given
parameterizations of lower-dimensioned entities.
7Implicit parameterizations - Parameterization
technique 1
Purpose construct geometric model conforming to
high order surfaces.
8GMP interface Approach 1
- Interface with coarse meshes generated from
volumetric imaging data. - e.g, MRI, CT
- Developed at CCV, ICES
9Head Model(1)
- 3D geometric model
- Reconstructed as a mesh of linear
hexahedra - Provide connectivity information for curvilinear
10Head Model(2)
- Simulate EM waves
- Enclose the head within a truncating sphere
- Mesh the sphere and the head
11Head Model(3)
- Transform the connectivity information into
GMP entities. - Construct the parameterizations for hexahedra
- Total numbers of each GMP entity
- Points 25744
- Curves 8448
- Rectangles 4424
- Hexahedrons 704
12GMP interface Approach 2
- Interface with CUBIT developed at
- Sandia National Labs
- Exodus II
- Run GMP Interface to construct actual
parameterizations. - E.g. Induction Logging Instrument
13Tools with tilted loop antennas- Geometric model
- Two tilted loop antennas wrapped around the axial
tool body - Tool is embedded in a 3D volume
- Construct the overall geometric model in CUBIT
14Tools with tilted loop antennas - Mesh
generation process
- Generate the mesh in CUBIT
- Set interval size
- Set mesh schemes
- Generate the mesh for the model
- Inspect mesh for quality
15Tools with tilted loop antennas Geometric
Model in GMP
- Interface obtains the topology information
- GMP constructs parameterizations for linear
(curvilinear) hexahedra - Total numbers of each GMP entity
- Surfaces 1021
- Points 5109
- Curves 14560
- Rectangles 13860
- Hexahedrons 4400
16Future work
- C1 continuous geometry reconstruction using
A-patch . - Accessing the binary Genesis files using netCDF
- http//www.ticam.utexas.edu/cynthia/paper/project