Title: Head: Prof' Carlo Ulivieri
1- Head Prof. Carlo Ulivieri
- Professors 26
- Staff 9
- Students
- Three-year degree 850
- Two-year specialist degrees 300
- PhD student 15
- Post Doc 10
- Main research activities
- Aeronautics
- Space
2Research Activity Aeronautics
- Structures
- Advance materials
- Flight dynamics
3Research Activity Space
- Lunar and interplanetary missions
- Structural dynamics and multibody systems
- Microsatellites (design, manufacturing and orbit
handling) - Automation
- Remote sensing
- Orbit debris
4Aerospace Structures
Structural modeling and analysis
- Dynamic identification for aerospace structure
based on output-only vibration measurements
applications to fixed/rotary wing, and launch
vehicles (AVIO, LMS, Carleton University). - VEGA LV third stage structural analysis
structural verification of Zefiro 9 solid booster
by finite elements simulations supported by
ESA/ESRIN VEGA PT. - Vibro-acoustic low frequency analysis for solid
rocket motors basic research programme and
collaboration with AVIO. -
5Aerospace Structures
Structural modeling and analysis
- Multi-body dynamics for aerospace structures
analysis, control of flexible orbiting
structures, and rendez-vous maneouver
optimization. Basic programme research. - Green composite analysis of mechanical
properties of natural fibers and synthetic or
natural matrices. Possible applications hand
luggage vanes and seats. Alenia Aeronautics
proposal item to the European Program Clean
Sky. - Inflatable structures development of suitable
numerical methods and software for the analysis
of inflatable structure. Supported by ESA/ESTEC.
6Aerospace Structures
Multiphysics and Controls
- Aeroelastic modeling and analyses for
fixed/rotary wing and launch vehicle. Standard
analysis and reduced order modeling for
aeroelastic linear and nonlinear analysis. Basic
research programme and collaboration with AVIO. - System-Identification for aeroelasticity
experimental activities on remote controlled
small vehicles for in-flight vibration
measurements oriented to the identification
process. Basic research programme supported by
University funds. - Aero-thermo-elastic modeling for fixed wing
fully coupled model for a wing made of
functionally graded material undergoing in-flight
heat flow impact. Basic research programme. - Vibration control of large space structures.
7Aerospace Structures
Multiphysics and Controls
- Passive controls of structural and aeroelastic
vibrations using PZT. The approach tested on
actual flight model configurations. Supported by
University funds. - Active composite with embedded PZT sensors and
actuators for structure actuation and control
development of fully integrated laminated
structure with embedded sensors and actuators.
Vibration suppression by closed loop control.
Supported by ESA/ESTEC. - Active thermal protection systems the
application of the adaptive structure concept to
the variable geometry is proposed to modify the
leading edge or the nose of a space
transportation system with the aim to create a
thermal protection system capable to adapt
himself to different flight phases. Supported by
8Aerospace Structures
- Finite Element Modelling of Active
Fluid-Structure Interaction problems (AFSI-FEM)
development of algorithms for fast solution of
transient problems in non-linear regime and for
partitioned treatment of complex multiphysics
phenomena. Supported by MIUR. - Electro-active polymers numerical modelling
nonlinear electro-mechanical behavior of
dielectric elastomer actuators. Put in evidence
the preferential application of the EAP with
lightweight structures, as the inflatable ones.
Supported by ESA/ESTEC.
9Aerospace Structures
Multidisciplinary Design Analysis and Optimzation
- Concurrent engineering for aerospace systems
development of spacecraft configurations,
configuration drivers and design budgets,
sub-systems data flow. - MDO for aircraft configurations in preliminary
design an integrated structural, aerodynamic,
flight-mechanic modelling developed to optimize
conventional and unconventional aircraft
configurations. Basic research programme. - Hybrid multilevel approaches for aeroelastic
optimization of composite swept wings in
collaboration with Instituto Nacional de
Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), Universidade do Vale
do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS).
AIAA Journal, AIAA J. of Aircraft, AIAA J. of
Spacecraft and Rockets, Journal of Sounds and
Vibrations, Computers and Structures,
Aeronautical Journal, ACTA Astronautica, J. of
Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
10Teaching Activities
- Three-year degree
- Aerospace Engineering
- Two-year specialist degrees
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Astronautical Engineering
- Space Engineering
- First level Master degree
- Composites and Nanotechnologies for Aerospace
- Second level Master degrees
- Air Transport (2000-2004)
- Satellite and Orbiting Platforms
- PhD courses
- Aerospace Engineering
- Aeronautical and Space Technology